Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 724

The oranges that walk to the door are surprised to watch them, as if asked, will this simple question will ask?

"Doesn't hear the wood shadow?

If you want to master things as much as possible in your own hands, you will participate in it. It is doing it next to it, no matter who is winning, there is no initial power.

At least ... let yourself master a certain active. "

After finishing, he did not leave with a beautiful point.

After he left, Luo Sand was also followed, and he said while wearing his own fight: "Then, I will go first, my son is still in their hands."

Finally, there are only two of the two of the two of the rich and Ai.

The two also know that now, there is no big hand.

Ai stood up, "Say, the country of Frost is next to our country, then I also spend, no matter what to say, I can't watch my brother, I am not moving, after all, I am His big brother. "

One by one clearly said, they left directly, and only wild wild is left.

In fact, according to his character, Yan Yin Village is not a moment of life and death, he doesn't want to do it.

Just don't know why, suddenly flashing in the brain, when you look at him, when you are full of despise men, there is a shares in my heart that does not belong to him this old, and suddenly.

Use a slap in the table.

"What do you mean ?! Do you think that the old man is so don't care about the overall situation? The old man wants you to see, no matter what, Jiang Yin is always a spicy!"

"... my waist ..."

The loess behind him looked helplessly looked at the hard old father.


"Helie, our wooden leaves really have to fight with the Qi Qixian only the tailor to collect the number of tail beasts?" Go back to the road, and the waves can't help but ask.

At the time of the meeting, he didn't say a lot of the captain of the fire guard guard, but now there is no relationship.

"Don't worry, they are definitely will not be willing to put their own destiny in someone else. We still have to go back to prepare your hand, take advantage of the other side is not completely ready, now launching a general attack is the most correct. "

"I understand, I haven't fight for a long time, it is a bit itchy ..."

Wave-style Water Games is like to see, but he still likes to fight, although sometimes it is not to show it.

"Let's go back, go back, the deer in the village should also be arranged. If the wood can be officially sold today."

The water gorge nodded, and the two did not disappear.

Wooden leaves.

On the huge square in front of the Huangju Building, looked at the ninja under the next dense Ma Ma, with the strong people of the old generation, and the young generation of new stars.

Some of them are the city of the leaves, even in the entire endurance, there is also a small reputation.

Some silently contributed to the wooden leaves, the devotees in the darkness of the wood.

The ninja of the wooden leaves is divided into three major parties, which are elite ninja such as the dark and roots of the wood. They are very skilled, but it is definitely an important role in the war. This troops are cheap by the people. Teacher, completely completed the big snake pills of their own transformation.

Then the routine force of the leaves, some neocrocessors, and the number may occupy the entire wooden leaf to have, the completion of the end of the albeit, recorded, and the troops are also responsible for the leadership, his command Ability and traditional operational ways are best for such a force.

Finally, the entire medical team of wood leaves.

After so many years of hard work, the medical system of the wooden leaves has been very developed, and the number of medical ninja is also quite abundant.

All medical ninjas that may be added throughout the endurance, and the wooden leaves can occupy half.

And this troops are responsible for the strongest medical ninja hand of the whole.

Her probes have been completely treated by the people.

In fact, probularity is a more tricky psychological disease. Don't say it is a general medical ninja. Even if it is the first medical ninja, the first medical ninja is not treated, not to mention the disease or her own.

It is said that the doctor is hard to be hard, and her probularity will be more treating.

However, there is no relationship, now there is a hibernation to write the eyes, I want to treat it, nor is it particularly difficult things, otherwise people will not let the priests must bring back.

There is a legendary three tolerance responsible for leading three troops, as well as Nara deer heart and the On-site scheduling.

There is also a wave wind gate and the day to both brothers, and Yischo Fu Yue is responsible for responding to the burst.

Such a luxury configuration can attack any of the large hidden villages in the endurance, all have no problem.

As a rigorous shadow, she simply tells some of the rhetoric words before traveling. It is straightforwardly with the mully village, and the direction of the country is full.

Their actions did not have the meaning of their own actions.

It is to tell the whole tolerance, and their leaves are to act, and they will give a certain pressure on the rest of the hidden villages.

As if to echo, the country of the water, the country above the sea, the fog hidden village, also sent a large number of vessels who ride the water to the country to arrive in the country, borrowed to enter the cream country.

It is followed by a more than a far away from Sandy Village.

Many small Yin Villages in the whole endure are hiding in their own acre three-pointed inner, and they don't dare to look at it, and they don't know why these Great Hidden Villages will suddenly act in such a large scale.

There is no sign, it seems that it is not like the mutual attacks of the major hidden villages, but towards a one another action.

Now in these Xiaoyun Village, it is the best thing as long as it is not attacking her hidden village.

Of course, in this case, the hidden organizations hidden in the cream know.

At this time, it is difficult to concentrate all the people who arrest them into the outer road of the beast, and I know this news from the white mouth.

Suspected five hidden villages also attacked them to well-being, such size, even those powerful rebels from all major hidden villages, and it also feels great.

"Bring soil! I have long said to you. I will arrest all the tail beasts allocate all the strengths of the beasts, and I will call the real ten tail. the man!

Now that the other person said the entire endurance and bursts us.

What should you say, what should this do? ! "

Darkly looked at Unechyo with orange mask with soil, asked, some suppressed the anger in his heart.

At this time, it is estimated that he keeps swearing with pig friends.

Seeing his plan, it is necessary to succeed. It is not much distance from Linmen, and Yisi Bo belt as his teammates, not only reminds my teammates to start shooting, but also told the other's many defenders. Let them come over and defense.

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