Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 614

Don't be too comfortable.

So this time, the big snake pill is helped into the roots after helping the people become the fourth-generation noodles.

His own laboratory, all kinds of equipment, there is no root laboratory, and the information is also a more affluent root.

In this way, the people directly gave him a sharp title of a council, anyway, what he wanted, and what roots provided.

However, it will not be the ninja of the wood, nor is the resident of the fire country.

It is not a large group of rain before it is also a good resource.

There are a lot of small countries around, there are also a lot of foreign evil, such as the country, such as the country of rain, which is the resources that can be utilized.

Whenever one is empty, it will also experiment with the big snake pill.

The two actually remained their most ideal models to now.

This is estimated that they have never been thought of.

Originally, the big snake pill has risen the idea of ​​the rebellion, who knows the changes in the sky in the situation.

"Dabake Pills, this time is there any progress?"

When people come to the world's deepest laboratories, they are very accustomed to replacing a white coat.

Only see the big snake pills are undergoing experiments.

When I heard the people, the big snake pill was immediately turned, and he was full of enthusiasm in his eyes, as if he saw any precious experimental materials.

Promote his tongue gently licked his lips.

Because I was experimenting in the underground for a long time, his skin looks even more profound, but the enthusiasm of your face is increasing.

The hoarse voice sounded, "Sleeks, you can't think of it, your body is hidden, but it is just the two things you said."

I heard it, and I was got.

Quickly walk to the big snake pill, picked up the report on the table, it looked up.

No, a person's power is always limited, especially in this research.

He knew that he had a few pounds. Many scientific research results were built on the research results of the big snake pills, and then adjusted after multiple attempts.

To make himself a person, it really doesn't necessarily have a clue, or that you can't find the point.

In order to continue to improve your body, integrate a lot of thousands of cells, need to have a help of Big Snake will be more smooth.

Therefore, the people give the big snake pills.

"I have a big part of my current strength because of the cells between the initial generation of thousands of hands, and the Kaibi Words of the Unecao family, and it is precisely because the two energys have reached a balance in my body. coexist."

Looking at the reel, then telling the situation in the body with the big snake pill.

He didn't hide these meaning to Big Snake Pills.

First, the current character of the big snake pill is because of his involvement, so it is not high, more or more of the truth, the essence of things, is the kind of scientist's specification, only However, this scientist is slightly crazy.

Second, because the big snake pill is not realized to help what he is.

Strength, now his strength is not weak throughout the endurance, just just to do experiments, it is enough.

Even the big snake pill in the original, more is also the pursuit of eternal life.

Before he left the wooden leaves, it had almost studied the combination of cells between the cells between the kilochemial and human cells.

It also knows this thing to restrain each other with the write-wheel eye of the Millerous Board.

But he has never used himself, even if it is an attempt.

Because his person is actually very proud, you can't see the power of the thousand hand and the power of Unecho.

Until later, when he was defeated than him a lot of Yisizhiso's kaleidoscope, how horrible is that the strength of Yuxi Bo family is.

But even if this is the most perfect acquisition method, the body of Unecheo Sasuke, rather than transplantation.

However, he gradually pursued the power of Uneclass, and finally understood his mind and gave up the pursuit of strength.

After the fourth endurance battle, because there is a support of the wood and Naruto, it is more in the scientific business.

Let the scientific strength of the wooden leaves in one fell swoop to complete the entire endurance, and even have a powerful artificial person.

Therefore, the big snake pill is not actually a person who is too pursuit of strength, especially before he has not patented the power of the thousand hand and the Sui Zhihui family.

Plus the support of the people, it has entered the kind of crazy experiment in advance.

And the people also trust the big snake pill.

If you say, from the whole wooden leaves, who is the most believed by him, that is, the big snake pill.

Because whether it is the waterpare or Ni Nai or Nara Luojing, their hearts have a scales, knowing right and wrong, knowing that it is wrong, if the people do what make them unrecognizable, then they are also Will choose to stand to the opposite side of the house.

Can be different from the big snake pill.

Just when the people were forced to fly, he can clearly feel clear that the big snake pill is really treating him like a disciple. If he chooses to defend, the big snake pill will definitely follow.

This is a feeling that I can't say, may be the feelings that have been cultivated in the experiment for a long time, or because the people are currently the only one with the big snake pills, they want to use values. Of course It is also possible to be purely because the big snake pill is his teacher.

It is a bit like a period of the fourth endurance battle, and the big snake pills have the feeling of Sasuke as the direction of their own.

He is now almost the same as the choice of the people as its own direction.

Of course, he will still give up this matter.

The big snake pill is standing next to the people, and he is interested in watching him to continue reading the contents described in the reel.

Sure enough, the big snake pills saw the surprises in the eyes of the people, and it can even be said to be shocked.

"Daba Pill, this is true?"

With the improvement of strength, the people have rarely lose their loss.

Just because he was a surprised thing that he was surprised from the experimental conclusion of the big snake.

The smile on the face of the big snake pill is more exaggerated. If you don't understand his people, you can see this smile is estimated to be scared.

"When I started this information, I was also amazed for a long time. After many times, I finally confirmed."

When it comes to this outcome of this study, the face of the big snake pill is also amazed.

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