Konoha from the Heart

Wood leaves from the heart pass chapter 330

From the heart, it is a smile. It's coming. The famous scene of the period is coming. Next, I will open my hand and one hand ... Ingred, Ko Naruto, then set the gambling of the seven days. .

Wait, it seems that there is something wrong.

The smile on your heart is instantly converge.


The tableware on the "" is dissatisfied.

I saw the master suddenly stood up, and I stepped on the face, one hand on the waist, one hand held on the knee, domineering: "Very courage, dare to talk to me, let's go out"

"Adults" is mute.

"Well," this is a small powder.

"" This is a lot.

"Ipoken" is, don't say it.

"" This is from the heart in the stove, then he quickly ran to the counter asked the owner to give a hard candy.

No way, he wanted to melon seeds, but the store did not, the watermelon did not, the bad review.

", " Naruto gasped, and the throat is bursting.

Chapter 307 gambling

On a dim, a kitten flashed in the moonlight.

Docketed hands: "Don't look at me, it is one of the three tolerance, it is impossible to endure the truth."

"What do you say?" Naruto fox.

The planner grinned, reached out the right hand.

Naruto stared at his eyes: "Hey ..."

Come here, from the heart to one sugar to the face: "Is it?"

Sasuke has not been connected: "What does this mean?"

I also asked myself: "KO notice?"

"It's not a minute, but a finger, solve you, just a finger is enough," the view is provoked.

Sasuke: This is unwitched, I learned.

"Kid, come over," The open-minded troops hook your fingers.

The Naruto is stashed, and suddenly it is: "What is joking, ah ..."

When he yelled, he launched a charge, poor guy, just graduated, even a task did not have done, as a crane, he took a few years of practiced experience, and it was directly used. The shirt is rushing up.

The disdainful smile is revealed on the face, watching him close, and then the arm is yelling, and he will fly his care before the Naruto fists.

Naruto's body under the body, I haven't waited for him to steal, and a cerebelow has been knocked on him.

The Naruto slides more than four or five meters in the air, and it has been turned over four or five times, and this is half a forehead half.

"Bounce forehead, bull!"

The sound of "" The sound of the impairment interrupted the upcoming gun, "good".

"Sure enough, it's a spike." From the heart, I lost the hard candy to my mouth, " " is chewed.

Sasuke on the side, inexplicably appears in the mind:

(_) Brother, teach me the sword in your hand! (-_-)come. (^_^) Well! ! (^ _ ^)? (_) Forgive me, Sasuke, next time.

Sasuke shakes the head, the man, but the man does not have three tolerance, otherwise, otherwise.

He is not afraid to think later.

Nobody is helping to help this time, only listening to the gait: "Hey, the little ghost, answering me before coma, why do you want this name?"

The voice falls, and everyone will turn the sight to Naruto.

Come here, mouth, mouth, instantly let people fall into the ultimate big tricks of memories, Naruto is not sent to the essentials, from the heart and eyes.

"I am different from you, I must inherit the name of the fire, because" Naruto is tall and tight, "because the shadow is my dream"

Sure enough, I heard the words of my dreams, and the pallets of the program were magnificent, so there was a different man's figure behind the nun.

So she couldn't help her eyes and tears. The head did not consciously low.

"What happened?" Naruto scored the other's instantaneous flaws, "Good chance, since I fame but she, then change your big guy"

He broke his finger in his hand, grab it on your hand, and then quickly launched.

"Tongli? I thought he had to use shadow." From the middle of the heart, the Naruto uses a semi-hanging spiral pill, and then taken the ground.

However, now, because the time has been in advance, plus, there is also a long time to rush to the road, and there is no time to leave it. It will not leave a talent, resulting in the current name, completely No cultivation.

At this time, I thought I thought I thought of my heart. He thought that the Naruto would use the shadow, and he did not expect that he didn't have a two-day spiritual surgery.


A smoke rose, and the body of the three meters fifth appearance appeared on the spot.

"Unfortunately," from the heart.

When I came out, I didn't understand what the situation was, I heard the people shouted: "She, I am ignorant."

I thought it was summoning myself, and I knew that it was actually a nun, but he always loyal, since it was summoned, no matter who it, it followed the command.

It is close to the fingers of the mung, looking opposite.

"" Is not a frog, just simple swallowing, the next moment, "" disappeared.

From the heart of the dark: "Sure enough, it is bitten by the finger, use what is the spirit, I use blood to use her."

Unfortunately, when he bite his finger, the aperator did not see it. When he used the blood, his hand did not see it. When he was loyal to attract the card, his hand's blood has been stained. Dirt, can't see it.

"What situation" Naruto looks like the displemented dust, the heart is pentium, um, is a horse he has never seen.

"Hey, little ghost, so small and small, really don't use it as you like you." After returning the gods, provocation.

Naruto heard the words, shy and indifferent, this is his first time to summon the spirit in the battle. I didn't expect the guys, and the loyalty of the face, and there was actually a rebellion.

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