Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass, Chapter 208

Said that flying segments once again swayed the sickle toward the big snake pill.

On the side of the big snake pill, it is easy to escape. It is a rope that smiles in the hand.

The big snake pill seems to have a long eyes behind, and the body is twisted, and it is easy to avoid it again, then connect the hands and dance, and countless little snakes fly out from his cuffs and flipped directly toward the body of the flying section.

Flying the other hand waving, avoiding those snakes to their face, while loud: "This should be a true snake, it is really hate."

Just talking about him, the big snake pill has tight with the flying snake, pulled into the distance, and a bitter and instant actions toward the temple of the flying segment.

He doesn't believe that the world really has no people, but many people hide the weakness very well, even if they are only constantly replacing the flesh, they can keep eternal life.

"Which your twee is bulld, see if you can continue this."

His bitterness has not been punctured by the skin on the temple, just seeing the flying segment suddenly grinned, the high voice: "You are good, hahaha"

Said left hand, a thick back short knife is directly swayed, and the speed of the big snake pill is scored with the speed of Thunder.

At the same time, the bitterness of the big snake pill has also deeply joined the temples of the flying segment and directly into the brain.

The attack is hand, the big snake pill is turned back, and the hands are all in the hands, and there is a bitter, the desotheon is blown, and the half of the flying section is bombed.

After you succeed, the big snake pill did not expose a happy color.

Because only the flying segment of the big head is actually sunging, it is very strange to extend his tongue, squatting the blade on his hand, while rotating at the foot, drawing a blood color pattern on the ground.

"Really hurt, but you bring me the pain, I will double the return to you, oh hahaha, accept the trial of evil spirits, the ceremony begins."

The sound of the flying segment fell, the body turned into a black and white color, standing on the pattern under the foot, directly sword directly to his own thigh.

The big snake pill is strange to the other person's behavior, suddenly knees a soft, suddenly beggar on the ground.

"Ni !!!"

Chapter 193, worth 50 million

The big snake pill.

From a laughter.

I have seen anime from the heart, and the big snake pill is definitely can't be well.

Flying this guy looked at the appearance of no head, but truly fight, naturally he had a combat plan.

With injuries, even if you are seriously injured, and the other's small hurts are also doing, because as long as you get the blood of the other party, then the other party is absolutely unable to get rid of his own tissue.

"How, you don't have a guy who don't have a male girl, is it painful? Hahahaha" Flying sections smile, loudly venting your emotions: "Where is the next to? Another leg? Or an arm, Rest assured, I promised that old mock, I won't kill you before you handed over the ring, hahahaha "

The corner is called the old mock, still ancient wells, no waves, a face, but the heart is said: "I didn't expect it to be so easy. It seems that I haven't used it in advance."

On the other hand, when I heard the flying segment, "another leg", the brain immediately wanted to smoke, in case the time, I want to try the third leg, what happens.

This thought is a life, and the horse will not be diverted by autonomously. Then he has a wire, immediately smash some unspecially friendly pictures, heart: "If you think about it, first save the agency to share with others. It is tightening. Otherwise, they will not be cheap. "

I thought here, he immediately ran to the program, at this time, the master is half-sitting on the ground, and it is weak, but the eyes are clear, obviously the probes have been eliminated, only the big snake pills, the snake, still paralyzed her body. .

Just when I was in the heart, I had to help her up, my hand suddenly came out: "Be careful"

From the heart of the heart, he escaped a fist. On the fist, look at the way of shooting the fist and passing the way, I saw him slowly move towards the position.

"This person is worth 50 million. I accept it, you can't move." The corner said while walking to two.

From the eyebrows, the eyes are deeply frightened: "Do you not help your teammates? Big snake pills are not so easy to deal with."

The corner of the green scorpion does not have a slight emotional: "Write the wheel eye in the price of tens of thousands of rewards, I also received it."

Surprisingly: "You act" just a written eye-catching magic, shackle, but clearly feeling, but the corner is actually a success, but the corner is actually restored.

The corner is calm and said: "Oh, it is too far more than Yisha, your writing wheel is too far away, even he can't easily hypnotize me, let alone you."

It is only an instant to be surprised. The radius wants to pass the reason, which is that several ways to demonstrate the way, where the most common is to break the balance of Chakra in Chakra by third-party Chakra.

There are five hearts in the corner, and Chakra, each heart is different, and he is originally a monster that combines the gentle and human body.

"It's unlucky. Recently, my illusion frequently eats, encounter Shennong, there is a zero-tail illusion in the body, encountering the big snake pill, it is a magical master, I also like to use the snake to solve it, this has encountered a corner, The monster of the five hearts. Is it unfavorable in the year?

From the heart s s s s s s, the foot is slowly moving.

The corner looks at his little action in the eyes, cold and cold: "Don't pay attention, today you can't escape today."

From the corner of my heart, smiled: "Why do you want to escape, solve it directly?

Said that his eyes closed, flew through the corners, and heard: "Can't catch the big snake pill, can't catch you"

According to his memory of the fire news, the corner is clearly the control of the ninja, through the name is the land-like strange tentacle, and you can control your own hand to attack others.

Since it is constraint, naturally, I will come into contact with the enemy. Once you come into contact, you will open the soul space in an instant to pull it in, and directly mill.

He is now thinking, what a dog is alive, too much trouble, it is still going, killing people, general opponents are okay, encountering a master can not only induce him, the speed is fast, it is easy to avoid it.

Still directly pull the space, in your own site, one go out, perfectly solved.

However, he forgot that he had intensely played with the big snake pill. Many intelligence has been seen in the eyes. The wisdom of the guys who lived in the past 100 years will naturally have a plan.

"Wind and compact", only behind the corners, suddenly extended a black tentacle, the top of the tentacles, with a strange mask, the mask's big mouth opened, spurting a high-pressure wind, the wind turns over two people The space between, forming a whirlpool, a typical storm, and cracking.

Open the soul space directly from the heart, and then avoid it, then appear in the side of the corner.

At a moment of his is now, the touch controls the mask to lock the position from the heart again, and it is a wind.

From the heart, there is no breathing space, but directly avoid the wind blade, the body of the corner is rushing.

When the corner is busy, I will pull out the black-headed red cloud clothes on my body, reveal the upper body, and then three masks from his shoulders and thick back.

The mask of the back back is the one just shown, and the masks on the left and right shoulders are fire and thunder.

Whether you attack from the heart, you will encounter a pressing attack of the corner mask.

Fire ·

Thunder and false dark

Water and water screens.

"This is the case, it is not in the body, the body is not enough, and there is no family, and the transient will be hid in advance, illusion is invalid."

The soul looks at the big snake pills and flying sections, where there is a gentle skin, the flying segment is not stopped with the shackles of the sea, the squad, the squad, the rumor, 5th   

"No, you have to calm, now I have the initiative, don't be impatient, the big snake will not die in a short time, the flying segment will not threaten yourself, the corner does not dare to touch me, can only use it to suppress me, no Let me go, I can choose my own tricks to deal with it. First, flying sections are the easiest to kill, he can't go out in the circle, definitely can be received in the soul space, but now it is not time, you must wait for him. Solved the big snake pill, I immediately killed him. "

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