Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 659

The six-tailed rhinoceros, one body is very large, and there are six milky white tails.

And the cheap sister, a hand of the hand, from the three major holy land wet bone forest.

However, from the true body, this six-tail rhinoceros, and the wet bone forest is compared, still some gaps.

It is only one tenth of the full body of the immortal.

This is still the first time in the end of the beast, it is not as good as other organisms. .

With the entry of the people, the six-tailed rhelwood that was sealed in this space was also finally launched in front of him.

Several qualities chains will be wrapped in a layer of mucus on the body, and it seems slightly slightly not so acceptable.

It is also awkward, this six-tailed rhinoceros appear, but it is more difficult to see more than humid bones.

"Who are you ?! How can I appear here ?!"

Sixth, see the people, low drink.

Because it is a seal space, it is a will show, plus the people did not deliberately concealed, so he was presented in front of the six tail.

"I? I don't seem to be important, but you have two good friends who want to communicate with you."

Said, from the people, I came out of the two, like the huge figure.

Dozens of tails are moving behind them.

It is the nine-tail nine lama and the second tail.

The nine tails plus two tails, a total of eleven, a little difference is twice the six tail of the six tail.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, slipping and falling."

The sound of the nine tail is full of play, slowly walking from the shadow, revealing the body.

"Rhite, I haven't seen you for a long time ..."

The second end and elegant steps are still slow, standing on the other side of the people.

"Fox? Cat? How can you appear here ?! Isn't it ... That is the sea of ​​the foam? How did you come in?"

Seeing the nine tail and second tail, the six-tailed eyes were shocked.

"How can you follow this human ..."

Next, he suddenly felt that the scarlet eyes of the people were so attractive, and the attention of the eyes was attracted by the kaleidoscope.

Control a tail beast is written to the kaleidoscope, it is not simple, it can control a tail beast that is almost no more resistant to resist, or is very simple.

Soon, the eyes of the six-tailed rhinoceros have a flower, and the eyes of the eyes are also a shadow that emerges from a kaleidoscope.

The whole body and expression are so stiff in the same place, and the raised tail is slow.

It became very quiet at once.

The nine tails standing next to the people, no matter what to say, every time I look at the people's kaleidoscope, I will think of myself is not very good.

I think of his wooden and strength, and the heart is still a dead.

The strength of the people is really very strong in it, whether it is wood, or a kaleidoscope writes the eyes, makes their tail beast don't have much resistance.

Looking at the eyes of the six-tail rhinocell will soon be hidden by mercy, and it is good to have self-consciousness.

It would not agree with the proposal of the people at the time, don't say that it has an independent action ability. I am afraid that I will have the same control of the body.

"You want to watch it, wait any more, but there is still a weak opponent."

The voice is falling, the figure of the people disappears in the seal space.

The remaining nine-tailed and second ends, the two tail beasts appeared at the same time, and slowly near the six-tailed rhinoceros.

Because it is in a conscious space, the time passes and exterior are completely different. After all, the consciousness is just a few ideas, very fast.

The sight of the house returns to the real world and looks to the four generations of water shadows.

Although he still appearance at this time, it is a look of Sasaki, but his eyes have changed back to his original appearance.

HKA eyes, "write the eyes ?!"

The people loudly, "I haven't added it for a long time, oranges."

I didn't react with him, and the people moved to Chakra in their own body to the ultimate, with the rotation of the kaleidoscope, and a feeling of excessive pupil sprayed.


The orange is surprised in the heart, he reacted, because it was too surprised, so I couldn't help but stare at the eyes and saw a short time.

It's just that the time he reacts back is still slower, he is aware of writing.

But he has been in the fog hunger, there is still nothing to have a written eye, and the ability to write the eyes of the Yishabo family is just a hearing.

Don't say that the kaleidoscope is written.

To see the attitude of writing the eyes, it will face the kaleidoscope to write the eyes, and it is really normal.

Even if he is not in the hands of the people today, he will also take a loss on the kaleidoscope of Yisi Bo.


It is the ability to use ordinary use, but it is skilled in the ability to master the amount.

After all, in several cute disciples, there are two very like illusion, and even one is still a dinner.

The illusion created by the kaleidoscope is not the same as ordinary illusion is so easy to break free.

"You ... a special write-eyed eye, isn't you a wooden cute, the fourth generation of the wooden leaves ?!" The orange is shocked to look at the people.

Although he was completely disabled at this time, he bundled on a cross.

The people stand in front of him, faint: "Magic shackles!"

Said, lifting the hand gently, a spike-cut spikes cut into the shoulders of the orange. The tangerine shoulder, tangled on the wooden cross with face.


The orange is sang, and such pain is like the real feeling, the cold sweat is secreted from his forehead.

"There is also a nine hundred and ninety-nine wood wedges, are you ready? Is the oranges?"

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