Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 639

A inexplicable aroma came, and the people were gently swallowed, and the mouth biting the mouth biting on the white arm.

In an instant, the rich pure Chakra poured into the body with his mouth.

In the body of the people, I fill Chakra again, and the whole body's breath is also recovering quickly.


Lingxiang bite the lips and rubs his face and gently squat.

She also feels the passage of Chakra in her body, as well as the temperature of the wet mouth.

On the side of the water door, I looked at this scene. He still knew that the inquiry actually had this ability.

What is the ability?

One minute, two minutes ...

The body of Liangxiang began to become weak, and the original ruddy face seems to be a little pale.

Finally, when she is about to persist, she released her mouth.

Although the people at this moment seem to be weak, but it is much better than just it.

Holding the fragrance to gently put her on the ground, and the people apologize, "Sorry, because things to do need too much Chakra, so I can only temporarily wrote you."

Wen Yan, the spirit of the spirit lying on the ground slowly shakes the head, "His people, save Yu Ni, ..."

His people nodded, gave him a reliable look, "Don't worry, I will."

Then, the turning should look slightly slightly slightly slightly no reaction to the water gate: "Water gates, they will give you, this time, you must be guarded, I will come back soon."

Looking at the back of the people, nodding the water.

"This time, I will never let people hurt them, let people, please ..."

At this time, the people hit all the hope of the water.

Before I came to the nine tail, I looked at it in a crazy struggle, I feel a slightly sound of the Ming Gong's red bird home, and some people have a bit movement.

This is the seal of the tits, although he said that he is definitely no killer, and there is no ten tail.

"It's almost! It's not over, nine lamas ?!"

If you don't want to drink, you don't want to drink, but in the ear of the nine, it is so vibrating.

Its eyes gradually recover, and the people who have said that they have said that they have said to the seal space that came into Netherdina.

I thought it was just a man in a manager.

After all, Yu Zhihu is also present, but the person of the person who appears today is absolutely will not feel wrong, even if he is psychic, his feelings will not be wrong, then only Yuxi Bottle can Do it.

As a nine tail, it is not afraid of the sky, but it is impossible to resist the Unexpell spot that can be suppressed.

Seeing the nine-tailed eyes gradually returned to normal, although violent atmospheres have a lot of breath, there is still a horror breath that has no consciousness.

It is only half a nine tail here, and the half is only exhausted in the pit.

But the people did not prepare these two to occupy the nine tail of Chakra, respectively.

Because of the current situation ...

He needs the force of the nine tail.

"Since you wake up, then you should clear who is faced.

I need your strength now, I believe you will not refuse. "

Said, the face of the house once again turned out the red ripple, left the left hand to hold the right hand, in the middle of the right hand, write a "seat" word.

"Just temporarily engage you."

"Wooden ghost, what do you want to do ?! Old husband can be nine tails, not your own toys, not recruited, come out ..."

"Sorry, if you have a chance, restore your freedom, now you need your strength.

The fairyland is full of fun! "

Immediately, the word "of the right hand palm is flashing, from the ground, originally chained the nine-tailed red bird, and the" seat "of the house, growing a lot of wood, Wrap the nine tail directly.

"Wooden Ghost !!!" Jiuji roaring.

But no matter how hard it works, it is not the opponent of the people, because the wood in the fairy is, it is the true gratitude of their tail beast. No matter how they broke out Chakra, they will don't have these Xianke Wood. All absorbed.

The more you have, the stronger the power of these woods.

The nine-tailed eyes, the red birds of the Ming Shenmen have been completely dissipated, but it is still not free to act, and it is not as good as just now.

I saw that the four paws were madly arrived on the ground, but they were uncontrolled by the people, and they were pulped out of the past, plowing the four deep gully on the ground.

Drag to half, the nine-tailed physicalized body slowly became virtual, and finally turned into a large size of the slap, and was directly incomited to the hand.

Nine tails, successfully captured!

"Gossip Seal!" The people drink again.

Originally, the restraint of the wood, it is no need to add a seal and stress, but for safety and stabilizing, the people still add a gossip seal that is enough to seal all the tail beasts.

The "seat" word in the center of the palm disappears.

But on his back, it extends to the half cut arm, and the ripple of gossip seal is on it, and in the central circle of the seal, a "nine" word is on it.

At this point, half of the nine, seal the people on their arm.

And in the case of woodworm supplement, a "gossip seal" is also added, even if it is the nine tail, there is no resistance to the resistance at this moment.

The people became the first part of the entire endurance to seal two tail beasts.

This is also no way, even if there is a flavor to help him restore Chakra, his total quantity of Chakra is still too horrible, even if it is completely sucking, it may not be able to add half of Chakra, which can be connected. The thing he wants to do is too much consumption Chakra.

There is not enough Chakra volume, and the next thing cannot be done.

Moreover, now Ni Ni wants to continue the life, it is more needed to see Chakra, which needs to have a lot of Chakra.

No, there is nothing is more suitable than the nine tail, which is a source of Chakra, even if it is just half of the tail, is also a Chakra Sea.

Close your eyes, the psychotes appear in the seal space where the nine tail is located.

Compared to the seal space in the second tail, it is much more perfect, and the degree of imprisonment is much higher.

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