Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 642

The finger of the killer cells was taken as a knife.


In the coma, Nona in the coma sounded, ten fingers, the pain of the break, still let him not help but send a sultry.

The finger falls on the ground and rapidly changes, and the growth has become a big tree.

"A girl, if there is no finger, it is not a good thing." His people muttered.

"Create a regeneration!"

The disappeared finger quickly recovered with the speed visible visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the breath has restored the calm Ni Ni, the people show a satisfactory smile, and the long spit out of a breath.

Next to the incense and the water gate saw this scene, but I couldn't help but live a breath, and a butt was sitting on the ground.

I can't help but move again in my eyes, grabbed the child's hand, watching the child who is sleeping in her arms, and finally don't listen to the ground, "Great ... too good." "

The eyes of the water doors are also red. He just hugged the idea that he had to leave with Ni Ni.

"Water door, have you crying your nose?"

Just when all people are moved, the words of the people seem to be a little less suitable.

When I heard the people, the water gates were tears, gently smashed the nose, laughing out, "I didn't.

But ... people, thank you. "

"What do I do? I am in order to Nadi, and I have my lovely little nephew, but I don't want you, you don't have a self-satisfaction." The people reached out and gently hammered the hammer shoulder.

It is only one that the future Naruto is probably not nine tails this originally a maximum plug-in.

If you let him know, I don't know if I have a complaint about him?

I thought here, I couldn't help but shook my head.

But soon, he found that there is not much right, because the octopus and the fantasy expressions are a bit weird.

"How ... What happened?"

Lingxiang also stopped crying, she was very happy, so she was stopped or controlled.

"Hey, how can you determine whether it is a nephew? Beware, people of people, people, cute little girls ..." Liangxiang smiled and looked at the mouth, and he guess the mistake.

I heard the words, and the people showed the nausea.

"What ?! Is it a girl ?!" I can't help but surprised the sound, the surprise in the words is really concealed.

The water gates gently patted the shoulders of the people, "His people, don't do this, we can't be affected by old ideas, whether it is a girl or a boy, we have to face the same attitude. "

Just, what is the meaning of the water door is not good.

The prince in his brain, the use of color to defeat a series of strong people, the one has always been to endure the princes, actually ... actually become a girl?

Even if he becomes a measis from celebrities, it can be accepted, but this becomes a girl ...

In the future, I still use the forward "color induction" to deal with the big cylinder.

Think about it or take this idea from the brain.

Since there is hershaw, the parents of the Naruto, the windshield, the vortex, Ni Ni, then, then, it is a big thing, and will not let her face it.

"Girl is good, I prefer girls, just have never thought of it." The people will cough and hide their embarrassment.

The Naruto is a boy or a girl. It is not important to the water gate, it is not important, but the impact is a bit bigger to the people.

This shows that everything in this world is basically different from the Ninja World in his memory.

Development will also be different.

The advantage of his prophet is gone.

Fortunately, he has rely with the advantages of the original prophet, so that he has a strong strength.

Such strength allows him to face any situation.

"Don't say this, we still have a lot of things to do, you take them first, this time no matter what you send, don't leave them.

Lingxiang, you have to trouble, take care of you. Her body losses are too serious, and the next time you need to make up.

Also ... don't cover your ... "

Said, referring to your hair.

I heard the words, the spirit is awkward, and I will neither my head.

Just in order to restore Chakra has exposed her ability, then there is no better to cover up.

If you are a lot of shadows, even if you have exposed the ability of the fragrant in the future, no one can force her to do things that you are unwilling.

The water gate has experienced almost equal to the pain of the mud, of course, will not fall lightly.

This person in this appearance is obviously able to use time and space to ninjone, and it seems to be very understanding of his flying thunder, this is what the water is not thought.

It is also the main reason why Nanyini and Liangxiang are dangerous.

"I am gone first, the ninjas of the wood leaves, but I still wait for my fourth generation of fire shadows to save them."

In the laughter, the figure of the people disappeared.

Come back to the center of the wooden leaf again.

Because the tail of the nine tail, the leaves of the leaves have become somewhat broken, all of which are broken walls.

In the broken houses and streets, there is a group of ninjas that are affected by different degrees of injuries being concentrated in a place.

The entire medical system of the wooden leaves runs up, and one of the medical ninja is treated here.

The figure of the house is here.

"She is coming, you are finally here."

Seeing him back, I also appeared in him.

"How is the loss of the three generations of uncle, the loss of wood leaves?"

Looking at this one wounded, the goddess is dignified.

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