Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 233

With this guess, there is no disappointment, and gently patted the opponent's cheek. I want to wake up, for a long time, the other party is unreacted.

"It is estimated that the drowning time is too long. It is woke up for a while, it is not a rest, anyway, it is not far from the village. Do you want to bring back the village?"

Rain is a little hesitant, she is not honest in the village.

She is an orphan, and the village has a plague. She is the first infected person who is discovered. If Shen Nong will cure her, she is now a dead, but although her is good, the villagers are more I don't like her, think she is a disaster star that brings disaster to the village.

Later, although the villager did not drive her out of the village because of the relationship between Shennong, it was less than the cold words.

If she takes this unknown to the village, it is estimated that the villagers will not wait for her, especially, her master is not there.

"Forget it, don't want so much, anyway, the place I live in the outermost side of the village, it is estimated that I have to come over, I don't have any necessary, and the teacher said, the doctor's duty is to save the wounded, each other How is the identity, not a doctor, what is considering?

I want to pass this, and the rain took a sigh of breath and took the man directly and slowly walked toward his village.

The raincoine is not high, almost just to one meter five, and the coma is close to one meter, so a little is not going to carry a big child walk on the trail, look extra fun.

I am hovering from my heart, I can't help but say: "It's really a potential of the Virgin, no matter what person, I will go back and go back, I am not afraid to meet color wolves, the wolf into the room , This guy is not a good person. "

Of course, the fat shadow will not admit that he is because the other party is more than yourself.

"Really, how is the other shadow, I haven't followed it, I don't know if I am almost blue!" The shadow is full of small complaints.

As a month ago, it was summoned and was responsible for tracking the shadow of the rain. At this moment, his Chakra has already watched it.

Although the second-generation development of the second-generation, although it is god, it also has its own shortcomings. First, the time is not enough for a long time, Chakra, the longer the time, with the current chakra, in full state The shadow is probably more than two months.

But this is the data in a state in which no battle.

If you participate in the battle, the time exists according to the consumption of Chakra, it will inevitably decrease.

There is no one-on-one assistant, and the ability to track the sneak than the students who have graduated from the end of the school, but they can't make a problem, but they are not too easy to compare high-level ninja.

After tracing for more than ten days, this shadow was exposed to a team of airborne sight. Although the rain is used by Shen Rong, it is also the disciple of Shennong's name. After Shen Nong "disappears", the batch of airbearing naturally brought the message back to the fortress.

Vehicle is used to use the air advantage to find rain and not what is unexpected.

From the heart of this shadow, it is because I have encountered such a squad, and then consume a small half of Chakra. I use the shadow to open the written eye. Through illusion, I will destroy the other five teams. I don't know the ghosts. .

It is said that the shadow is born to open the eyes, this is also grateful to the cultivation of the Unecissy Wom.

The score of the second generation of fire shadow can not turn on the write-wheel eye from the heart, but he is from unknown tolerance. The shadow is not available to the ability to turn on the writing.

In fact, the second generation of shadow has indeed no ability to turn on the write-wheel eye, but the room for the second development is very large, just like Kakasi uses the shadow to develop a thunder, Yishabo family. Entienals have also developed a way to write the eye. This is a method that even the belt soil.

If you are from the experience of the practice of the Unexpea family, the shadow is really not able to write the eyes.

In addition to writing the eyelid, there are other types of skills that are used by other shades. In addition to his replication, if you are in contact, you can pass the memory to other fellowships simultaneously by special means. If this detail is not a professor or a data sheet, it is impossible to copy it.

The score is divided into the written eye, and the consumption of Chakra is doubled, so his current state is estimated to be up to three days.

But inquired another picture of another shadow, it is not far away, it is estimated that the time for two or three days should be available.

So, this shadow wants to do anything in the next few days.

For example, now, the big happiness is inexplicably picked up to an unknown guy.

What he didn't know is that when the rain decided to take the guy back home.

Among the acknowledgment of a well-known secret, Daxie fairy suddenly opened the heavy eyelids, and said that they were just called: "Little comes, I have seen a completely different future."

After a while, I can't help but I have to urge it. When I have a dream, my dreams use a dream.

"Devil from the sky;


Phoenix reborn in the bath;

And the wanderer lost in the long river of time and space;

The child of fate is addicted to the virtual;

The end of the ninja, the heroes were imprisoned in the box of the Quartet, and she was willing to play with ordinary people. "

Then I didn't wait for myself, and the two came back from the shocked, and the eyes of the big fairy happened.

One person is two sides of the face, and the face is extremely heavy.

Chapter 215 suspected six spot

Late is also a person full of idealistic colors.

Wretched, the color is just his appearance.

Ok, it is his inner.

But this is also unable to cover up, he is also a fact that is full of ideal ninja.

Since I was predicted by the fairy in the year, he will become a tutor of prophetic, whenever there is time, he will wander around the world and look for the son of life.

He thought that there was a wheel-glared whirlpool, or a sense of justice.

Later, he found that the sun is warm, powerful, and excellent qualifications, I think he is this prophet, but when he is chaotic, he is dead.

After the big snake pill, he left the village again, almost rarely returned to the wooden leaves, the main purpose of which is to find a new prophecy, the person who can bring peace to the endurance.

However, what did you say?

Predication is addicted to false?

The hero was put in the box and was also placed by ordinary people.

Don't mention it, you can't understand, even say this prophecy's big fairy, it is estimated that it is not clear what is going on.

If you can hear this prophecy, you may be able to think about anything, but unfortunately he is not there.

What are you doing at your heart?

The body has just got off work, and it drills into the work.

The workshop on the first floor of his house is transformed by the original living room. Originally, the rolling door for the street was dismantled, and then the door was completely blocked with the earth-raised soil and reinforced.

There is also a wall between the living room and the kitchen, and only leave a door in the original stairwell position.

This level of security measures are not worthless for Ninja.

It is not to do some anti-human experiments inside. At this moment, he is making a computer in accordance with the hardware knowledge you have learned from the Soul of the Big Snake Pills.

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