Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 650

However, the land area of ​​the construction is not small.

From the gate to the internal building group, let the people got for five minutes.

When he came to the highest building, the current mother's current home owner took the day to the day and the day, the two people were already waiting for him at the gate.

"Hahaha ... The big people suddenly arrived, but let us have a great honor!" The day, I watched it.

He used to look at the potential of the people, and he had thrown the olive branch very early.

I just didn't even care about how he saw it. The people will become the fourth generation of rigid shadows today, and they also have such a powerful strength.

A few days ago, the battle between the people and Yizhibo spots, although he did not see it, he can be white-eyed, he can say that it is better than most people.

Especially the last collision, the top of the truth, the top of the Buddha, the day, dare to guarantee, that, his gossip returns to the day, it will definitely can't stop.

It is estimated that it will be rampant by a slap.

So in the face of the present, this old man is respectful from the heart.

"I wanted to come to the day of the two major giants of the wooden leaves, I have no chance, I have a little time today, I hope I will not be trouble." The people returned.

I heard him say two big giants, the day, the old man's face was slightly stiff, but it quickly recovered the original.

When the people and the water gates compete, they didn't see anything more than the day, plus the contradiction between the group, and the contradiction of the people was almost placed in a well, the day is more It is impossible to stand directly to the side of the house.

The Yuxi Bo is there is no such concern.

Therefore, Yu Zhibo Fuyue represents Yuxi Bo Dechang Station team, and he is strong.

The final people solved the group with Thunder, and the trend was forced to fly the next day, and finally became the fourth generation of rigid, this speed is fast, and it does not give the day how much reaction time will be given to the day.

Don't say that it is in the snow, and they can not be done in the fancy.

As the first UXIBI, supporting the people, there are few more and more of all aspects to support the support.

I have to catch up with Yuxi Bo, become the two major giants who have tried to drive together, but once again let the Yishabo family will be behind them.

So when he heard the word "two big giants" from the population, it will still feel a bit embarrassed.

His expression is also seen in the eyes, but he doesn't care.

"Do we have to stand here?"

"It's rude, please in the four generations."

Said, a group of people went in.

The day, a family, is a very pleasing tribute family, so they usually wear a traditional costumes in the day, a loose dress outside white lining.

Such apparel can make the Japanese people to show their day to soft.

But don't look at the day, the building outside the family is very magnificent, but in fact, the internal decoration is still very simple.

Several people landed.

Because of tradition, this landing is also very particular.

The people are not their day to the family, there is no such rule, where to sit.

"I don't know if the four generations suddenly visit. Is there anything? If it is our day to help, never resignate!" The day will open the mouth and grab the words.

Since the other party is so straightforward, the people must not be bent with him, he can waste it for so much time.

"A few days ago, the leaves had such a big thing, and each family's loss is not small. As a nig shadow, of course, I hope to better understand the losses of each family, so that there is enough basis to allocate the future Leaf resources, right?

After all, pay and harvest is always proportional, can't let someone who pays a lot of costs, but I can only get the one bit of compensation. At the time, I said to my hometown?

I look at the day to the wooden giants, and there is a prosperous life. This loss is estimated that it is not in a small number, so I'm trying to ask. "

At this time, the face hangs a very friendly smile, but the smile on the face of the hometown is stiff.

Seeing him at this time, the people are clear from the heart.

Don't look at him at the time, but because of your concern, he also looked at the eyes.

He clearly remembers, but the distance is not far from a family, just a few people soy sauce next to it.

It is not to say how many days have to be sent to the family to send death, but at the time, the day of the family is not far from the nine tail, but they just keep their families, destroy others for the nine tails. The place is indifferent.

This is what he can't endure.

It is also because of this, so after the uniform is in the end of the uniform, the day will be remembered.

However, taking into account that at the time, he could not get any benefits, so we decided to wait until the end of the matter, personally visited.

At the moment, I finally understood what the goal of the house was for what.

The stiff face is barely reveals a grunge smile.

This is a sin.

The next day, the daily day and the daily poor, and I saw the concerns of the opponent's eyes.

They were also present at the time, and they also wanted to help, but because their father stopped.

In his opinion, dealing with nine-tailed horrible tail beasts, the day to the family's soft ways do not play a great role, and it is better to protect the family and the family.

This is no mistake to the day, but it is a bit less right for the wooden leaves.

"The four generations of adults, saying, because the old man's selfish and wrong decision, let us have no distinction between the family, causing the loss of the leaves to be more serious.

All this is the fault of the old man, I hope that Naruto is not mind.

When this time ended, I will immediately remove the position of the owner of the family, let my son's day to take a sufficient sufficient, to punish my misplacement decision. "

"Father!" The day is at the same time and the day is at the same time.

But it was blocked by the old home.

I heard the words, and the eyes were in the eyes.

He didn't think that this day, the old home of this day would actually be as decisive, and to remove it in his own time to punish the prite to the nationality.

However, he came this time, it was not to blame the day, no matter how it said, they also donated a lot of money for the wood.

"The old man is heavy, and the successful successor is replaced, and our wooden leaves are not inserted.

However, the darkness of the wood leaf is about to be expanded. The day, the white eyes of the family can play a lot of use during the task. I don't know, the old man thinks if your day is a major responsibility? "

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