Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 701

This time, all the person in charge of each hidden village participated together.

"If you have a guest, I don't say much, let us end this meeting with the fastest speed.

We don't wrap around the bends and straight themes. "

The people don't want to talk to them again. At this time, his mentality and ideas have already changed some changes.

And this change is derived from the reincarnation of the reincarnation, opening the immortal model, has six power, and manufactures five seeks jade.

At this point, he has really felt that others with his strength gap. If you don't accept it, then you will take it.

He will press the inoperable voice in the fastest speed, then assemble the strength of the entire endurance, facing Unexpelloid spots that may appear later, even the big tube Huachang Night.

Originally, he still felt that he could not face these two people, which can deal with them, only have a growth of whirlpieces and Yischo.

However, after the battle of the anti-eye, I finally wanted to understand one thing.

That is why I want to send it on others?

Especially these two, I am still in the study, I still climb on the ground, the little fart in the diaper?

Do you have your own strength?

I came to this endurance for decades, with the various advantages of my own prophet, so I finally got the power of the whole relief, but I also hoped to send two little fart.

And because of his arrival, many things have already changed.

Even even if it should be the Narley of the Prince, it is not only a girl, but her old man has not become the fourth generation of rigs. It is not to become the hero of the wooden leaves, and she has not become everyone. Difficult, spit the nine tail column.

At this time, her fate has changed huge changes with the original fate.

Another two pillar, although he is a boy, but because the Roots are dead, Yisizhiso has become a disciple of the fourth generation of the residents, and the relationship between the Yishabo family and the entire wood is more and more harmonious. The miserable fate of the wave must not happen.

Yuxi Posh will not defect after the family.

Therefore, the fate of Unecheo Sasuke has also changed huge changes.

With no hatred Unechebra, the top is a small ghost that pretended to be cold.

In this case, do you want to save the world again?

It's better to think that the black will naturally die may be more reliable.

So, I hope that both of them are definitely not what he is now willing to see this strength.

Since I have already had six power, why is these things not doing?

The first will start from Yunyin Village in the hostile state at this time.

However, it is also necessary to throw a jade once.

The residence is looking at the fourth generation of water shadows sitting on the side.

"The fourth generation of spun villages, how do you think that our wooden leaves and your fog village will continue?"

Although the oranges are in their own control, these surface work is still going to do.

The oranges with a doll face is placed on the table, supporting the head, and puts a sinking.

Everyone can see him because he is a baby's face, just like he can't look like it because of the height of the wild.

As long as we wear the fight that represents the most powerful power of a village, there will be no dare to look at him.

"Our foggy village hopes to end this unprepared war with the peace of the wood, and signed the leaf of the Association of League Treaty!" .

Wen said that most of the people in the conference room changed.

The fog hidden village is coming, this point is not surprising.

The fourth generation of the fourth generation of the fourth-generation spattern is in person. This is not a secret, which is not a secret, almost everyone who is almost in bed.

It is just that this attack and defensive alliance treaty in his mouth is the main reason for changing the expression.

This alliance treaty is different from the ordinary alliance treaty signed by the wooden and rocky village. If the leaves and fog hidden villages signed this treaty, then the entire endurance, there is really a two-wave force standing on the same side. .

Again to one place together to help defend an attack.

Whether it is an offensive wood or an offensive misty village, it is necessary to consider the two major hidden villages, which is not a general treaty.

Just even standing in the oranges of the orange and the beauty of the beauty of the beauty, it exposed a surprised expression.


The people are not willing to be more than the bend and directly agree.

Anyway, the misty villages and leaves in the future are in his mastery, even if there is no such treaty, wood leaves and fog villages are also an attack-alias.

At this time, the conference room, the most difficult expression is the person in charge of Yun Yin Village, and the representative of this meeting, the soast.

If they continue to maintain war relations now, then they should be ready at any time, and they will sneak over the hidden village.

The voice of the house has just fallen, the fourth generation of wind shadows in Sandy Village, also throwing a heavy bomb in the deep water area of ​​the conference room.

"Our sandy village, I hope to sign-defense alliance treaties with leaves."

Everyone's heart is a shock.

Although the people have known before, Luo Sand intends to close the relationship between the leaves, but did not expect that he will ask such a request at this time.

Sandy Village also signed a gifted alliance with wooden leaves, then if you want to shoot the wooden leaves, do you represent the three major hidden villages that are the strongest in the whole endurance?

Some of the sun can't help but ask: "Sandy Village's fourth-generation wind shadow adult, to know, this third endurance battle, but because of your sandy village offense! Wooden leaves really start. "

Luo Same has no expression, and I looked at him with her hands in her hands: "I know, but that is because our Saha Yin Village's S-Shenhe's scorpion, the sneak attack killed our third generation After the shadow, and married to the leaves, it will lead to the beginning of this war.

I will represent our sandy village, which means the most sincere apology to the woods who have died in this war.

At the same time, our sandy village also assumed the corresponding responsibility because of the defeat of the war, and paid the corresponding price.

Even now, we need to pay a high war payment to the wooden leaves every year. This is our responsibility, and we will not evade. "

Listening to him, the soast is rising red face, and I don't know why you want to talk.

Just think this sandy village is actually so fruit, he is very surprised, and it can even be shocked.

People who don't know, I thought Luo Sand has been controlled by the people.

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