Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart biography Chapter 216

When the body tried from the heart, he had been studying the body of the flying segment. He pointed at the thighs of the flying section: "You see, the injury on the thigh is still healing, although it is very slow, but you When playing chicken, this mouth was at least one-third. "

"One-third?" The left eye is opened directly, and carefully check the wound.

If you didn't remember, it was the first shot of the stab. At that time, the mouth should have a diameter of table tennis, and now it looks almost the thumbs.

In the field of view of the three hooks, this mouth is still slowly healing.

"The brain is gone, actually the body is still active!" From the heart praise: "It is not one of the two groups"

The shadow is divided into: "The brain has begun to grow, but this is slower."

The body looks at the heart, confirmed this fact: "According to this speed, it is estimated that you can completely recover"

Said, he took out the seal reel just created, and seized the flying segment directly. Theoretically, the sealing and stress cannot seal the living place, which can cause the seal to be hypoxic death.

However, the body should have no such problem, when I unknormed the seal, I don't have to rehabilitate.

At this moment, the previous view of the shadow of the big snake pill snake was found to find: "Hey, there is a big discovery, you come over."

The body is collected from the heart, and the past is gone.

That shadow pointed to the ground on the ground: "What is this?"

From the heart, the two pieces were taken directly in the hands, and the written eyes did not close, and the details of the fragmentation were clear.

"This is the corner of the mask, how can it be?" From the heart.

The two pieces are slightly larger than the finger, from the shape of the routing and shape, the shape of the wind is very close.

But from the heart, remember, after the corner is received, the four masks are in, and they are intact, why it will have a fragment.

A terrible thoughts are generated in the mind from the heart: "Is there anything in the corner? Isn't my right eye because this becomes now?"

I didn't wait for him to come, and the shadow will be a small black, the hose is in the same way to his hand: "Take a look at this."

With the mask fragment before, I will recognize this thing soon.

"The horizon's land, this thing is also brought out, it is miserable, and the corner is 80% is escaped. The secret of space can't afford it."

From the eyebrows, it is full of face: "The corner has entered the soul space, and I have also seen my kaleidoscope"

He thought that after the space, all entities would dissipate, so I didn't think that there would be something to escape. I used to put in things before, I finally annihilated.

It is, he has a near absolute confidence in this regard, so it does not have a warning in this regard.

"Don't worry, maybe these zero broken, in fact, he is already dead, after all, the corner is not dead, the illusion of five hearts, the heart is doing the meat"

If the shadow is comforted, he has never thought about it. After all, the brain circuit of the shadow is his own brain.

However, how much is this likelihood, he is really bad.

"If the right eye is not turned into this, I can confirm that there is a soul in the soul of the soul, I can confirm it, now, he is evil."

Chapter 201

Non-dead group

Although the flying flesh is still active, it is recovering, but it has been sealed from the heart, even if the last is not dead, it is also the prisoner of the prisoner, can't fall.

And it is a good thing to die.

Just from the heart, I have collected some blood of the big snake pill.

Looking back in the village, look at it, look at there is no spotted blood, if there is, then, hey.

The situation is now not sure, it is life, the probability is completely five five.

At the time of continuing to search for the battlefield from the heart of the heart, the country of the rain, the cave in the underground, and the seven illusory figure becomes a circle and is talking about anything.

Seven people have different styles, but they are wearing a black-bottomed red cloud service that is standardized by tissue. If you are here, you must recognize the identity of seven people.

"Hey, how come again, isn't it just going? I am improving new clay to critical moments" talking is a young ninja, especially a golden head method, is not difficult to guess his identity from the discourse: Didala.

"Yeah, just ended the meeting, how can we call us so fast, how come there are two, how do you don't have trouble?"

Talking is the old-hearted man, Yisiza, which seems to grow taller than five years ago, but the gap is deeper, the body is getting more and more.

"Yes, they have trouble" "A double eye is the guy of the circle without the mood:" Five minutes ago, their lost contact "

"Is the big snake pills? He asked the trap?" Asked, he asked him to make a member of the organization, but there is a wooden spy in the dark, although these years have never been passed back, what news back Ye, but usually have the information on the organization members.

The angle is not dead, and if it is not in advance, the big snake will also take them.

Otherwise, at the meeting, Payne won't arrange two people to arrest the big snake.

And the flying segment is added after the big snake will leave the organization, his intelligence, the big snake pill should be unclear, so the probability of success is very large.

Payne said: "Maybe it, I last induced their position or in the five-way town, the fire of the fire, near the town of the south of the iron country."

"What is the purpose of calling us in this time, do you have to save them?" Asked the body.

"There is no need, the current intelligence is insufficient, you can't rash action, absolutely, you are responsible for information, go to find out, see what is going on."

The strip of the big pig cages on the shoulders should be said: "There is no problem."

Payne said again: "The rest of the person still step up the completion of the black market mission, the corner is not there, the efficiency of our money may be much slower, everyone is more."

Didara said: "Is this? There is no need to call us very specially."

Payne Road: "Mainly remind everyone, be careful when performing the task, the big snake pill may have been in the way to do some intentions, and in the process of performing the task, everyone will pay attention to there is no suitable candidate, alternative angle Both and flying segments

Everyone he god himself agreed.

"So, this is" said Petion's first disappearance, and then Xiaonan et al. Also disappeared.

The country of rain, the rains, the bus rest.

Xiaonan is standing on the side of the long door, looking at the long gates, and some distressed.

"Xiaonan, this time, what do you think is going on, is it a coincidence or a trap of the big snake pill?"

Xiaonan Road: "I think the big snake pill should have no courage to take us"

Changmen Road: "I also think so, the strength of the horns and flying segments, even if I can't kill the big snake pill, there must be an opportunity to escape, and I will never suddenly disappear."

Xiaonan Road: "You don't want to give yourself too much pressure, wait for the reconnaissance, then it is too early to speculate."

The long door shakes his head: "The guys who are self-told and we are not a piece of iron, and some things can't rely on them."

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