Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 218

The underground cave now has been transformed into temporary residential, high and spacious, and also disclosed in electricity and eight beds.

"You are coming back, I will check your eyes", "I saw it from the heart, and the agency directly opened.

In fact, she doesn't like Yischo from the heart, but she is a distinct person, this time, how to say it is owed from a big man, she wants to have this person as soon as possible.

From the heart, I don't know what the opener thinks. He looked at it in bed, and he slept tooleep. "" Tai Sisters them? "

"Silent poison has been completely cleaned up, there is basically nothing to rest for a long time, too poisonous, but her secret surgery is too big for the body, at least five days to free action."

"Five days? How long? Her injuries are not, um, should not be so surprised," Some surprised, because the injury on the Taiwan should have been recovered once with vitality, should not be so long And the last time doesn't seem to be so serious.

Outline: "Accurately, she is not hurt, I don't understand why, theory her body cells should have a wide range of necrosis, but there is no."

From the heart: "In this case, what is it?"

Operators: "Although there is no injury, her body cells are adipocytes or muscle cells, the energy is extremely lacking, and the overdraft is too serious, but these are not injured, but it is more troublesome than injuries. Body cells lack energy. The visceral operation will be affected. If there is enough nutritional supplement, the recovery time will be greatly improved. Unfortunately, the hospital has been destroyed. "

"Even if the hospital is still there, there is no destruction, the nutrient solution is not much, this time is too big." Lying in the bed.

"Can food? I remember that after she used secret surgery last time, she did not affect appetite." Asked from her heart.

Operators: "The food is also possible, but it is necessary to absorb high energy."

"Pack in me" slammed with his heart.

Chapter 203 is sorry, the eyes are not ruled.

"Let's talk about it, you will lie down, I checked your eyes."

"Oh, good" from the heart heard the horse lying on a simple operating table.

This is moving from the ruins of the hospital, very simple, don't say no light, even the surgical instruments are not.

Of course, the program now does not require a surgical equipment, even if she is not used, she doesn't dare to use it.

In case it makes a bit of blood, she will definitely. I have a check treatment for mute and too one. She is all used by Chakra, and she did not see blood at all.

After lying on the heart, the aperator did not look at his eyes in the first time, but first checked the routine of his pulse heartbeat blood pressure, and determined his current body state.

Especially his chest.

In the battle last night, although she was a little unclear because of the double impact of toxins and probularity, some memories were still remembered.

The most shocked the water flow from the heart of the heart, and then dug into the heart of the heart, the bloody scene, even now let her have a linger.

The finger is gently scratched from the heart of the heart. Chakra flows, and the traces of his ribs are found in an instant, but the liver is strong, but it is intact.

The open eyebrows, she is the strongest medical ninja in the endurance. Chakra exploits the effect of X-ray, and naturally discovered the strangeness of the heart.

"The cells are too active, and the cells after the activation of youth is still active, almost can catch up with my Baidi's first stage of recovery, but this is not enough to restore the heart of the heart, unless it is mine Whenever the law creates regeneration, or the body as the grandfather, but how is this possible? "There is a few speculations in the heart of the card.

"The former, the promenade", I saw some of the gods, I couldn't help but shout.

After returning to God, it was gently pressed against the fracture of the heart rib. "Your rib is very smooth, but the skin outside, and the internal organs inside are intact, how did you do it?"

From the heart, I will not say the left-eyed natural age, so I am not clear, I use my palm fairy, and then it will be restored. "

"Can you show it once?" Asked.

"Yes, I am now, yes, still look at my eyes first, there is less eye, I am not used to it." From the heart put the topic to my own eyes.

"Good" has naturally seen the concearation from the heart, but I still promised: "What is your eyes? Is it attacked?"

From the heart: "Nothing, it may be that the write-wheel eye is used. At that time, he gave a war, observed his tolerance action, it might be too frequent, and the blood was so blood, then this is the same."

"Bleeding? No wound, have you treated it yourself?" Asked again.

"Treatment, but it is useless, after cleaning the blood, it is like this."

The master found a black eye mask and said: "Test your lights on your right eye, the left eye is covered first." Said, cover the eye mask directly on the left eye of the heart, and then said, " Perceived light? "

From the heart: "Can, gray, but very vague, like a piece of cloth."

The program does not know where to find a flashlight, directly on the right eye from the heart: "Do you feel the eye?"

"It's not a glaring, but it seems that it is just that it is just a flashlight, it is a flashlight."

Opened man: "Yes, it is a flashlight, how did you see it?"

From the heart: "It is a feeling of light, especially in the middle."

The apeer has extended a finger, standing between flashlight and from the heart: "What is it now?"

"There is a black shadow in the middle of the lit, it is a pen or something of something."

The card is nodded, and the road: "Very good, the difference is similar to me, the visual nerve should have no problem"

From the heart: "So, should you cure?"

Outline: "Not necessarily, the following check, I need to use Chakra, may have some excitement to the eye, you control it, it is best not to blink."

"alright, I understand."

The hand of the hand has a greenery of the hand, and then gently covered on the right eye from the heart.

From the heart, I only feel that the cool feelings of the fans on the eye beads are, but I don't think there is any exciting place.

The brow's brow is again frowned: "Your eyes are absorbing my Chakra, is this your ability?"

"Ah? No, my eyes don't have this ability, and I can feel the cool Chakra encountered the eye, but I didn't feel Chakra entered the eyes."

"Yes? What is it now?" The program converted the outer Chakra into water attributes.

"The same as just now"

"What is it now?" Fire properties.


Outlet wants to think, directly transform into class properties: "What is it now?"


The apeer frown stopped to check the Kra, and directly touched the eye of the heart with the left hand refers to the belly.

From the heart, I endured the impulse, said: "This is to put the fingers directly on my eye, some itchy"

Operators: "The eyeball is perceived, you can absorb Chakra, if you really don't feel that Chakra enters your eyes, then the problem is a little tricky."

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