Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 280

Chapter 262, ghost, death

Three hooks jade wrote the wheel eye, the battlefield situation instantly reflected the eye.

In the next moment, the target is locked in the ghost body.

Injury, it is not as good as it is.

"I want to run, not so easy"

From the heart, the gas flies from the foot and leaves a half-inch footprint directly on the ground, and the body is directly in the direction of the ghost.

Under the hot air, the speed is full from the speed of the heart, compared to the bitterness of the endless, it is necessary to quickly.

The ghosts looked out of the surrounded, suddenly there was a small ghost in front of him. I didn't say it. The left hand was smashed, and I went directly to my head.

From the heart, it does not avoid it, and the right hand is extended directly to grasp the blade of the muscles.

He wants to try it, how high it is, the defense is too high, of course, this is the muscle, if you change a knife, such as the fragile dagger big knife, as long as you open the front, he will not use Hand pick up.

However, the muscles have no blade at all, compared to other talents in the country of water, the biggest difference between the muscles is, it is living.

"Pong ..."

The muscles waved the strength of not 10,000 pounds, but the right hand from the heart is stable as Taishan.


Not only the ghosts, even those who know from the heart, they are also shocked by this scene.

"That is not from the heart, it's not a hand, it is so powerful,"

"Yu Zhibo descendants, it is really not to be underestimated."

"Is the move that suddenly rushed over the past was flying thunder?"

"No, it seems to be ordinary instant surgery"

"Ah, how can I be so fast?"

"Hey, you are afraid to have forgotten the moment before five years ago."

"The three generations of adults really have a good eye, I am afraid it is to know his talent to teach yourself!" Suddenly mixed a hit in the discussion.

From the heart, it is obviously not the impact of these discussions.

Three hooks jade rotate, it is necessary to launch illusion, and the nature is naturally much better than the body.

But the ghosts once partners are Uzhi Hou, and the man who will play a flower. There is such teammates to perform tasks together, and ghosts understand the eyes of the eyes.

Otherwise, I have been driving for so long, I have been written by him, and I will wait until now.

I saw that the ghost suddenly agglomerate Chakra in the eyes, producing a layer of water attribute Chakra film, although the line of view was affected, but the writing wheel to the heart was broken.

However, in this case, the muscle that is held from the heart hand, the bandage suddenly inch, revealing the blade full of stripping.

From the heart smile, don't let go, the palm of the Cala release instantly, the flying thunder style is printed in the body of the muscle.

The muscles that broke free freeze-band suddenly opened the mouth, bite directly towards the palm of the heart, and seems to be averaged from the beginning of the hand.

But from the heart of the palm of the palm, it is necessary to tough three points in front of the hardship used to use the soil, it is fearless.

Take the opportunity to close the muscle teeth, the palm is full of hand, directly buckle the lower teeth bed, then force it, almost didn't pull the knife from the ghost.

The ghosts responded quickly, even if the vision was subjected to some influence in sternly writing, the body's response was still moving.

Feel the force on the hand, the ghosts suddenly left on the ground, along this force, before, the right leg knees directly toward the top of the heart.

Although the ghosts can be separated from the path to illusion, it hinders the dynamic vision of his writing.

This hit the knee hit and was easily resolved from the heart.

The ghost is not hit, and the other legs will kick, if it is not just cutting the right hand, the attack will be more stunned.

How can the attack rhythm be so simple to attack the Six-five five-five signs.

However, there is an innime, the short plate of the speed, the short board has been made, and the strength is powerful, plus the insight of the write-wheel eye is almost pre-propelled.

The ghosts who have less hands are completely inexpensive.

"Is it so powerful?" I remembered that the corner of the same as the shadow was forced to have a hurry, but now it is easy to deal with the ghost attack, from the heart of the face, the exaggerated smile.

In a moment, he intends to play with the ghosts to play, come to a cat to catch the game.

But now the situation is obviously not allowed.

Because of not far, the Pu-Ti has once again launched an attack, but has a broader space, the killing power at this moment directly has a step.

Although when they just came out of the stomach from the rock, there were five or six, but these people were not the enemy of the Pu-style.

It is really unable to compete with him with a lot of immortal model with him. This three-generation eyepiece that even lost the golden hoop is completely unable to do.

Similarly, because the space of rush is more vague, it is more calm when it also avoids the Pu-style "Heavenly Waveflower".

Pu style's current Chakra is the previously obtained from the tail, and it is not one-fifth of the nine tail. It will be less than a little, so after the Ninja who wants to intervene, he will The Chakra energy attack is no longer used.

So, very fast, the two of the two have become the contest of the body.

Then it is also obviously in the lower air.

The situation here naturally fell into the observation of the eyes of the heart, so he did no longer delay after judging in his own strength, taking advantage of a few times of contact with ghosts, already in the ghost I left two flying thunderic style. At this moment, he directly launched a fly thunder, moved to his side, and then moved to his other side in the ghost.

Then a spiral pill with a true gas is directly smashed on the ghost face, and then didn't look at it, directly moved to the vicinity of the three generations.

As early as the three generations arrived here, he left the surgery on the three generations, and at this time, the three generations were just a closest coordinate point from the Pudi.



I have a ghost of the true gas spiral pill, directly to the ground, have no movement, life and death, and the muscles in his hands also fell to the ground, send a burst, want to escape.

At this time, the sound of a thousand birds sounded, but it was a trick madkikasi, and the Ray was cut down toward the neck of the ghost.

The ghost neck is separated from the body, obviously dead can't die.

In fact, after the ghost's head, after the heart of the real spiral pill, he had already died. If this time opened its skull, it will be able to find that now has become a red white. paste.

But I have already had a shadow of cardi, which has long been profited.

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