Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 228

This is a night to sleep until 10 am.

Simple comb was washed, I found some shabby clothes set on the body, and I ran to the fire office.

The three-generation fire shadow looked at the heart of the clothes, and the mouth was straight.

"Then, this is the learning information you want, of which there are many advanced sealing and printing, you can keep it safe."

Three generations said, directly dropping a seal reel to the heart.

"Okay, thank you", from your heart, hide the joy of your heart, and the face is calm.

This time, he can not release the things directly, but directly through the reel to view the information directory inside.

The seal reel is sealed in the reel, which will reveal the corresponding pattern at the blank spool.

"Keep seal, seal, play; the limbs are heavy seal, seal the evil method, blocking fire method, the triple seal, the B-class, I will also; Si Zifang, this seems to be okay, but four people Show. "From the side of the heart.

There are only two C-C-Classs that are particularly listed in terms of specific sealing and printing. Three B is all seen in the archives. There is only one four purple array is nothing, but not. I have seen it in an anime before.

That is the union of the four generations of the three generations of nuts.

Other books are, such as "Rune Detailed", "Seal Operation Theory", "Array Outline" and other theories, many of them have seen before. Otherwise, he will not create a storage reel and a psychic reel.

"Cough" three generations saw the heart to get a scroll, and did not help but cough, wait for him to see himself, this only opened: "From the heart, I heard that your flying thunder is very good." what?"

Rolling the reel from the heart, then said: "Three generations of adults, this matter we didn't say yesterday?"

"Ah, oh, huh, is this? Old, my memory is not very good, huh, huh."

From the heart, turn on the right eye, toward the three generations and one eyebrow, then said: "The Nang Shadow people laughed, but I have to go back to practice."

"Wait a minute, I have some things to tell you."

"Oh, you said, as long as the price is reasonable, I am willing to accept"

The three generations have helpless, I haven't said anything yet, you will start talking to me, how much money is it.

"It's not the problem of money, listening to Taiyi, you are not very good recently, just now there is time, are you willing to talk to me?"

"Don't want"

"Hey" is so straightforward, and the face of my fire is so worthy of money. At this time, the three generations have a little love in love with the days.

Seeing the three generations, there is something wrong, from the heart of the horse, the horse is changed, smile: "Haha, let a joke, you don't really, you can talk about the adults, I am happy."

Just kidding, if you really have sinned this little old, what should he do so if he wants to make the bad!

Three generations smiled: "It turns out, huh, it seems that your emotions are not as bad as too much!"

From the heart: "If you can't talk, it is a bit big."

"Why, is it because of the first murder?"

I shook my head and said: "Okay, it may kill more pigs, and I don't think it is."

Three generations of brows, this is a matter of life with life and livestock, this idea is a little dangerous, but this is not good to say, it is easy to cause anti-anti-psychology, Yisi Bo family is easy to emotionally, this is in him Teacher, in the data left in the second generation, there was more than once.

So, the three generations of acknowledgment: "How much killing pigs? Oh, the small age will go to the meat Q to work, it is really difficult for you."

"It's not difficult, I really like to kill the pig, I will do my own, and the food is full of food!"

"Hey, a full-food" is the logic, but if you think about it, it seems that there is no problem, so the three generations also said: "It's true that the slaughter animal is to get food, what is the murder?"

"Hey, the imperial killing should be because of food, sometimes it may be because of fear." From the heart to a concept, let the murderery become a wild murder, because if you say what to kill, you will know that the three generations will not think he Intimate kill, then take him as a hidden danger directly Ko, you must know that the big snake pills in the whole day, add two rigs, but also hurt from this smile.

It is still good to play with the big snake pill.

The three generations directly ignored the first half of the heart and asked: "Fear? Can you tell me?"

From the heart: "The farmer walks in the fields, suddenly being brought by a little snake, poisoning death, the farmer itself does not pay attention to the snake, but did not step on it, but the snake still bites a farmer, because what? Is the snake want to eat people? Or is it a snake? Both, it is just afraid, he is afraid of the farmer to be unfavorable to him, so he will first pay first. This is the fear of me. "

The three generations of faces have an inexplicable smile. "" Do you mean that the snake is not ferocious? "

"Well? This is a bit wrong." From the heart, I thought about it, "I won't doubt n't doubt what I have ticked with the big snake pill. In order to avoid it, I will send it too much to go. With a partner, it's okay, this has to say it. "

The three generations saw that they were turned from the heart of the eyes. I simply asked: "You go out this time, it is more in-depth with big snake pill. What kind of person do you think he is?"

"Scientists, what people can be," I think so, but I said: "The bad guys, for their own purpose, not to take advantage of others, self-prison, forced abduction, ignorance, dedication, dedication."

"Hey, what do you mean?" I didn't understand the three generations.

From the heart: "He invented a tolerance, no corpse, just when his body was seriously injured, he found a talent and uncomfortable teenager, kids him said that you can live together, if you are in the boy, He directly transferred the soul and Chakra to the bodies of the bodies, replacing the awareness of the teenager and became the new owner of this body. "

The three generations heard the words, and the face suddenly didn't work: "This tentative, he really completed such a tobach, this deaf

"Oh, this is called deferentis, wait for next year, he will kill the teacher." From the heart silently laughing in your heart, but the mouth is said: "Of course, when we fight, I specially made it A stroning trick, monkey peaches "

"Monkey peaches?"

"That's it," from your heart.

The three generations instantly understand that the old face suddenly can't hang, and he is more sensitive to the monkey.

From the heart, I'm busy with my face: "But his peach is no longer, he has successfully won a woman's body, and then uses itself to maintain his original appearance, in fact, it is already a woman, true nausea."

Three generations have sighted tone, he has believed that he said, because he knew that his disciples did have such an idea. Therefore, from the heart, there is a genius, and it will not take your body to hand.

Looking at the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, there is any kind of mood, and the three generations have repeatedly remembered the purpose of looking for him today: "I want to ask him to participate in the Torle country to endure the exam. Talk to the big snake pill. "

Chapter 212 is ready to accept the will of the fire.

I have returned the three generations of God, and the topic transferred the topic: "Is it still satisfied with your seal?"

"It is obviously unsatisfactory," thinking from the heart of the heart, his mouth: "Satisfied, then it is ok ..."

Three generations did not wait for him to say, directly robbed: "Satisfaction is good, the village gives you such a big reward, are you can do something for the village?"

From the heart, you are vigilant: "What do you say?"

"Oh, there is nothing, do you want to be embarrassed?"

Have a conspiracy, so: "Don't want"

"" Three generations, like being neuroted in the eyes of the peach: "Not, when you can take a higher level of task, get a more rich bonus, are you not the old money?"

"Oh, I am disability", "I pointed to my right eye from my heart:" The eyes are not good, I'm reluctant. "

"Do you learn to fly the thunder? Also, seem to heard that you have already entered the door, and there is a spiral pill."

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