Konoha Cat Keeper

Woody Cat Chapter 698

The housekeepers have completely lost their consciousness, watching the huge two tails of a slight wolf, and the people laughed.

"Big beautiful, it is rare to be active, how can you so wolf?"

The second end didn't have a good breath, nor to talk, just "" ", the speed is small, and one is drilled into the body.

"This guy, also sent a small temper"

The people are slow, no matter what he.

The expression is slightly changed, and the figure is flashed. With the fastest speed, I can see all the scenes that I have just fighting from here.

"It's you, it seems that I have to spend some time, I will give you out, otherwise it will be troublesome."

I looked at some loose soil, and the people didn't stay again, and rushed toward the leaves.

Anyway, now there is a large group of people being closed by him.

After he left, in the distance of the wood, he carefully explored a half-black head. Feeling the breath of the people who had completely disappeared in the air, and the long spit out of a breath.

"This is too horrible. Is it so horrible? Is the fourth generation of this wooden leaves so horrible? We just have been so easy to be blinded so easily?" Speaking is white.

The black eyes looked at the traces left behind, they were left behind, and they had some vibration in their hearts.

"The two of them have been used to seek jade, then the strong sword fails to kill him, but it was successfully resolved by him.

Today, his strength is no longer able to provoke. If you do anyway, you must avoid him, otherwise we will be left "," Black Some heart is awkward, they will be left behind.

"Just now, his eyes are rounded back to the eye? Is it going back to the eye?" White continued his doubts.

It is said that the reincarnation, the black heart is not angry, "Yes, but also one of the two rounds that belong to the long door.

This is really harmful. If you have achieved the power of Silver Wanong, combined with the power of the back of the round, he has already had six cactors!

I didn't expect the original little guy who would actually become our biggest in this fast growth.

Belt soil is not his opponent, only the spot can deal with him! "

"But is it to plan?"

"You must be in advance, if you wait a few years, I am afraid he will grow to a kind of existence we can't compete, it will not necessarily suppress him even if it is," the black heart already has decisive, no matter how It is also necessary to allow plan to speed up.

Otherwise, he will wait for the planning and waiting for the Millennium Millennium.

"Oh, I am getting excited, so that the uneasiness plan will make people blindly boil, it is black, I have blood?"

For this kind of idiot, he is not willing to pay attention to it.

"Go back and tell to bring soil, let him prepare, plan to start!"

Chapter 366

Back to the wooden leaves, the people will directly close this co-cylindrical wood to the bottom of the roots, and block them with wood, which is both energy to transfer Chakra.

The transformation of the translusive eye is not disappeared because Chakra is exhausted.

Then, come to the arena, put those who have been blocked by him all.

For this behavior of the people, although these ninjas from the outside village have a complaint in their hearts, but they are dare to argance.

Can only be honest to go back to the hotel is not allowed to leave, accept the monitoring and unified management of the dark.

This time, the wooden leaves will be organically multiplied by this large catective from the moon because of these foreign villages.

If you have an absolute strength that can compress this translocation, otherwise, the whole world will fall into the control in the future, it is really not good.

At the same time, the people will once again put it from the heart once, and more attention will be used to place it in the place where it is possible.

Although the inside of the wood is almost destroyed to the family of a family, some important members in the day basically have too many problems, but there are many members of the family, some death injuries.

There is also the old master of the day, a pair of pure white eyes are robbed.

After processing those trivial matters, the night drop is temporary, the people still come to the day.

Because the accommodation of the guests is completely destroyed. At this time, the daily feet and the day will only be able to place their father, the day to the hometown of the home of the family, and have a family member family that is not affected.

"Naruto adult!"

Seeing the arrival of the people, the day and the sun and the day will always welcome it.

Just but they saw the expression of the people, the heart was slowly sinking.

"Sorry." The people slowly shake his head.

After understanding his meaning, the two eyes were dark, but at this moment, the day of the day, the number of gifts, the number of gifts, or there.

"No matter what, I still have to thank the help of the Nangjie adults, and our day will always be remembered."

The house is swaying.

"How about the old man?"

"Father is still good, but it is lost his eyes. I am afraid that I will not have one in battle.

But it is good, so your father can better rest in the family. "Daily Daily Diseases.

Cough "

At this moment, the original lying in the bed of sleeping, coughing to the old man, and woken away.


The daily feet and the daily difference are going to the day before the bed.

"Sufficiency, day poor"

"Older Hero, how do you feel?" The people also walked to the bed and looked at him in the eyes of his eyes, and asked slightly with concern.

"The four generations of adults, the old man's body is slightly exhausted, it feels like there is nothing, just slightly puzzled in my heart." With the voice, the voice of the old home is hoarse, but speaking is getting clearer. "

"you said."

"We, do we have a higher level to the white eyes, is there a higher level?!" The old man slowly.

Just, I heard the day of this question to the sufficient day, the eyes of the two eyes, showing a horror look.

"Father, you are saying our white eye"

The people looked at him, "I don't know why my wife will ask me about this problem?"

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