Konoha Cat Keeper

Wooden Rotating Cat Chapter 687

At this point, the entire huge arena has become a place that is almost equal to completely closed, and if you want to go out, in addition to the consent of the people, there is only a forgive damage.

"Wooden rigs, what do you mean?" Seeing this scene, the head of Yunyin Village is finally can't help.

He is one of the places in everyone, the pressure is the largest.

Not only because of the pressure on his people, but more in Yun Yincun Village at this time, there is only a troops and wooden ninja army on the battlefield. If you are alone It is not impossible to shoot them.

It's just a cold and glanced at him, and he is too lazy to answer him.

The sound is slowly opened, and the sound is spread all over the audience. "There are some special circumstances in the wood, so you will continue to stay in this competition.

Rest assured, this arena is safe enough, all the rushing ninja and civilians of the leaves are temporarily waiting here.

Don't blame me, I don't remind you, because there is some things I don't want to see during this moment.


There is any person, not in my consent, leave it without authorization, just as the enemy of the wooden leaves, it will kill in the ground!

The ninjas of the wooden leaves, heard no! "


The resounding response resounded throughout the arena.

As the fourth-generation fire, his reputation can be said to have reached the peak of the wood, as long as he is his order, the leaves will not hesitate.

This is, when he fights in the face of the woods, it is exchanged.

The ordinary residents who were also prepared to leave, and immediately returned to their position very well, and sat safely.

At the same time, their eyes are placed directly on the ninja of the village, as long as they dare to be dynamic, they will be reported to the house in the first time.

Subsequently, at the top of the standing station, one by one opened, the wooden leaflets and the end of the wood, and after they left, the Ninja wearing dark mask came in.

At the top of the standing station, the hands are placed behind, and stand silently in the same place.

All the secrets of the secret will surround the entire arena, they will be responsible for the security here.

After doing this, I have passed a little time, and the quality of the wood rubber is still very high.

The people said to the waves behind the body: "Water gates, trouble you."

I nodded in the water, put your palm on his shoulders, and the two disappeared directly.

After leaving, there is no interval between Luo Sand and the sikika.

Luo Sand held the wind shadow on the head, couldn't help but move slightly, and looked at the sikiwang, still a frod orange, and could not help but

Feeling the sight of Luo Same, the orange is also turned to him, and the eyes of the two are interacting in the air.

I don't know why, I don't know why, my heart is gentle, because he feels the deepest place in the bottom of the orange, like ... there is no emotional fluctuation.

Just don't know if it is an illusion, or because of his heart, it is not much wave.

I saw that the orange saga is slight smile, "the wind is adult, since the wooden leaves have such a big thing, I think we still don't act."

Luo Same is also politely nod, "said the ginema."

In this way, at this time, the most identity is the highest, and the tacit will not move.

Since they have not moved, then as their subordinates, they will definitely do not move.

Although they feel very uncomfortable under so many wooden residents and ninja, they are so uncomfortable, they are still not daring.

When I was sitting below, I looked up with the oranges on the rear high platform and I got the correct response of the orange savist. After the beauty of the beauty, I was still in the position.

Look at the love of the look, like the beauty, "I don't know what the leaves are crazy, or the explosion is there any enemies to attack?"

As a wood, the direction of the camouflage, the thinking direction and the thinking ability is the same, and he also saw that the Sichuan is not under the group, and also thought about the descendants of the moon. Best.

"It should be what happened, otherwise the powerful wooden flanks will not express such a serious expression, and even all of us all."

"Um ..." nodded by the beauty.

the other side.

With the flying thunder of the water, the people appeared accurately in the day of the day to the gate of the family.

Listening to the continuous small explosion in the interior, and a member of the day in the battle.

And fighting with them, when you just disappear, there was no "person" that didn't have Chakra's breath around him.

Almost all of the "people", all are tightly wrapped around the bandage, can't see their eyes, even can't see their facial features, as if this head is like a layout.

"Doesn't Chakra fluctuations? And almost exactly the same? Is this ... ?"

The water gate saw these "people" that were fighting to furnrate to family members, got out their identity.

Then, he put forward doubts. "Is this Israel Yin Village did? But ... Even if it is a jealous, there should be a Chakra wire to exist, there is no Chakra wire, what is it fighting?"

How to say that the water gates are also active in the battlefield of the rain, even if he uses a thousand generations of people who use the masters of the masters, they are still surprised from these .

"Not Saha Yin Village."

The rehearsal, squinting, continuing to say: "It is no wonder that you can enter the wooden leaves without discovery, there is no fluctuation of Chakra fluctuating, but is controlled by a special energy, these is really special "

At this moment, he is almost really determined. This matter is what is doing things on the big wooden family of the moon.

"Water door, determine who the enemy is.

These will be destroyed, truly manipulate them behind the scenes, is the Sichuan that came from Chuanyin Village, his goal is probably ... "

"When is it for white eyes? I understand!"

Said, the water door disappears in the original place. When there is an appearance, it is in a puppet, a spiral pill in his hand, no hesitation, a puppet direct burst, the machinery and gears, All fall.

Then, it is a yellow flash, and it will not see the figure of the waves of the waves, and they will see a snoring.

This is the destructive force of the yellow flash, as long as it is not those who have similar to him, in the face of this speed, there is almost all the spikes.

These don't want to say, it is not his opponent.

Along with these embarrassments, the people are also moving, but his goal is not these , but directly towards the current center of the family, and the day to the guests of the guests.

The other party's goal is the white eye of the members, so it is sure there.

On the way, I saw a lot of fun fighting to the family, and the results were accidentally hit by the yellow light ball released by this , directly died.

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