Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 696

Directly looked at his house.

The tornado is fierce, and the high-speed rotating tornado allows the body of the house to rotate uncontrolled.

However, his brow is slightly wrinkled, and the five seek jade rotated around him, so that he can ignore such a wind and keep confident.

For a long time, this tornado stops.

But the brow, the brow, is not loose?

"That's it?"

It does not cover up he can't afford to this so-called "silver wheel."

Although a good person who uses this technique should be because the transfusion eyes have not been completely transformed. When using it, if you use nine, you may be more powerful.

Just, this is destructive, it seems that it is still unable to let people satisfy this.

I heard the people say this, the co-tone of Mukko is almost in the past.

Such power and destructive power are only the strength of the people, with the face of the jade, can not have pressure, you will change it, see it, you will not give you blowing.

However, fundamentally, this silver wheel is indeed indeed the strongest attack ability.

Even if it is really destructive, it can break the moon.

Deep breathing, the co-tube is a bit bite, and the face gradually increases. The whole body's Chakra runs into a few, hard and students from him, once again take a look.

Three seeks jade!

This is at this stage, and the number of cousins ​​can use, the maximum number of jade is also what he can explode, the strongest attack!

The eyes are dead and dead, and the heart is killed.

"Be careful, if you die, this is not blame me!" The co-tone is a reminder of his last "good".

He is still worried that the people will not be in the face of the attack power because of his increase in jade this time.

In his opinion, if this is still so arrogant, he hardly, he can kill him.

Three of the hands in the hands were wrapped again by green Chakra.

And in the process of rotation, the three seeking jade, actually slowly floating a yellow.

Then, with that a golden halo as a sword, combining three green, jade, a huge yellow Chakra scream sword.

"Golden wheel is blown up!"

This is erected with the light sword, and directly passes through a portion of the cloud, and the bottom is straight.

Seeing this golden sword, the eyes are bright, he felt a threat from this sword.

This is like a point.

Even if the other's eyes are not completely completed, even if the other party's kind of jade does not reach the extreme, the true power of the reincarnation can also be displayed.

Vertical falling, looks like this yellow long sword of the sword, it seems to open the entire sky.

One of the hands, two black, jade falls into his hand, and it seems like two black appearances like an iron rod.

Tight in hand, cross the head, while encouraging a large number of raging Xianca Chakra, while the other three seek jade, and directly cultivated as a black egg shell, and the people wrapped up. .

The two hands holding the golden swords of the golden sword, and once again shouted the second disease patients should shout out.

"West, die!"

A simple sword track is straight to the place where the people is located, and the crisp sound of a metal is issued.


The egg shell consisting of Jade, after a period of time, a large number of Chakra, crushing.

Then, the golden sword is welcoming this golden sword is the two black metal bars in the hand, and the savings to the ultimate Xianke Chakra.

Hey! ! !

In the shocking eyes of the co-cylinder, the golden long sword in his hand makes a piece of fragment, then these golden pieces, once again turned into a point of powder.

The extremely bullied sword gold wagon has been blown up, and the hard studies have not rely on any sick to stop.

The co-wood greenery looked at the people, even because of the excessive consumption, his reincarnation of Kra Modes did not be noticed.

Gently wave your hands, release the black metal rod in your hand, let it return to a round ball, hovering around yourself.

Looking at the stunned coach, some people nodded with satisfaction.

"This number is not bad, condenses the repulsiveness of the revivement, combined with the strength of the jade, gather together, is indeed a quite powerful.

There is only this kind of surgery, it can be equipped with this name. "

Soon, he revealed a regret, "Unfortunately, your reincarnation, life is still not completed, even if it is barely to show this kind of surgery, it may not be as good as the true reincarnation of the owner's big torch One.

Pity. "

It's a pity that it is a bit that it feels like a reincarnation that has not been completely changed.

But in fact, if it is really waiting until the transfusion eye is completed, evolving to the final stage, even if it is impossible to reach the power of the big torum village, it is not the current people to assume such an attack.

The co-tube is almost exhausted by most of the Chakra to show this "golden wheel to blow explosion", even even if you are inherently incompletely reincarnated, Clara modes cannot be maintained.

Holding the heart of killing, the result is the way of being able to resist it.

Looking at this time, a pity, if the coach Mukko knows the Unexpected Boss, it will definitely feel that the feelings of the people are exactly the same as the look of the Yuxi.

When Yishibo spheres were looking for the fight, this is the expression. It is very eager to have a stronger force. It is best to make a powerful power, and then a good battle.

At this time, the people are also such a look, very eager to show the true power of the revivement of the eye, it is best to really fight against his turn, show the advantage of the revivement of the eye, Let him learn more about the power of the revivement.

This way he can make a better decision.

However, Yuxi Bao is fortunate, because the last people have burst out the power of him, let him die without regret.

And the people are unfortunate, no matter how he rushed, it can only force it, the transformation of the revivement is slow, and it may even be due to the not purely pure-pure-wood Chakra, which is not enough, may also be from the day. The white eyes of the old home are not pure enough.

In short, no matter what, it is impossible to complete the transformation in a short time.

This makes him desire to satisfy, and it is very uncomfortable.

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