Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart biography Chapter 294

"Hey, how to talk about this, continue to say the name, he is said that if it is a boy, it is called from the heart, and it is impossible to follow the heart, but I don't like this name, I feel that if I feel If this name is, the child will blame me later. So, I decided that if Long can come back before the child is born, according to what he mean, if there is back, the boy is called Li, the girl is called apricot, peach, plum, Apricot, is a good fruit, you said, huh, huh.


I have been staying at home for a long time, it is very lonely, Tao Nian said a big pile, until the sun rose to the south, she realized that time is too late, I just said: " Hey, I haven't yet, I have to go. If I come over next time, I will estimate that I will come with my child. You don't want to be embarrassed. "

Said smile turned.

At this moment, there were more than ten meters of me, suddenly lit a white light, even in the noon, the light is also very dazzling.

The bright light is only less than three seconds, and then seeing the two regiments fall from the air to the ground.

Peach looks all around, I can't help but curiously look forward.

It was found that the two things seem to be a wood carvite, one of which looked at the head of a person, and the fliques were white, but there were two wings on the head, but the angle is broken. This head is very exquisite, the texture on the face is delicate, the eyes are closed, and the eyebrows have a vertical pattern.

It's just that the expression is very strange, especially the mouth, grinding the boss, sharp dog teeth, watching it, let the peach do not like.

Another wood carry looks smooth, the turtle is styled, the slap size, the turtle shell is blue, and there is a red bow, the limbs and heads are pink, the bottom white, and it is very exquisite.

"It can take back to the child to give the child" peach directly to put the small turtle into the basket, and then put the sight on the head.

I thought about it, I still feel dislike, so I was ready to kick it into the grass, the province's scared children.

Just in the moment of her feet, suddenly heard a voice sound: "Hey, this is not good"

The peach, turned around, but did not find someone who spoke, it was strange, and I saw the head on the ground suddenly flew up, hovering in front of her, grinning: "It is a pregnant woman, it is too Ok, please call "

Peach was shocked, but it was also a ninja, so soon, calm down: "What are you?"

"This problem is really a little bad, forget it, time is a bit nervous, my strength is already alone, I will use it." Head came with himself.

Tao Xin knows that it is necessary to turn back two steps.

However, the head is not willing to follow her wish, directly cultivation of a flow of flowers into her body, and then entered her body in her abdomen.

"Hahaha, my luck is really good, I didn't expect the crisis of this source to be able to meet the pregnant women to be produced, and the child who gave birth to a large tube, it seems to be the glow night. The descendants, I can't use it for ten years, I will be awakened again. "

The head that has been transformed into spiritual energy is laughing, and it has drilled out the fetus, entered the mind of the peach, and found her memories.

"It turns out that it is Yuxi Bo family. It actually returned to thirteen years ago, this is a bit not good, Yishibo family seems to be overdone after eight years, time is a bit tight."

"Hey, it seems to be so." The spiritual energy is directly circled in the mind of the peach, absorbing her short half spiritual power, then deleting her memory within ten minutes, this is also diamonds the fetus in vivo.

"With this part of the power plus my residual origin, it is not much to wake up in seventh to eight years, when you are, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh"

With the laughter of the laughter, this group of mental strength condenses into a seed, completely falling into the brain of the fetus.

At this time, the peach suddenly suddenly became awkward, and turned to see the comfort of dozens of meters, strange: "Hey? I am here"

She shakes some vertigo brains. I want to remember what happened just now, but I can't think of it. Look at the sun in the sky, it is already noon: "Forget, go back first."

It is going to step back, but suddenly, it planted, before the consciousness, the instinct twisted the body, and fell on the ground.

Chapter 274 Yuxi Wave Water and Premature Infants

"Tao pre-ever, peach forever, you wake up, peach foreman"

In a tender shout, the peach slowly opened his eyes and then saw a seven-eight-year-old little boy, looking at his neck.

The boy is a short hair, and the eyes are very big. Unfortunately, the group is nose, which makes him have a little show, but it has a little warmth, the age is small, but the end of the Ninja permeat of the forehead shows that he is already a real wooden leaf. Ninja.

"Yes you, stop water" peach recognition.

Water is a hurry, ask: "How do you fainted on the ground?"

"Ah?" The eyes of the peach reveals a confusion, and the spin remembered his current situation. I quickly touched my stomach. This is loose, I have to get up, just a somewhat dizziness, I can't stand up.

After the water, I will take the hand, and I am afraid that he will fall again.

"Trouble you, stop water is really a intimate child!" Tao smiled.

So there is some shy smile, then said: "Yes, right, the seniors haven't said how you fainted?"

The peach shakes his head: "I can't think of it, I remember that I still see you before the moment, I saw you next moment."

Water, look at the comfort of the comfort and the distance here, the brow is slightly wrinkled, the second hook jade is suddenly turned on, then take a closer look at the intermediate details.

The peach is a bit surprised to watch the eyes of the water, the heart is dark: "The child of the talented child, the seventh year old, eight years old, two hooks, can not be used for more than a year, you can exceed the sole, hey, don't know me When the child is a few years, I can open the double hook jade! "

After the water carefully explored a circle, only the subtle traces left behind two heavy objects were still fresh, and they referred to the traces of the traces: "What is the extent of this side? ? "

The peach shook his head and said: "Don't know, shouldn't it be an enemy?"

Think of the water, I thought I thought: "I feel the traces of heavy objects here, but it seems to be just a usual civil stone, forget it, I will first help the peach predecessors back. After all, you are pregnant with children, I don't know lying. How long, still go to the hospital to check your body? "

The peach is nodded, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your child, the hospital is definitely going, and you laugh: "That's it, you don't have to help me, say something, I feel much, I feel much."

Water laugh smile, loosen the hand holding her arm, but people stand on her side, obviously ready to take it at any time.

Tao smiled, when you go back, you will be angry: "It's a gentle child, and there will be many girls who like it in the future!"

Stop the water is red, not talking.

Tao smiled and asked: "Yes, do you go to the battlefield, when is it coming back?"

Waterway: "The battle over there is almost over, I am back to report, just come back this morning."

"Oh, have you been over, when is the majority of?" The peach suddenly stopped and asked.

Waterway: "The large team is almost about half a month, but you can rest assured, the grandmaster is very good, you don't want to be careful."

"I don't worry about him." The peach is not swearing, and then I will have a footsteps, but maybe it is too excited, there is some big, one is unstable, and some are almost planted.

The water eye is fast, and she holds her, said: "Or I hold the predecessor, if I accidentally fall to the baby, the grandmaster is coming back to blame me."

"He dares, hey, it's really, since I am so weak, I am a small thing. I will pick you up, I will pick you up!" Tao gently patted his belly, pretending to threaten.

I don't know if I understand my mother, I just fell in the peach, my stomach suddenly had movement. At first, it was only a slight contraction and squeezing pain, but the pain became more and more heavy, I can't help but pain. Squat.

After the water is observed, the horse is discovered, and I asked, "Tao pre-generation, what happened?"

Peach pain's face is crowded together, but I also joked: "This kid, this is to protest with me!"

The water is held in one hand, holding her arm, holding her back, is going to talk, but see a few drops of water stains on the ground, and the direction is actually out of the peach.

When Tao was in this time, he also felt that it was not right. He looked down at it.

"Ah" Water Water, I think it is just incontinence, but I don't know that amniotic fluid breaks. I will sigh, and then I will show my shadow. I have a flying to the village.

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