Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaf Titan Chapter 624

Every time and the people said that Ni Ni, every time, the eyes will have a clearly feeling of maternal atmosphere.

Even, the people can also feel the envy of her to Nadi.

There are countless people in their hearts, but more less is still a bit helpless.

Water door.

The figure of the house suddenly appeared in the room.

There is a saying, the flying thunder is not completely mastered, even if the second paragraph of the flying God is still can't be used, but it is already enough to use it for two paragraphs.

His reaction speed does not have a water door, and it cannot be reacted in the move.

"You have to die! What do you learn to do? One of them, I believe that the old lady will all tie you, see what you are still tamping!"

Just as the people just appeared, he heard the voice of Nikina, and the tumbling in the tone and the words, almost had to suddenly arrived.


I saw a lot of golden diamond chains from her, and the entire room was full.

The neck of the people, immediately saw the in the corner of the room, like a wave of rickets.

No way, I walked over and stood together.

"Water gates, I haven't come for two days, how is it so irritating?" The people took low voice and said quietly.

The water door covers the mouth of the palm, so that the sound can make the sound.

"There is no way, the little guys in these two days are getting more and more, every time I have a punk to kick, she can't sleep in the evening, and it is shocked during the day.

I don't dare to use the fly thunder in my home. Are you not sending it yourself? "

I heard the words, and the people who were helped by Zhixiang, I saw that the stomach at this time is really big, I need a hand to support the waist to walk properly.

"What time is she specifically, knowing it?" The people asked again.

"Fast, thanks to the incense every day to help Ni Ni to check the health of the body and her belly, if there is no accident, after a week, it is the time for the small guys."

Although the water is contacted with the people, it is lowered.

However, the people can still see the excitement and incurredness that can't be inhibited from his eyes.

For a man, in the most important moments of life, the child is born is undoubtedly a very important time.

Therefore, the state of the water is also understanding one or two.

"You didn't tell others?"

"No, since you last remind me, I didn't tell others.

Can be used as a pregnant woman, and Nanyin is impossible to stay at home. I always have to go out and feel fresh air. If you are so big, you want to know it is also a difficult thing. "

The more you go to the later pregnancy, the more pregnant women are more, the water gates are also very helpless.

"It doesn't matter, don't tell others about the accurate production date of Ni Xin, only the words we know, the law is helpless, you and I guard, absolutely no problem." It's a little anxious in the water gates. The mood, the people comfortable.

"This is good, people may easily cause some things, only we have a few security."

The water gates think of the strength of the people, even half of the half-gods are died in his hand, and the heart is also a little relieved.

Originally, the Shenwei space is a very secure place, but the opponent that may appear this time can also enter the Qiwei space, and the people say it is helpless.

"Wave style! Where do you die?! The old lady wants to eat!"

Just when two people talked, Ni Xin Nai violent voice came from the distance.

The house and the water gate are almost consciously shrinking.

"Come! Come! Nanyin, don't be angry," The water gates smiled and ran over.

The people slowly shake their heads, "Women in pregnancy"

Chapter 287, thousands of hands [ask monthly ticket]

After eating things, Ni Xin Ni's temper gradually slowed over.

Four people sit on the sofa, the house is slightly afraid of the and the water door sitting in the opposite of Ni Ni and Fragrance.

Nice Niki actually exposed a slight look that some are not very embarrassed.

"Don't mind, you don't know why just now, you have suddenly vented, not for you."

"I know that you are targeting everyone." The heart silently spits a sentence, but the surface did not dare to have any negative representation.

The face revealed a very "true" smile, swinging the hand: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, now you are pregnant, your body is the most important, it is not the fierce, this is not something."

Sure enough, his "sincere" has won the recognition of Nixina.


"Right, do you think of a good name?"

She is known that he is estimated that the two should not change the name of the Mingzi, after all, the name of the protagonist written in the "firmness".

This book is also seen.

As an old book, it can only be said that it is not a written material.

His talent is clearly all written "intimate heaven", but it is to waste this talent. The whole day, "can't finish".

In the end, even if there is one of his three tolerance, the final sales of "firmness" is also somewhat tragic.

Fortunately, as the waves of his disciples are very liked very much on the protagonist in this book, and the character deeds against the protagonist also like it. I hope that my future children will be the same as him.

The water gate and Ni Nai have been looking at the eye. The water door smiled and grabbed the back of the brain. "Naruto, the child, no matter how men and women, the name is called people, it is the protagonist of the teacher." The name, I like him very much and Ni Ni.

So our children are called, whirlpool songs! "

Lingxiang, I looked at the water door, "said whirlpool? The surname swirl?"

She is also a whirlpool, but I have been giving myself, so others don't know that she is really identity, just like he and the people, is an ordinary person who has no name without name.

Although she said that he is a thousand hand, but so far, he has not used the idea of ​​"thousand".

I heard the problem of the fragrance, and Ni Ni's face was slightly red, but the water door smiled and grabbed the brain spoon.

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