Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 627

Gently put the reel back into place.

"Although there is more inspiration to the races of the Yishabo family, it is also a good thing.

The thousand-hand family, it's a thank you. "

After buning in the center of the monument, he turned into the midst of the monuments of many thousand hands.

However, when he just stepped out the ancestral hall of the thousand hand, his face was suddenly changed, and the small two tail was almost in the blink of an eye.

"The people, two hundred meters in the southwest direction, the other party is very strong! Very strong!" The sound and the feelings of the small two are very dignified.

It can let the people who have a tail beast, know that this sudden appearance here is not simple.

"Is space fluctuations!"

The 288th chapter must be with the wooden [seeking a monthly ticket]

Look in in the direction referred to in the class.

The kaleidoscope of the house is unconsciously rotated.

I have perceived the change in the path to the path of the jacketed in the left eye, and it is only a little gloomy.

Now, it is slightly uncontrolled by his kaleidoscope to write the eyes, just one person!

Slightly hesitating, a shadow appeared next to him, soon slowly sinking into the soil.

The body is pulling the faintly threatened at the distance.

Two hundred meters away from the blink of an eye.

Finally, in the place where the leaves are far away and some people are random, they see that this should be reasonable, but some people who are expected.

The whole body is shrouded in the black hooded vertical robe, short hair, orange with black striped single eye mask, hidden in the cuffs, two wrist locks on the ground.

Most importantly, the orange red with black striped single-eye mask, the only eye-free eye is a kaleidoscope.

More accurate statement is that there is almost the same kaleidoscope written in the left eyelid of the left eye.

The only eye-catching eye is looking at the people, especially the left eye staring at the people.

"Why is this eye on you?"

Slightly hoarse and dull sounds from the mask.

From the sound, you can hear a doubt, a very surprised, but more or the kind of never hidden enemy and hatred.

The face is looked at him, and there are fewer sorrows in my heart.

At this time, Ninno has not yet reached the real childbirth date, and he first encountered this person, then what I was worried about solved here.

The overlapping of the eyes glanced at the woods and didn't see any figure, and the heart was also loose.

That man, is finally left?

"I'm asking you

This eye, why does this kaleidoscope write a wheel eye appear on you? ! "The mask man has seen the people who did not respond, and lifted his right hand and pointed to him.

With the "" "of the chain, you can see him in the white moment in the moment.

The people will take a sigh of breath, "Yisi Bo belt"

Finally, I still said this name, this disciple of his good friend, the famous crane end.

Sure enough, as this name shouts, the pupil in the eye is unique, suddenly shrinks.

"How do you know this name?" Looked at the people.

He is a resurrected resurrection from the claman in Hell, and his heart has a lofty idea. He has already been forgotten except for all the past, and even his own name.

But I didn't expect to come to the wooden leaf, and when he looks forward to a long time, it is actually called the name directly.

"Because this eye is flagmark, the death of the companion is embarrassed."

The people pointed to their left eye, and the source of it does not shine.

"Domestic mouth! Don't mention the name of the waste in front of me!" Then he didn't finish it, he was directly screened by Tus Mas.

It is pointed to the eyes of the house to continue: "I have entrusted my most precious two things to him, but I didn't expect him that he didn't have a good guard!

This is ignored to the companion, only the name of the waste of the rules and tasks, is not eligible to appear in my ear! "

Looking at the belt that at this time, the people know that he can be convinced.

For so many years, I have lived in hatred, and there is also an influence of Yuxi Boss. The black and white will continue to influence the theory of the world, and use unlimited month to re-build a new world idea, definitely not now The people can convince.

At this moment, he can even do not hesitate to do his own teachers and teachers, so almost completely abandoned their humanity, only to knock him down, then tell him the truth, send that person to him, in order to really Conquer.

"In this case, then I represent your teacher, first bring you back." The people easily relaxed with his wrist.

At this time, Yisi Bo belt soil, through the teachings of Uzhibao spots, plus the special nature of the , is not weak.

The can be almost the existence of almost a day.

Whether it is the Shenwei Kaleidoscope, it is necessary to overcome him.

When I heard the people, Yisi Bo belt soil suddenly calm down, faint: "Since your kaleidoscope writes the eye is my other eye, then I am not your opponent."

Seeing his appearance, the people couldn't help but wrinkled, and suddenly a bad premonition was suddenly emerged.

"However, I have been to deal with you this time, I have my own goals.

And you!

The fourth generation of wooden leaves, the woody cat, the second tail column, naturally someone will become your opponent. "

The voice falls, the space around the right eye cartoon is distorted.

The people know that this is a sign of the Kwai space.

The in mind is not very good and more embarrassed.

Slow, with the spatial distortion of the Shenwei, it is still in front of the people.

When you see this people wearing a dark red fighting armor, the people's pupils are also restrained and suddenly contracted.

"Yuxi Bao!" These words were almost squeezed from his mouth.

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