Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 727

Those who taught organizations, this scene saw a glimpse.

The mask is not Yuxi Boss, and he passes through a special means, it seems to be the resurrection of Yuxi Boss.

Striker shrug, "Mr., this time you leave, tailor, I think you want, since I used your name, I forgot what I called."

I heard the words, Yu Zhibo spheres looked at the land that was tired on the ground. "As a spokesperson, he did not complete the task I furnished well, it was failed.

But it doesn't matter. Since I have appeared, then all this is still taken by me. "

" , !"

Yuxi Bao took directly to the hand of his body directly from the hand.

"That can't, Mr. Mr., with the soul to call you, is to stop me, but now I am not fighting with you.

I will also! "

Said, the people have once again reincarnated.

But compared to the belt, he summoned, just a coffin.

The coffin cover is heavy, and there is a dust.

Since Yuxi Bo spots may be recovered, then the people naturally have a way to deal with it.

One hand stretched out from the coffin, followed by a person who made Yuxioba from the indifferent looks, from the coffin.

Thousand handles!

"Hey! Spot, you are here, I really don't see it, hahaha" The cool laugh is not covered in the heart of the people.

"Cylindrical room !!" Yu Zhibo sputtered into the frenzy war.

Alternatively, it is certainly not more exciting than seeing the thousand handles.

The house only needs to summon a person, and it can successfully block the Sui Zhibo spots expected to be expected to be a few people in Sheiso.

That is his enemy, the thousand hand is!

"Hey? I appear here, is the one of the ? This kid, I have made him destroy this technique, I didn't expect or retained, I was also summoned." God seems to be a bit entangled.

"Battle! Cray!"

"Wait a minute, wait, let me get it clear, who summoned me." Unlike Yuxi Bao directly mastering its control, the killer is not here. "

"It's me, the universal people in the universal, the wooden leaves."

Standing behind a thousand-handed stretches smiled and put the bundles of the bits of the special Riche into his body.

In this way, the control of the rogue of the thousand-handed column is completely in the hands of the people.

"you are..."

"Sorry, some is a ritual, self-introduction, my name is the fourth generation of the woods."

"The fourth generation of fire ?!! This, our leaves have continued to the fourth generation, it is really a big, hahahaha !!!" Hear this news, the thousand hand is happy to laugh, look It's like a child who has been a beloved toy.

"Yes, but now there is no time to tell you about our wooden leaves. Despite some officers, please fight with Yuxi Boli." Said, the people made a change in his hand. Complement a print.

"Is this? I really can't do it. I just knew that such a good news will fight with the old friend."

However, the killer is reluctant to be willing, and his body is not under his control.

I saw that the people lived in the past, and the face of Unexpello belt was very ugly, that is, the black is black, otherwise his face will definitely be more black.

At this time, the black is detached from the white, and it is not far from Yuxi.

In such a key moment, it is not possible to let the Yuxi Bo spheres out of the brain, and then, the people are really here, this is not what he has been Wait.

It seems to hear the reminder of the black, and Yuxi Bao is crossing the thousand-handles, looking to the people.

The sense of reason is still overcome his battle desire. I understand this time the mind is hot, and their plans really have a loss.

"I understand, you move it, here is temporarily taken away." Yuxi wave nodded.

Seeing successfully persuading Yu Zhibo spots, the black is also growing out, and the body is slowly hidden under the ground.

Then, all the organization members in this base have suffered from attacks.

All people are all caught in black, and they are sent to the outer road.

At this time, the outer road of the scenery, the body has completely gathered Chakra, just compared to all Chakra, which completely absorb nine tail beasts, it is still a little bit.

The black plan is also very clear, that is, it is necessary to give all the members of the tissue to the foreign road, forcibly fill it, and prompts the ten tail.

Despite the need for the outer road, it is the tail of Chakra, which is natural energy, not Chakra of these ordinary ninja.

However, if it is strictly, it is actually the same.

Because the ninja's Chakra, this is passed by the original six cactors, which is the six cactors pass.

The entire endure of Chakra is still consistent with the end of the root. If you have a pile of piles, you can also pile up.

"what are you doing?!"

Seeing this scene, the long door and the two people are angry.

Although they have been convinced, in order to absolute peace, certain sacrifices are necessary, but these people are always their membership.

Just, no one answered him.

In a scream of a distrack, all the well-known members have been thrown into the magic image of the outer road.

This step is very familiar, because he didn't catch a name to ninja in this way.

At the same time, the two people between the killer and the Sui Zhiwei have been fighting together, together, and people.

The thousand-handles is the strongest state, and Yisi Bouz is the same.

It's just the strongest Yuxi wave spot, but when he is defeated in the hands of the thousand hand, it fused, the Qiacra, which combines the thousand-handed columns, awakened the Unexpell spot after the round, and the power is more Strong!

Seeing that the outer road is constantly recovering Chakra, a few half-eyed eyes slowly open, but the people are not moving.

It is even in an interest in this scene.

"There is no complete collection of nine tail beasts, how powerful strength after the resurrection of ten tails?"

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