Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart biography Chapter 269

"The healing speed drops more than 50 times, but it is a lot better than the natural healing of ordinary people."

I nodded from my heart, and then scratched on the left leg again.

Then, the seal is opened, and the seal is opened, driven by the vitality acupuncape below the knee, flow into the vulnerable rogue near the wound, and release it, less than five seconds, the wound is directly healing directly. .

The smile of victory from the face of the heart, sure, through this approach, not only, it can reduce the vital concentration of body cells, but also can increase the vitality of the local vitality to accelerate the wound healing through meridians.

Re-print off the output of the vitality.

It has been here, the experiment has been perfectred, but from the heart suddenly emerged from the new ideas.

If the experiment is successful, the next step will be set to the seal node, such as a hand.

But just, from the heart suddenly emerged a quite bold, even subversive ideas.

That is to put the node of the seal in the belly to the navel, the gas sea point in the Renmin, which is the Dantian of the qi Dan Tian.

If you will set the seal node in Dantian, then you can run the vital energy as internal force like a cultivation.

"Calm, calm, the more you go to this key, the more you want to calm, if you are not right, you can't do it in the future." I think that it is likely to hang it, I will calm down from my heart.

Then analyze it carefully.

"First, I want to think about it, I may have a hidden danger."

Since the heart is summed up from the heart:

First, if there is a vital energy in the meridians, it will not affect Chakra extraction.

Second, if the seal is placed on the acupuncture, Chakra is not interfered.

Third, the meridians and acupuncture points will not change because of the vitality of energy.

Soon, the third point was excluded from the heart, because the vital energy characteristics were able to accelerate wound healing, increase cell activity, so it should not harm the meridians.

After an hour, the second point was confirmed, and the seal was set on the acupuncture point, which directly caused the corresponding meridian Chevrase to turn stuck, resulting in the failure of the none.

Finally, I got a confirmation. If the meridians are filled with vital energy, when the Chakra is extracted, the vital energy will interfere with Chakra generation. If the vital energy is controlled in a very low amount, it will not There is an impact, and if the vital energy is too high, the proportion of the mental energy and cell energy will have a new look, a vibrant, milky white Chakra, is completely different from the purple Chakra before him.

"This will not be ..."

Chapter 251, Xianke Chakra?

"This will not be a Xianli Chakra?"

Thinking of this is not hop from the heart.

He quickly ran to the bathroom and carefully checked his face on the mirror. There was no new color or purple geographical road, or the eyes did not become a puppet or horn, but let him disappointed, these signs did not appear. .

"That is, this is not a fairy Chakra!"

Some disappointments from the heart.

Regarding what you have to absorb this vital energy in the left eye, what you have guess from the heart, will it be a natural energy, or a natural energy, but it can't confirm.

Nowadays, I am very lucky to synthesize in the body. I have a complete difference from the past. He is naturally excited. Then there is no eye shadow, there is no pattern, and there is no change in your eyes.

"This is definitely not Xianke Chakra. Think about it, Xianke Chakra is so well, when the Naruto absorbs natural energy, it is almost become a frog. It is said that it is possible to become a stone. "

I think about my heart, but my heart is still some episodes: "Can I have powerful?"

Holding the current generation, jumping directly into the yard from the heart, shouted with the tag of the tapuke.


The highest can withstand the target of eight thousand kilograms, which is directly exploded from the heart.

"Hey, this power, even the super pusher is not possible to explode!" From the lossless fist, dark road: "And so heavy fists, even a little skin is not broken, even if it is not a fairy Type Kraka, it's not much not much. "

Next, from the heart and simply experiment, there is a bounce and run, and the speed is far more than ten times more than one.

Then he tested the spiral pill and Ray, the spiral pill became white from the original purple, and did not join Chakra's nature change. The color of the spiral pill is in Chakra's color, the original, his Chakra is purple, now It turned into white, but it was nothing to do.

To discuss the power of power.

I saw him took a white spiral pill to the ground, and a bath of the large pothole appeared in the ground, and before his spiral pill would be so big.

Thunder's progress is more obvious. Raytheben is not a simple tolerance attack, but the attack of the endurance, the power of attack is mainly dependent on the speed of the sprint, and the speed of the sprint is stimulating with the thunder. The degree of extent is related. Plus the thunder itself is a perfect blow.

From the heart of the card, it is a card in the step of stimulating the body. It makes him sprinting is not fast, but only can only play the effect of thunderic Chakra itself, lacking speed bonus, power Bucati Show It is weak to be weak.

But now this kind of Chakra is running in the meridians, but the speed is also upgraded, so even if you don't have to check the Kara, the attack power is not weak in Cardi, even more stronger.

I thought I thought, simply didn't convert Chakra into Taure property, but directly attacked this white Chakra in his hand, directly launched an attack, and the power is not much smaller than the thunder.

Looking at the holes on the wall of the hospital, from the heart, you can't help but smile.

"What is the immortal mode, the power attack is strengthened, what is it tangled?"

From the heart of the eye, it is a huge mouth with a lot of mouth, and then this white looks in Chakra in his hand, more than ten seconds, and the wound healed.

"It is not possible to restore the speed, but it is better than the ability to automatically repair the vital energy, and will not affect the speed as the concentration is changed." From the heart looks, if you look at the palm, mutter Road: "The most important thing is that this kind of Chakra can be put, perhaps not need to be treated with people to treat others."

Think of this, from the heart of the horses, a rabbit caught from the corner of the corner.

Then rushed on it on it, then quickly attached this Chakra in his hand, holding the wound on the bunny.

Sure enough, the wound of the rabbit healed.

Seeing the effect is so good, I made a decision from my heart.

In order not to affect the operation of Chakra, the node can not be arranged on the acupuncture point, but can be arranged next to the acupuncture, and then connect the channel acupuncture acupuncture.

Moreover, more than one seal point can also be set, so that it can be turned off simultaneously, or one of them can be opened separately, and the flexibility is greatly improved.

"However, the location of the specific seal point needs to be carefully planned."

On the next afternoon, I have been engaged in this thing, even lunch and dinner forgot to eat, if you are helping to wake up from the study, it is estimated that he is likely to directly all night.

But the results are also very obvious. At noon the next day, he arranged all the details of the program.

Seven seven seals were designed, located in forehead, chest, navel, and hands of hands and feet of feet.

The acupuncture points corresponding to the forehead are in the middle, which is used to store purple Chakra in a normal state. The acupuncture points corresponding to the chest are used in the middle of the white Chakra, and the navel is corresponding to the navel, storage It is pure vital energy. The hand corresponds to the left and right hand, the foot, the heart, the heart, the heart of Yongquan. The Rutong Visters and Yongquan are all important acupoints in the Ninja, from the heart as a spare storage point of the vital energy, if there is too much vital energy, it will be stored here. .

The corresponding acupuna points corresponding to the sealing point are close to the corresponding acupuncture points through the runes of the blocked.

Generally, the blocker is not connected. It does not affect the normal Chakra operation of the body, and when Chakra needs to operate the seal, you can enter the meridian directly through the idea of ​​the inventory and acupoints.

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