Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass, Chapter 301

After the two secrets entered the door, they left left, and the group hide and walked to the bed of the heart, stared at the heart, and then watched it for a while, and then opened:

"Yuxi Bo from the heart, joined the dark department half a year ago, as a guardian guardian guard, the protection is weak, leading to the three generations of watching, , now inform you, you have already officially been confused." Tagang said no expression .

"Oh" from the heart, then take a trip to the bed, a pair, I am sleepy, I have finished the gesture.

The colored color is flashing in the name of the group, and then said: "But the old boy is young, the potential is huge, inviting you to join my roots, you are willing."

"Don't want" no face from your heart.

He is no longer a child who only wants to live for six years ago. He confident, the whole wooden leaves, no one can be better than yourself, and the flag is five or five.

Fair to say that only hidden in the end of the end of the end.

"Okay, the old man understands" Tuanzanghe attitude, knowing that he did not put himself in the eyes, he was cold and cold: "So, the last thing, according to the familiar people, when you fight, you will nine Take away, now, please pay for him "

Chapter 280 conflict

"Is the nine tail? What can I eat?"

From the heart and half, I lay in the bed, while kneeling my belly: "Sorry, it seems that I haven't eaten in three days, it is a bit hungry, is the nine tail is a new high?"

"Yu Zhiwei from the heart, you don't want to stupid, I am told you that I am tight, I will be the safety of the village, I am not the three generations of fire, I will be letting you have a unbeatable person." The Tiezhao tang is saying.

From the heart: "I am talking about it. Don't you know that I can't get blood for the village before? Do you want to eat a good thing? Do you have a mistake? The sequelae will not be unclear, I just woke up, still in the weak period, do you treat the hero?

Being from the heart to the pain, the group is not angry, but the cold channel: "Qiusong secrets burned in vivo fat, the first time, the nine deaths, fortunately, there will be a very long recovery period. Eight The door armor, the body is not enough, the muscle will be tremended due to the increasing power of the moment, more serious, bone fragmented, lives for life. "


From the heart, this is a common sense, how do you suddenly say this, do you engage in science?

It turns out that from the heart to understand what he said this.

Originally, he was still strange, he was in front of the contest, especially after the first food, the Pu Pill opened the seventh door, and did it directly caused the rolling, so strong, this old kid is a brain. What is the wind? Dare to come over.

It turned out that two secrets were used at the same time, and they were extremely weak, so they could pick this time.

Group Tang is really thinking.

The battle before the comfort is so fierce, and even the three-tolerance is also seriously injured. From the performance of the heart, it is more eye-catching than him, so the power has already exceeded the control of the group.

Therefore, the group hiding thinking about this chance will solve it from the heart.

With the narrow mentality of the group, all the powerful forces that are not controlled by him should be eliminated. The Unexpello is the case, the woody white teeth is the same, even the country of the rain, is also the same.

Solving the plan, he thinks it, or join the root, accept the constraints of all kinds of banned adults in his group; either, disappear with various reasons.

The first step is unfavorable, takes the identity from the heart of the heart, it seems that it is basically completed.

In the second step, the stiffness is to join the root and is rejected directly by himself.

The third step, Luo Weaving.

It's really good, take the nine tail. If you don't say the niece's hidden, then, he is sitting in his allegations. If you tell the clues of the Naruto, after the village finds the Naruto, he can Use the roots commonly used tricks to die of serious injuries.

Well, it seems that serious injuries are also a good reason.

Unfortunately, I think that I think it is very beautiful, but people are too ugly, and people are ugly luck may not be too good.

Because he wants to take it this time it is from the heart.

His biggest mistake is to judge, and two bought have the impact of the body.

Yes, the eight-door armor opened to the seventh door to make the skeletal skeleton from the heart, not far from the crushing fracture, but it has been repaired by the birth of the born, but the strength has not reached the original level. But this problem is no longer a problem.

The red chili pill has ended over his body fat, so that his body is very weak, but Chakra after burning oil is not completely dissipated like Ding, but there is a small half storage to the truth from the heart. In-yard.

His butterfly and the autumn treas are completely different, and it can even be said that it is not too embarrassing.

It turned out that Chili Pills triggered from the fat burning from the heart fat cell, transformed into a source of cell energy, because there was no guidance of the Qiusi family, and he worsened him.

At a critical moment, he switches the energy in the meridians to aura, which is a vital energy to repair the burst cells, and did not expect the aura and cell energy.

The white energy is formed with the same color color, but these energy is too large.

At this time, from the heart, it opened to the seventh door, and the restrictions of Chakra circulation were opened, but the toroidal mist is open, and the paste is located behind the fourth chest vertebrae.

Put the massive white Chakla, directly in the thickness of the thick wings.

Although it is different from the blue butterfly wings in the autumn, the power is still there.

Because it is the same as white, I tried to save the extra part of the throne of the chest, I didn't expect to be able to store it. Now I have no time to determine this white energy. Whether it is the same, but since it can save it, it can be used.

In other words, from the moment, it is ready to show the movement of the wings, and the power will not be much weaker than that day, the most wings are small, can't fly.

So, weakness is only a representation from the heart.

Moreover, this has not yet been counted by his kaleidoscope, and there is a natural life of the left eye. Although his body is bluff but will not be fade to the point of flying.

What's more, his right eye has not had the white film at this time, that is, even if you can't use the flying god, he can use the soul space to show instantoscope.

The power of attacks is not lacking, and the back of the escape is not lack.

From the heart where I will be tall, I naturally say something comfortable.

Don't tell the group, even if you are here, he also dares to call the board.

So in the face of the pensions of the group, from the heart: "Since I know so clear, I don't hurry to send me to eat, give me a supplement."

Ten Tang Dao: "My words are not concerned, you are still being stupid, you are now there is no action, and the old man wants to take your life, easy to think about it."

This is already completely challenging, and the atmosphere in the field will have three points.

I looked at the dog, I saw the hesitated color on his face, then firmly stood up and walked to the side of the bed, then I looked at the group.

And his lucky pills were also infected by this atmosphere, and the soft hair root was erected, and the whole looks more than a lot.

From the heart, nodding, this proud guy is not very good, but when it is critical, it will not.

The Town Tibetan naturally also looked at the behavior of the dogs in the eyes, but did not mind. Instead, I nodded, I accused his behavior, and then cold and cold: "I am afraid that you can think of the flying thunder of the half-hang, you can try to see it."

Chapter 281 Evolution

"Actually it is a sense of juncture"

From the heart slightly, it will understand where the relying on the relics of the group.

Although the flying god does not need to be printed, it takes an advance formation in advance. When using it, it must be able to induce itself.

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