Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 680

They haven't found a troubles that they have not been to find causing, but these cassures are looking for them.

This bit is absolutely can't bear it.

In fact, both parties are not pleasing to each other.

Yun Yincun Village felt suddenly betrayed that there were even behind behind them, leading to the third generation of Lei Ying, who was in the peak period, which is a great hatred.

Rocky Village felt that this endurance battle they were involved in the teachings of the clouds, and they would take their hands on the wooden leaves, otherwise they took the first goal of rocky village with the results of the second endurance. It is definitely a cloud, it is not used to stand for so long, but I can't open it for a long time, leading to an internal financial crisis.

Moreover, Yun Yin Village is just a three-generation Lei Ying, but they can also lose thousand ninja, which is not a loss that can afford it in any hidden village.

Therefore, the two hidden villages are not pleasing to each other and normal.

It is not pleasing to each other to see each other, sitting in the most first-top, is not what you want to persuade.

It is best to play a half-dead in Yunyin Village and Yun Yin Village.

Not just him, Luo sand on the side is just a scene pretending to look at the scene, and does not participate in their debate.

However, the loess and soothing are not a fool, which will not do the things of the fishing, otherwise Yunyin Village has already attacked the earth.

It feels almost the same, the two are suitable.

There is no too much thing, you can see it.

The final result is that nearly half of the Chinese tolerance exam, from the midth of the major hidden villages, it is eliminated, the remaining people will enter the death forest under the command of the wood rubber, in order to enter the death forest, The second phase of the assessment.

Everyone in the conference room can also be scattered. Next, we must wait for the meeting after the endurance test is completely completed.

However, when everyone chooses to get up, Luo Sand and Masaki are not moving in place.

If you look at Luo Sand, you will understand what he meant. Let Luojing and the water gate leave, and you will sit in the position.

Others have also understood the meaning of Luo Same, and their respective ideas are left by each other.

After all people left, the people gave the deer and the water gardens, and the two were hesitant, and they left the meeting room.

At the same time, Luo Same also waved Maski.

Ma Ji did not hesitate to go out of the conference room, and close the door of the meeting room directly, and finally there were only two people left.

As everyone leaves, the air in the conference room has become slightly stagnant.

Luo sand does not open, the people will not open.

It's just that people are interested, even slightly looked at Luo Sand, but there is no dare to look at it.

His kaleidoscope wrote the power of the eyes, which has made him more than once.

Finally, after a long time, Luo Same finally did not endure, and took the lead.

"When you promise me, when is it cashed?" Luo Sand silence.

The eyebrows are picking up, "I promise you? Isn't it already done? You can now be expensive as the fourth-generation style of Sandy Village, the right to speak in Saha Yin Village, but it is not weak. What is the third generation of a text?

You don't deny that there is a credit for our wooden leaves. "

"You know what I said is not this." Luo's tone is slightly eased.

Because he had to admit that he can successfully become the fourth generation of Shadow of Sandy Village, and the support of wood, is indeed a big relationship.

However, on the battlefield, he promised that the most important thing, but he didn't help him be a manual.

Just become a shape, with his own ability, although it will trouble, but the chance of success is still high.

"Oh - what are you talking about with the tail of your sandy village?" The people were very exaggerated "Oh", indicating that they were suddenly thinking.

Looking at him, Luo Sa's face is not very nice.

"Do you have a column of column? Is it necessary to control the tail beast? He is already so big."

"After the end of the last war, I thought that the people were blessed because the body took too much pressure, so they just returned to the sandy village, and even the crane was once again turned away."

"Well? Is the blessing and still?"

This is to make the people feel some unexpected.

In his opinion, although blessings did not completely control it, he was completely controlled, but his thoughts, his concepts, or gave it a small impact on the crane, gave it a lot of changes.

"Then the current tail column is ..."

Looking at the mature face of Luo Sand, then calculate the time, suddenly discovered, it seems that I should be born.

The wife of Luo Sand, adding to the Holder, should also be dead.

This is a pity, you will die young and gently.

"It's my third child, I love Luo!"

Fortunately, there is no look at the eyes of the people, otherwise he will be angry with the eyes of the people at this time.

Gently rubbed downat.

"You really start with your son, Luo Sand." The people rarely converge their own smile.

He also as a column force, the most clearly, but the invisible of the tail will give the artificial impact.

This impact may not be intentional, but this is not controlled by the end of the beast.

Let a person who have just born baby will bear this effect, and it is obviously not a good thing.

Coupled with sandy village is not ideal, the guards are more special in all tail beasts, and the pressure and more affected by people needed.

It is really bitter my love.

Luo Saha is a thoughtful old man, he believes that the most powerful power of a person is hatred.

So he won't give me any father's love, he will give it, it is to cultivate my love of hatred.

In fact, I feel the original, I love to be a miserable person than the prince.

"Since it is my son, then I have to take the corresponding responsibility. This is the cost I have given him a certain growth basis and the environment. Wait until he grows up, I will understand my hard work."

The people didn't have a good look at him.

When you let me love a column, I didn't ask him, I have a little one to grow up, do you ask him what is thought?

"Speaking, what do you want?"

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