Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 715

Looking at the Luo sand, I looked at my love, this is the first time I saw that I fell asleep and the Ceremony did not appear.

"This ... is it just ok?" Luo Same is muttered.

The housekeeper patted his shoulders, "Luo Sand, said that as a person is the same, your way you want to use hatred to make your son getting control of the tail beast.

Now, for human column, the most effective absolute use of feelings, such as this. "

Said, the residential fingers gright in my forehead, the bright "love" word.

Listening to the words of the people and looked at his movements, Luo Same once again.

"You think about it, after all, I am just a outsider, but there is a little as a nier, I want to remind you, protect your sandy village, now there is already an organization to grave these tail beasts.

As for the human column, it will face anything after being peeled off the beast, this doesn't need me to remind you? "

This last sentence is finished, the people left directly, go to find the Jiu Lang and the handcuffs.

No matter what to say, the handcuffs will also have their own daughter-in-law, Nara Lulong can't escape his palms.

After half an hour, Luo Sand walked out of my love of the room, from him to see the movements on the door, because some words of the people should have made some changes.

I looked grateful to see the people.

"Thank you, the people." Luo Sand said.

If you put your hands, you didn't talk. He didn't just for Luo Sand, nor for Sandy Village, just as a very bad fate, and the enemy that may need to face in the future.

"There is also a thing, as a manual shadow of sandy village, I hope to make a transaction with wood."


"Ask the fourth generation of fire, the fourth generation of fire, you can build a wood with your wooden help, you can rest assured that we will give enough compensation."

During the speech, Luo Sa, who was the fourth generation of wind, bowed to the people.

For Luo Sand, there is such a request, and the people are not exception, and when he just looked at himself to make the jubo and handcuffs, he saw it.

Then, both sides conducted some shadows of their respective villages, and the conversation that should be done.

If it is before, the people will definitely not open the lion, but now this situation, let him make a lot of concessions.

The fourth endurance war in the expected, it is likely to start in advance, then adding the combat power of Sandy Village appropriately, it will undoubtedly increase the combat power of all of them.

Therefore, after a friendly conversation, the people agreed with Luo's request.

Of course, the corresponding, sandy village has also given a certain price, but it has not been slaughtered by the people.

After done in Sandy Village, it is also improving the entire sandy village of the village of the fourth generation of the fourth generation of the wooden leaves.

Back to the wooden leaves.

The first thing to do is to give a warning to the remaining four hidden villages, inform them to pay attention to the safety of the hidden villages, and have stared of these people. The tail of the body.

Just he reminded that other hidden villages will not be listening.

For example, Yiyin Village is not very intentional, or saying that there is no wild wood tube.

The contradiction between his and four tails column is not a day two days.

Old violet is not in rocky villages all year round.

Since the last time, the Shangshang organizes the four tails, the old violet, the old purple has passed for a long time, and the old purple has escaping the rocky village with his ability.

This time, there is no one in the wilderness to know the location of the old violet.

The only thing is fortunate is that the five-tail column is still obedient, and the old man is in the rock village.

There is also Yun Yin Village.

Nowadays, only one of them, even if they don't have a reminder, they will protect the eight tail column Piraby.

Since the third endurance battle, the fourth-generation Lei Ying's father's third generation Lei Ying will die, Ai is very worried that people who pay attention to them again, so he has already put Chiraby early. Forbidden, it is closed on the canned Turtle Island.

Sangwaters in the misty village are the only died of the beast, and its death is also for a certain time for the people.

As for the six-tail column, it has always been controlled by the squeezing of the house, and it should be more secure in a short time.

The rest is the tail of sandy village, the second tail of the wooden leaves and the nine.

The only thing that let him want to find a position, it is a seven tail.

If you don't just use the power of the root, there is also the power of tinrabes, and the power of Xia organizes, all of which are looking for the seven tail column, with a small strength.

At the same time, the people are still eyeing the organization.

Ordered these people sent by him, as long as they lock the location of the tissue, they reported the first time, he will rush to the scene in the first time.

And he also sent his friends from the wind gate, and the mission was to find members of the organization. Once you have encountered people wearing the red clouds, don't hesitate, and kill.

With the strength of the wave wind door, it is not too dangerous to face anyone today, and it should be too dangerous, even if it is hard, it is not a problem with the ability of flying thunders.

The wave style is also in the entire wooden leaves, and the people who are relieved can send people to the anticipation.

In addition to these arrangements, there is also a happy people feel more.

That is, it is never lost, and it is finally finally brought back.

Although it is not awake ...

It is a look of drunk.

Of course, I am not very awake, and the two are not going back, but they are back by two .

Yes, the two are a slap in the mud.

In order to complete the task of the house, we also found a big fat sheep in a casino in the relief, asking her to drink the name and fighting, the final ending is that the two are drunk, unpaid personnel .

However, I have already prepared it, let two will back.

Of course, one of them, and that is responsible for taking care of the mute.

Nowadays, you are also like the little girl who can sell it at any time. It is now a good look.

As soon as the program wakes up, will not go.

Since the people will bring him back, then they will definitely let her leave again, and they will make a big hand.

At this point, with the return of the board, the strength of the entire wood also reached the peak.

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