Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 312

Dingzi and Mountains are busy with the sea.

At this time, the Ang Ma Yunhai of the Aghum Horse is open: "The dark is the organization of guard fire, or is better than the new rigid,"

"Quiet, this, Carti is also temporarily temporarily tentatively, such as the new rigs, these two children will take a rest, now the police officer level of the village has been adjusted to the highest, and there will be no danger, The Carti team's things will be said later. "Hey, Xiaochun, once again."

Tang Tang heard the title: "If you do what you said," said that he speaks to the dark to lead Sasuke and Naruto.

At this time, I also made a big yawn, said: "Oh, this meeting is really easy to be sleepy, almost at noon, don't break first, come out to eat a meal and continue to discuss."

His voice just fell, listened to the autumn channel: "It is a good idea, just is also hungry."

Luo Jiu, Yishan, Yi and others, also busy attached to: "Yes, the big illness is getting bigger, and if you are hungry, you are not good."

The water house is strict. "In this case, then the break, after two hours, everyone will continue, no problem."

Chapter 290, 5th Generation Purpose (Part 2)

The water house is strictly taking the board. Everyone naturally has no objection, except for a group of dead faces, the rest of the people will go outside.

In this way, Sasuke and Naruto naturally do not need the dark to lead.

He two followed by the heart, Kasi walked next to him, and then walked to all the way.

Out of the fire office building, from the heart, there is a thought: "Kakasi predecessors, do you discuss it for so long? Do you still have some candidates? How do I listen to the group recommended?"

Kakasi looked at it and said: "Most people recommend that they are also adults, but they also refuse."

"Carti teacher, why do you want to choose a shadow, three generations of grandfather?" Naruto couldn't help but ask, he just mood is not high, and those adults, he also listened to it, and the doubts are until it will be asked. Out.

Kakasi gods have a little dim, "" Three generations in the last battle, seal the opponent with their own life, have sacrificed. "

"Ah, how can it be, although the three generations of grandfather is relatively weak, even my color, I can't resist, but how will it be so dead?"

The Naruto is unbelievable.

The third generation is the first person in the village to have goodwill to him. Naruto is very close to him, otherwise it will not be so much not small.

Kakasi Road: "People always have to die, three generations of life guards the wooden leaves, is the example of our study, are you not going to be a shadow in the future, it should not be sad, but should be more effort to enhance your strength "

"I understand, Kakasi teacher" nodded heavyly.

I also laughed and said: "Don't be so serious, this kind of death will die than lying in bed, isn't it, we have to be happy, is it, it is better to go to the wine house, celebrate."

"Your disabled guy, what is it, this time, who has a thought to go to the place." The Naruto turned to the past.

I also loudly: "Who is a disabled, I am a glory, you understand, you understand, you don't know where you hide,"

When he exported to the Naruto, he didn't say it.

From the heart cough, Tao: "That is also adult, I remember that I have already taken your arm yesterday. So this should not be a battle."

"Cough" is also a red face, but he is in the heart, and it will be adjusted soon, then it will be gone to the heart: "The one is from the heart, my arm is temporarily uncomfortable, you can not can?"

I shook my head from my heart, I thought he didn't want to treat himself. I was exchanging for it. Which ofk it has opened a kaleidoscope from the heart, and the vitality is injected into the body.

From the heart, the kaleidoscope is received: "The newborn bones are very fragile. At least two or three days can be completely long, but I don't break again. I know that my treatment is very hurt."

From the heart, this is in the eye, he is exposed to the kaleidoscope, giving the ninja, just want to get their support, so I will find some troubles to the group, but I have to treat them every day, he can not be this. patient.

And the vitality can be supplemented, but the province is still province.

Half of the aid of a vibrant city in this year, although the vitality of his storage is a lot, but these days, it is also the treatment is also resurrected, and it has already spent a short half. I want to add back, at least for more than a month.

Declined the bandage splint of your hands, acting on your hands, and admire: "It's too unreal, if you break it again, I thought it was completely restored."

From the heart: "It is just a little bit slightly better than the bones of the newborn baby. If you want to completely recover, you have to exercise, but you have to wait two days later."

Late that it is also said: "Even if this is very powerful, your eyes are really, the old man is good, you are really different from other Yuxi, actually awakening the ability."

I laughed from my heart: "Maybe I am afraid of death."

"Haha, I am afraid that it is human nature, but I haven't seen anything like this." I also laughed: "The ability of your family's blood success is representative of the most eager will, even if it is afraid of death It is also more afraid than the average person. "

"Ha ha"

Late also said: "In order to express my gratitude, I invited guests, unlimited supply."

From my mind, he glanced, this is to know that I have eaten it, I dare to say this.

See no one is attached, there is a bit awkward, DPC, "Carti is what I want to eat?"

Kakasi Road: "Casual, Naruto and Sasuke, two?"

Sasuke: "Casual"

The Naruto also immersed in the grief of the three generations of death, he went to shake his head and did not speak.

Late also said: "Naruto, don't be sad, Ninja life and death is a common thing, only constantly cultivating, in order to protect people you want to protect, and if you have a necessary condition,"

The Naruto "Oh" has been suddenly a long time: "I want to eat a happy pull, a lot of fun, white hair old, is you, right!"

It seems that he seems to have recovered vitality and laughs: "Yes, I invite guest, eat, tattoo"

So I walked directly to the direction of a pleasure.

Naruto asked: "White hair old, Jude, Caaxi teacher said that you refused to be angry, this is why, how can someone want to be angry?"

Below is also said: "Do you think who can take a shadow? Everyone's ideal is different, I, how can I be in a small village?"

"It seems that it is very reasonable" Naruto is a little bit.

At this time, I listened to Kaki small channel: "You are afraid to delay your time to go to the wine house."

Naruto will react to: "You are a lie, it is my biggest goal, it is not your dog whip, eight"

Looking at this old, a small fight, from the heart of the heart to Kakashi: "Seniors, never want to be a shadow, the last person fell to the top of the head?"

Kakasi Road: "No, the predecessors recommended another person, got everyone's consistent recognition, except for the group."

"Is it a master?"

Carti is a little accident, but the reinforcement, said: "It is indeed her, he is a granddaughter of the initial generation, a lot of supporters in the village, and she is also a strong medical ninja. Everyone is still very high for medical ninja. "

If he is referring to the heart, it seems that if you are ten years old, this seat is estimated to let you sit.

From the heart, I didn't read the meaning of his eyes, asked: "When I just came back, how did I listen to the Group's recommendation?"

Kakasi Road: "Tuanzang said that the approved the village for many years, it is a problem that you can come back, so you have to choose an alternative. By the way, you will be temporarily proxy before the promenade."

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