Konoha from the Heart

Wood leaves from the heart pass chapter 226

Too a squad, four people, one cat, a chicken, standing with respectfully, waiting.

"Too many, you used a butterfly, if I didn't remember the wrong, you are the third time, but the butterfly is strong, but it is still less, it is too damaged, how is it now? Sample, is it better? "The three generations of sound with loving and care, it is easy to feel warm.

However, from the heart but the right eye, the heart: "The mold is like, if you really care, don't arrange a seat."

Too much, no more thinking, respectfully replied: "Thank you for your attention, I am nothing, fortunately, I have encountered a master."

Three generations: "Opener, is he okay?"

Too good: "Because it is good, it seems very young, it should be good, but it seems to be a problem."

"Oh, in this respect, you don't mention it, talk about it."

Too much: "This may involve some privacy, I also speculated based on some of the situation at the time, perhaps not correct."

"It's ok"

"The master, it seems that there seems to be a kind of blood, allergic"

"Allergy, huh, this word, what are you talking? This I have long known, hey, the matter of the year, I didn't expect it, I still said that the task, this task has a lot of tasks. Unexpected, how is the air tolerance? Shennong, big snake pill, mysterious ninja. I have heard of Shennong's famous head, if I remember, he should be a single medical ninja, which is quite in various villages. Praise, how can I get together with an empty? "

When I said the last sentence, the three generations of eyes were looking to the heart, because the direct contact of Shennong and airborne in the report was from the point of direct evidence.

From the heart, he will see him to look at himself, so he said: "I don't know, when we suspect it on his head, he suddenly attacked death, too strange, and you still ask the burial before death, you I have a wide range of knowledge, I am sure that during this period, the body is to be cremated. His doctor should not commit such a fault, so we will doubt that he is dying, so I will discuss, by my use of soil Sneak into the ground. Then I found out that he broke out. He followed them to the valley all the way. He saw the airbearing him as the leader. "

"In the report, Shennong is proficient in a restoration, and even the brain destroyed?"

"Yes, I have conducted three attacks on him. Once, I used a rock stick to take a rock gun. The second time I used to wear his throat. The third use of hardships, there is no way to pierce. It is estimated that the brain slurry is stirred, but he didn't kill him three times, then I fled. "

"Is it flying thunder?"

"Well,", he still had a little guilty, and now there is no concern.

The three generations of gods nodded and continued: "About the big snake pill, your flying thunder can't deal him?"

From the heart: "He seems to know this kind, every time I can avoid it, it is also a branch."

Three generations: "This is not blame, his attack power is not the strongest, but the ability of life is extremely excellent, it is too big, and the last punch does hit him, his injury can determine ?"

Too little head: "Hit it, if it is a body, it should be hurt."

From the heart to add: "I checked him that the snake left, if it hurts, it is estimated that he doesn't have to use this."

Three generations of brows, seriousness, seems to have a one-point worries: "He didn't appear again later?"

Too many and shook it at the same time.

I asked three generations: "He once invited you to join him, is this? From the heart."

From the heart: "Yeah, the report is written, invited twice, once I first arrived in the town, he first sent a person, to make friends, I certainly disagree, I launched an attack on him. Where is his strength, I turned into the soil, and then I made it out all the way, the body also took it back, then the big snake pills appeared, said that I want to invite me to study eternal life. I also fled him alone, I used the flying thunder to escape, and he did not continue to chase. "

All this is true, but there is only concealing the identity and ability.

"The second time is the night of the night, I said to you, in fact, I have to escape or very simple, but at that time, the master fainted, I can't stay, I have to stay in the big snake pill. Before he played I invited me once, I didn't take care of him. "

It is said that I have a three-generation road from the heart, I'm looking at the three generations: "Three generations of fire, seeing this, so that you have saved your disciples, do you want to give me a reward, such as sealing printing, like Four pictures seals, five elements seals, gossip seals, I found that the fly thunder is also improved. "

The three generations of mouth is slightly pulled, and the heart: "Last give you flying thunder and eight-door armor, two consultants came over, the seal and stress involved in people, this dry system, this can't give you, in case You release the seal on the column, and then use the write-wheel eye to control the tail, and the other high levels of the wooden leaves still don't tear me. "

However, the heart is so thinking, but the mouth is said: "The sealing and stress level is too high, or from the basic learning, I will let people sort out the introduction of the intake and stress, you will come over tomorrow. "

"Basic information, you play, the foundation of the archives, I have learned, I don't believe that I use the seal of the evil letter in minutes to seal your evil old man."

From the heart, I still have a very happy, but my face is still very happy: "That's great, but the advanced is also ready, I have to learn."

Three generations, huh, laugh: "I know, um, this way, let's continue to tell the mission, and there are two mysterious ninja again, do you know?"

From the heart: "Listen to the big snake pills said their organizational name is Xiao, the base is in the country of rain, the leader is called the long door, the two people come to the front of the world, the role is a flying section, the strength is very strong, with the strength of the shadow "

Does the big snake pill do not say that he can't remember, but more, it should be no harm, so that the village is somewhat prepared, maybe a little loss will be less.

"Shadow?" Three generations, then instantly understand the meaning of the movie level "You are talking about the strength of the five major countries."

The highest level of the ninja is endured, the so-called elite is just a respect for strength, and "shadow" is just the title of the status, does not represent strength.

From the heart, I know that I have said that I have said that I have a big mouth, a large number of descriptions of the fire gradation level, and the upper middle is just usually, I like the hook of Yischi. The shadow level is almost open, and the ultra shadow is the eternal kaleidoscope. There is still a six-level level behind, which is opened.

But these are not clear in the world of noodles.

"Yes, this means, the flying segment, I don't say it, I will control the big snake pills, and then he started to be self-disabled. He poked himself. The same part of the big snake will be injured."

"In addition, it is very laborious to play with him. It is very powerful, and the smell of body is very powerful. The big snake pill can not take me, he will pregnant me, the heart gives him Go, then come over and dig my eyes, so that the big snake pill suddenly summoned the big snake, defeated the flying segment, attracting the attention of the corner, I grabbed my heart. "

This is true, two points, even if the big snake pill is coming, can't hear true and false.

The three generations of fire brids were shaken. When he just saw the report, he paid to the dialect of the heart, but this is too incredible, the history of the leaf history, he doesn't know who has this ability, but the initial generation There will be no chance to dig the heart. At this time, he still didn't know that the printed print of the Baihao developed after the village was also able to rehab it.

So he confirmed: "You said that you are really digging your heart, not Chinese illusion?"

From the heart: "It should be not illusion, illusion should be used for me."

"Well, but you sure you are grabbing your heart, re-put back the chest and then restore, not through other ways?" The three generations of the same are the Yuxi Bo, the three hooks can show the mouth, Ivacon . Otherwise his right eye will not become "white eye."

Although the task report is written to the proposition from the right eye, it is not clear, and the doubt is quite, and it is more than the kaleidoscope half awakening this speculation. He is more believed in the evil.

From the heart, I thought he found the secret of his born, but I thought about the scene at the time, the martial arts and flying sections were too selfless, because no one was paying attention to it, so I was busy: " Of course, it's time to press it. You also know that I was a child, I was stabbed, and the natural life was strong. I didn't have the horse to die. Plus my medical ticky, um, I am lucky enough. "

Three generations of his speech, he knew that he had hidden, so it was more confident that I evil. However, he felt that there was no need to break it at this time, and he knows that it is good, this is not a tight thing.

So, he asked: "That, the body of the flying section, is you back?"

From the heart: "Bring it back, not only the flying segment, but also a few devoted, and their equipment, I brought it back, those equipped with the airborne, I Two sets of two sets to the village without compensation, others take it, can. "

The three generations have smashed the eyebrows, and they feel a bit tired. I thought about it. I said: "This way, if those equipment are really like this, you will leave two sets, the rest of the village is unified and recycled"

See what I want to say, the three generations will follow: "Reassure, the price is good, will not let you lose."

From the heart, the so is unwilling, but there is no way to say: "This, that's good."

That tone is idiotic, living in the mall, hit the unscrupulous merchant of the sale of the banner, just a sentence: "See you sincerely want, I will pay you this friend, you account for a big cheap"

But in fact, he knows that he is absolutely not lost.

On the contrary, if the village is unified, it will save the strength of personally trafficking, bargaining.

Then I asked a few questions, everyone answered one by one, and finally the three generations were reluctant, and the task had many accidents, because there is unknown airborne participation, so the task is upgraded to the level B task, task reward……".

"Wait a minute, three generations of fire, why is B-class, then there are nearly 100 blank, and there are two strong guys in Big Snake Pills and Xiaomi, even if it is not the S-class is also the first A level task." From the heart very dissatisfaction.

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