Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart of Chapter 283

After graduation, the participating tasks are either physical activity, or through other means to solve it, it has been developed, and the transient ability of the left eye has been developed, invented the instiring, even the opponents such as Shennong are killing, The rest of the means can't get exercise.

So he has long wanted to find a comparable amount of people, especially after the yin seal is completed, the basic attribute has greatly improved, which is getting more and more emphasized.

It is not suddenly a battle, but with the improvement of strength, many taboo things have been gradually no longer needed.

Especially in the bottom of the flying thunder, I will run from my heart, but I will bring it to him infinite.

Chapter 265 of the cottage ladder cloud

"This kid is in harming the body", "has also seen the doorway.

At this moment, he has already lifted the state of the immortal, and he also ate two soldiers and food pills to restore physical strength and Chakra. The two did not return to Miao Mountain, because they did not think that the final victory can be achieved from the heart. Finally, it is still necessary to come to the game.

The three generations: "It is indeed in harming the body. He has been too rough, and only the mobility of the school's basic, and the pause attack in the autumn channel, but the multiplication is under this level of battle, um , More suitable for battlefield compared to single-playing

Three generations looked at the autumn channels that were not far away, and they quickly changed the original words.

The autumn channel is not so be so be careful. I don't mind: "The Nang Shadow is good, our speed is too slow, not suitable for such a battle."

Three generations: "It's still this kind of child, "

It turned out that in the three generations of speaking, the first time the first time was predicted.

"Is this Maitai's lotus, can you use the super pusher to use so?" The three generations of sons, the Fei Fei Asa sighed.

It turned out that from the heart and the Pu-style, after a few times, it continued to reflect. In the end, I feel that the mess is no use, or it is necessary to cooperate with a specific movement and routine to make people can't prevent it.

So starting to try to have a routine that does not value in the day.

For example, woody wind wind, such as shadow dance.

Just just, I used a monotoma from my heart.

Table Lotus is based on shadow dance, kicking the other party to the air, then instantly appearing in the opponent, hugging the opposite side, by letting the other party's head first cause massive injury.

Xiao Li will take the enemy with a bandage when using this trick, but there is no bandage, so it directly uses the multiplication, hold the purse, and then take it toward the ground.

Late also said: "Unfortunately, this trick is destined to have too much effect"

Kaka West Pitted: "Yes, the other party is the ninja with flying ability, less than 100 meters height, completely can't threaten him, but in this way, the other party is a half-time or good idea, if this When the ground is ready, the trap is ready, maybe there is a good effect! "

"You are wrong" three generations of long: "The purpose of this kid is not to defeat the other party, but hone your own body movement, from the leafy wind to the shadow dance, it is a monotoma, do you have no other idea? ? "

Kakasi surprised: "Eight-door armor? But he did not open the door!"

"The military in the eight-door armor is not strict, and even some talents, the vain of the vain, no one can show anything. Now the Kay does not open the door is also able to show Lianhua" The three generations of faint roads.

Everyone took a breath, and the three generations of meaning is very obvious. At this moment, the heart is that people who do not open the door can also use the lotus.

Laterally: "If it is a cactometer, it is indeed possible to use eight tricks by opening eight doors. After all, natural energy is not better than eight unity."

There is still a saying that if it is really useful from the heart, then from his face, you can't see the performance of the fairy face, can be said to be super perfect from the heart of the immortal model.

Kakasi naturally believes in the judgment of his teacher, asked: "So, do you think he will use the powerful move?"

I also shook my head: "This can be said, and this little guy has seen the roll of eight-door armor?"

Carti and the three generations have opposed their eyes. The latter said: "For more than half a year, their brothers have set some credits, so I will give them a few hours as a reward, so I will give them a few hours."

The mouth is also tapped, so that Yizhibo looks at it, things are gone, still see a few hours.

"I have never seen the cultivation of the eight-door armor, but the minimum should be able to use the vast moving moves." It is also very confident.

As a third-generation disciple, he naturally has a chance to learn eight-door armor, but on the one hand, its character is not suitable, and on the other hand, he is also in the early way to contact the Xianmu Mountain, there is absolute confidence in Xianke .

The reason why only says seven doors, that is, it is right, and open a respectful determination of eight gates.

"Look, it is Lian Lianhua, actually can really use this kind of move." A unknown tolerance.

I saw that I was residual from my heart, and I launched a fast and unparalleled offensive.

Every step is in the air, but in the transparent ladder, through the anti-shock, it is happily handed in the air in the air. At a time, there was a non-phase to the Pu-style, it looks like a contest in flat.

"It is actually keeping such a long time in the air, which is nothing different from flight." Asma is also unreasonable.

Late Tao: "Although the air is more rushed to soft material than the water, theoretically, as long as the speed is fast enough, Chakra is controlled, and the air is not too difficult to use the air."

He can do itself in the immortal mode, otherwise it will not take the flying style on the ground before the heart, and attack the attack to fly a few hundred meters high-altitude Pu-style, not a comeback. The air is close to the pip style.

This move is originally woheren from the heart, although he ran more fast than usual, he jumped more than usual, but it was only possible to jump with three or forty meters. It is also almost this level, but he knows how to use the air to support the action skills, so you can catch up with a hundred meters high-altitude.

However, after the first time I used the move of Lianhua, I realized the skills of stepping on the air.

"It turns out that as long as the speed is fast enough, you can step on the air. This is the ladder cloud of the endurance version." From the heart of the heart, "I just got the real gas of the cottage version, now I now The ladder cloud, this is very light, it seems that it will become a martial arts world. "

"Actually dare to distract, go to death, fat pig" Pu-style suddenly issued "Tianzhu Waveflower Star" from an invorant angle, and the purple light of the teenage is instantly covered from the heart. The direction.

From the sense of heart, I know that I can't avoid it, I quickly launched the fly thunder, I immediately returned to the ground.

"" A purple light group actually passed together and hit the thigh from the heart.

From the left leg of the heart, there is half of the hematitis, and the bones are revealed.

"Damn, the wound is too big, unless you use the born art, you can restore at least half a minute" I want to think about it, or have not used birth to be born, but use the flying thunder to fly out of the junior, then in the body The true gas is running to the thigh, accelerating the recovery of injuries.

This trick is really unexpectedly, the big thunder is angry, and the edge of the comic is roared.

But there is no attack on the comic community.

He knows that such a juncture must have a lot of consumption, and the other party cannot always limit his actions through the necrops. This is also the reasons why he followed the heart in the commencement after his attack.

As long as you control Chakra, you must be a wooden leaf.

However, I am being addicted, the enemy suddenly ran to the outside, and it is really annoyed.

Chapter 266, Porrise Butterfly

"A group of stupidly low and other creatures, I see how long you can persist, wait for me to go out, be sure to kill you, and you have the village behind you, one does not stay, Chakra sucks"

Pu-style is big in the junction.

I don't mind from my heart.

The three generations are concerned: "How is the injury?"

From the heart: "Don't hinder, you can restore it for up to half minutes."

Below is also said: "Such a serious injury, I am afraid not to have more than a dozen pounds, I can recover half a minute, how is this possible?"

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