Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart biography Chapter 286

Unfortunately, the golden round of the Pu style is clear, and it is also very surprised in the heart. It is not easy to cause the wound. It is necessary to recover. He is naturally unwilling.

So use almost instantaneous speeds to fill in two people.

But this is still not enough to see the heart, the speed is still not enough, I only see the roll-up wall that is just arrived in this side, and I have pulled my next side from my heart. The Pu-style turned around and opposite it. Flying, 100 meters from the distance, just a moment.

But from the flying thunder god, it's so moving.

In fact, from the heart of the heart, you can go out to recover, and then join the battle.

However, the risk of real gas repair and vitality recovery, if the vitality is restored, as long as one injection is injected, it can be hie, but the real gas repair needs to be intuitive from the heart, and it is not like vitality, and automatically fixes after entering the wound. The portion that can be repaired with a pupil, and the recovery.

So from the heart, you must keep the arm to catch the arm, in order to treat him, if they go out, then the three generations of rigging in the comic circle, the mountains in the mountains, and the autumn channel is not a Pu-style opponent.

If he encompasses the Pu-style attack by Fei Leizhen in the reunification, he can not only play the pip, but also allow three people to temporarily not undergo Pu-style attack.

"The evil" Pu style is really uncomfortable from the tricks of the heart: "It is more annoying than fleas. You are really angered me."

It is said that I will lift the arm directly from the heart of the heart, directly towards the autumn channels and the mountains.

A group of purple rays go to the two people.

It is naturally unable to completely avoid these rays, especially the autumn channel, and it has become a living target of the Pu style.

In the eyes, the two people will be in the blink of an eye, and the body of Qikang, the body is actually once again, and the Hai is directly behind him.

The seventy group of light is playing directly on the body of Ding, and he left a hole in his body.

"Hai!" The three generations of fire, and they also carefully consume, speed up, and let the latter patted it on the ground.

Just as I saw that the body was instantly raised a three-meter-high rock wall, and the trip block blocked several light groups behind.

However, the next moment, the Light group was on the rock wall, leaving a big hole and continued to play to Ding.

Fortunately, there is a mushroom with the rock wall, and the power of the Riga has decreased, and when it is on Dingzhu, there are a lot of holes.

The three generations saw the sound, but at this time, there was no trace of the Pu-style.

"Not good" three generations of reactions are very fast, and immediately consciousness is not good, and the body is slamming forward, but unfortunately, it is a late step.

"Are you looking for me? The hateful monkey" The voice of the Pu-style just sounded, the next moment black blade has been inserted from the three generations of black back, run through the three generations of body, from the clavicle.

The three generations of rigid shadows were taken forward, turned over and finished the chest, held the ground in one hand, and the corner of the mouth poured a bubble.

Obviously, the knife that has just been urged, has run through his alveolar.

Fortunately, he gains his a little, and it is hiding in front of the heart, but it is a morning and evening if you have the three generations of old age and physical fitness.

However, the Pu-style did not chase three generations to make a knife, but flew to the huge mulberry rock wall, reach out of the palm.

This kind of soil creating rock wall is generally divided into two categories. One type is to directly condense the rock wall through Chakra, and the other is to control the soil of the ground through Chakra to form a rock wall.

The former defense is higher, but Chakra consumes huge, the latter consumes that Chak is rare, but the defense is general, and the most important thing is to have enough soil.

The three generations just used the former, because the four-red positive array is isolated, the earth's dirt is only thin, and the wall is not condensed.

So he had to consume nearly half of Chakra that gathered the rock wall to defend.

In this way, this soil that completely chase the earth attendant Chakra is a pumped tonic.

I saw that the rugged rock wall just became gradually, and it was going to disappear.

The Pu-style is excited to listen to the voice of "Zi La".

If he reacted, he listened to a loud noise, and the infinite fire smaled the Puwan.

Chapter 268, I am a destiny or a devil?

Dramatic flaming, even if there is a knotted filter, or the brightness of the junction.

Strong vibration, there will be some members of the seal class of the maintenance of the enclosure in the outside.

It turned out that three generations of fire, I went to the Pu style to absorb the rock wall that took nearly half Checkla cohesion, so at the same time, the neighborhood of the body was secretly attached to the other side of the rock wall.

After observation, the Pu style is capable of absorbing Chakra, and even if Chakra during the release process can also absorb, the damage caused by these tolerance does not fully immunize.

In particular, some physical damage caused by tapping, such as high temperature, impact, heavy pressure, cutting, etc.

However, there is too long, and it is naturally causing damage to Chakra before the power has not completely released. But if you have a very fast Chakra attack, you can't fully defense.

For example, the fairya jade spiral pills, the explosion is extremely high, you can cause damage to the Pu-style, and you can break into the body of the Pu-style. However, the physical attack of these two strokes is harmful to the Pu-style, but it is still absorbed part of Chakra.

Pu style can take advantage of these Chakra to restore the body, so he seems to immunize almost all of the endurance attacks.

Therefore, the previous three generations will use water break to attack the Pu-style, because the water-breaking water cuts have great power, but it is completely high pressure, which cannot be absorbed Chakra.

And just, the three generations secretly released the detonation of Chakra, but caused damage to the impact of the explosion, and high temperature.

The only unfortunately, in order to introduce the Pu-style into the explosion, the three generations have to use Chakra to arrange a bait.

Fortunately, in the three generations of old age, Chakra has long been uncomfortable.

"Did you die?" The three generations were sitting on the ground. After serious injury, the remaining wave of the explosion was blocked, and he was not optimistic at the moment, but he barely looked up and see the center of the explosion.

The explosion lasted for almost ten seconds, flames and smoke, dust set.

I saw a black ball quietly falling on the ground. The ball is not sealed, and the fludamic figure can be seen through the hollow gap.

Coke blur clothes, flesh and blood blurred skin, vague visible.


From the heart and the spoken, there is also a three-generation fire, and there is no three generations that have been movable. If you don't talk, you will directly move towards the black hollow spheres and explored.

From the heart, I laughed: "Three generations of adults, you are too insidious. Ding Ju Uncle and the uncle of the mountains are so close, you are not afraid of being artful by your art is to die."

The three generations barely squeezed a smile, he didn't speak, because the lungs used through the injury, so that he couldn't say it.

In fact, he doesn't have to say that from the heart, it understands that the huge walls, the junctions are generally composed of two, he and the Pu-style, from the heart and the mountains in the mountains.

The wall behind the wall is posted, and the foot is invisible, but they can be clear from the heart.

The detonation of the detonator takes approximately three to five seconds. This time, enough to have three people to bring the three people from the heart, and the three generations, because of the distance, although it will also be affected, but not fatal.

However, he did not expect that Pudi actually stabbed him before absorbing Chakra on the rock wall, which made him have not been able to use quadruple defense, and the surplus of the explosion caused secondary injuries.

"I took you out the treatment, and my uncle went to make a knife. It should be no problem, so dramatic explosion, it hurts the space fluctuations of my flying God induces failure, the guy should be not so easy to live." Say.

The three generations shook their heads and supported their body and wanted to stand up.

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