Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 73

A person's energy is limited, nothing is not proficient, it is better to master one or two, you don't understand what I mean? "The program interrupted the resembule.

I heard the words, and the people immediately nodded!

What is the plan of his big snake pill, anyway, it is necessary to rely on the big snake pill, he wants to defend the third endurance battle, how is the situation? Also not allowed.

And he may have a top 2 toolman and the toolman three, but also afraid of the big snake pill?

So, the agency's medical, learning! Must learn!

A warrior does not make a milk, then he can call the soldier?

Don't say anything, I will tell yourself!

PY a book, Conan, I am not a sickness, now there are countless Custang's boutiques and even the top three, good-looking, and interested friends can go.

Oh, recently, this time, the hibiscus seems to become a communication, I don't ..... Will go behind?

Chapter 48, small wallet [seeking special tickets]

"Just like Chakra on you, but also it is to say that you are ninja ?!!!"

Soon, from the courtyard of the prime mansion, she came out of her roar.

And the people who are lying by her are a helpless.

The apeer said that I want to try the talents of the people, so I will teach him a tip of Test and exercise Chakra's control. If you can get started quickly, it means that he is in Chakra's control, there are some talents.

As a medical ninja, the most needed is not a lot of Chakra, and there is no powerful strength, but powerful Chakra control.

After all, when the treatment of injury or surgery, Chakra's control represents the extent of the scalpel.

It can be said that the nurse who is not good at Chakra is not a good warrior.

The most basic entry threshold for medical ninja is Chakra's control.

The home can now climb the trees and step on the water, which may be almost the ninja in this stage, but it is a lot of medical ninja that controls others and death.

The chase of Chakra is not excellent, and the aperator is a very high person, so it will happen.

"The master, I seem to be a ninja, I haven't graduated yet ..." The people screamed with his head.

Looking at the punches and pits on the ground, he is a monster that I saw a master.

I heard the words, the palmatic eyes were angry, and the right hand did not appear in front of the forehead with Thunder.

When he found it, he didn't come, because the "playing flash" is ready.

Just just a piece of finger ...

! ! !

The house sitting in the courtyard disappeared in the ground and became a mural close to the wall of the garden wall.

At this time, he is still a face.

I am clearly sitting.

Slow down from the wall ...

A view of a hand hate iron is not steel.

Just, she taught, even if I don't learn medical tissue, I will use it to exercise Chakra.

The agency also thought that the people were a rare genius for a hundred years, giving too high expectations, of course, is a bigger disappointment.

In fact, the chakra of the house is not as bad, at least for the students of the Ninja School, who haven't graduated, can not be considered.

After all, his Chakra is much more, it doesn't have much time to contact Chakra.

"How long have you still have to be on the ground? I can't roll it alone ?!"

After waiting for a long time, I found that the people were still lying on the ground, and the eyes were angry.

She still don't know how much strength is it?

Don't look at it so far, it's not much damage to the people.

Now he is on the ground, it is in the dead.


Wen said, the people immediately jumped from the ground, and the fart came to the front of the hand.

"Outboarder ... Tap ..."

At this time, he will have the advantage of age, sacrifice the big move, and seek for money!

As for the face, what is it? Can you eat?

Helplessly, he glanced at him, a little bit to tell the people's basic precautions for some medical ninja.

I have forgotten how she said with the big snake pill at the time, and there is no talent, and it will never teach ...

Rendering what is called true fragrance.

Although Chakra's control is not strong, it is quite good for these things.

Especially his proliferation thinking, raising the ability to make a hand of the program.

Moreover, it is more surprising that when the topic is transferred how to deal with the emergency injuries caused by the battle, the people are like a person.

Many theories she never heard from the mouth of the house.

More importantly, he has a professional analysis of these Tianma, and found that it is actually possible!

For a time, she took three hundred and sixty degrees for the views of the people.

Medical Ninja's requirements for Chakra's control is very high, even to a certain extent, the ninety ninja is a medical ninja, but in addition to Chakra's control, there is still something more important.

That is the imagination!

Yes, in this era, medical care needs imagination!

Of course, the premise of the imagination is to have enough understanding of medical niphon.

At this time, the medical niphon of the entire endure is still in the starting stage.

Because there is a hand of her hand, the leaves will slowly pay attention to the group of medical ninja.

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