Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass, Chapter 337

A Fei said: "That is not, it is a bit hurt."

Pu furnish is a dark road. This goods either strong, or it is a change.

He wants right, at this point, it is said that the body is white, that is, A Fei.

Since the first time with the former and named A Fei, the two are basically not separated. When the soil appears in a spiral mask, it is generally A Fei to speak.

In the future, Affei and the soil are separated, alone, A Fei will live in the big body, manipulate him to show the truth of the five elements, bring great trouble to the Ninja coalition.

The real body of the previous belt was broken from the heart, even if he fused a gradual cell, there was no restoration in ten days and a half months, so it will let Al Fei have a bone of the bones, support this body. This can guarantee normal activities.

It is difficult to block this moment, so I will simply sleep, and I will give it to A Fei.

"Ah, say, tell this, you need to notify the leader, big tube predecessors, just help me report, I don't want to see the circle of the guy, look at the dizzy." Afi took again Request.

Pu-style smiled and said: "No problem"

It is said that it is the illusory body of the slide, the opening: "A Fei is tracked"

Circle Eye Heaven Pene: "What is the specific situation, the other person's human hand and intelligence?"

Pu style is said: "I didn't say, I will ask again, say, you will not give him a ring, it is very troublesome."

Payne said: "This ring is a total of ten, the one of the corners is completely destroyed, I re-produced a Beidou to give no more, your ring, Donghua, is already my break, the rest The ring, even three, Nanou and even empty Chen were sealed, I am ready to take them as a new person "

"Is this? If you are, I will be tired.

Although the specific details he has exchanged from the heart, it is still asking, otherwise it will not be on Oolong.

It is really interesting to say that the slide body is really interesting, and you can consciously projection the road so far. The ontology is still able to speak normally, communicate, as long as it keeps the inventory.

The Pu-style is now looking at a ring study. It's just that this will be temporarily unhappy. When you wait, wait for the body and your body, let him remove it, the leaves should now have two .

He shook his head and conveys the information of A Fei to Payne.

"People column power confirmation is called the whirlpool?" Tian Dao Penne nodded, "Since it has left, then the next action will be canceled, concentrate on other tail beasts."

Xiu: "The next one is the end of the country?"

Tiandao Pethen didn't talk to the horse, but he looked at the aloe's head.

Survey: "The tail of the column is in the village, the small son of the wind, is a bit big, so it is best to wait, it is a message from the country of water, chasing the injury, six tails The dark squad of the human column, in the territory of the fire, near the territory of the soil spider family, is destroyed, so the position of the six tail is likely there. "

Tiandao Payne asked: "Can you confirm?"

It is said: "The news is received yesterday. My branch is still on the road, and I have to have exact news for two days."

"Four tails column?"

"The news I got is that after he and the wild wooden, the avatar monks, travels around, the whereabouts are indifferent, and there is no clue in the past half, but I am divided into the temples of all countries, one month. It is estimated that there will be exact messages. "

"What? Don't you say anything!" Didala said something that didn't have a good luck.

No more you don't have to go: "Since this is not as good as going to the country of Water, I also have eyelve in the village. If I meet, I have no problem in the market."

There is no expression, but the heart is full of contempt, dark road: "I also said that there is an eyeliner, I don't know if I have died this kind of news. It is really a stupid material."

However, he did not expose.

The water shadow of the water has been manipulated for many years by the land, but this news is not known, so there is nothing to use this time, and at this moment, there is no more than a year, and the three end has not resurrected. There is no effect in the throduct of the birth.

So the best: "The three-tailed intelligence is temporarily unknown.

I don't want to fight again, rushing to Tiandao: "I am familiar with the country of water, the sneak attack, the success is very big!"

Tiandao looked at the eye, and looked at it again and again, faint: "In this case, let go of the goal in the sixth tail, and will report it as soon as possible."


Tiandao said: "In addition, the rest of the people continue to do the task to accumulate funds, pay attention to the powerful ninja, after the death of the Dynasty, our people are somewhat not enough, need to supplement one person to organize"

Pu style is: "Still two, I feel that the A Fei is not reliable! The remaining three rings seem to be so easy to get it, I am really afraid to be tired by this guy."

The Tiandao tone is flat: "During the assessment, if you don't feel there is no need, you don't have to take help, of course, if you don't affect the conclusion of the assessment."

"Yes, this kid wants to go to Tianzhi to find the big snake pill, say, this news is reliable, absolutely?"

Survey: "It probably has no problem, when it is missing in half a year, the small town of the last appearance, I personally investigated, according to the spider silk, I found the country, but the specific location is not clear, but not, but There was a new ninja village in the past few years, it seems that you can inquire. "

The Pu-style face is smoked, dark, run to people's sites to listen to people's leaders, is this really good?

He shook his head and looked at the fifth tail column in half of the air. The shutter did not open.

At this time, the Tiandao once again opened: "At the end of the seal, you should pay attention to me, listen to the instructions, and collect Chakra at the same time, otherwise it will happen."

Everyone nodded.

"It's now," I received "everyone heard the words and recovered Chakra.

The Pu-style fell to do a small action, but I thought I still gave up.

I saw that nine faucets simultaneously open the body of the five-tail column, and then recovered the magic image.

Five-tail column power, recycling, completed.

Chapter 314 of Wolf

Woody hunition.

On the border, a large group of ninja looked at the colorful flamingo of the small river, and a woman with a hlanfish.

It turned out that when the flamingo launched her attack, she had already alert, but it was burned by the flame it was sprayed.

It's good at the flame temperature at the Phoenix. Although the destructive power is large, it burns more than a dozen big trees under the high wall, but there is no Tianzhao, the characteristics of the water, and the water is not destroyed.

Therefore, the jacket embroidered with the word "gambling" was burned, and she was walked in time.

However, the program is also a poisable ninja, not to say that it will not be water, but the water is compared to the general ninja, that is, Chakra is relatively abundant, the printing cast, can only be said.

Because the mutual is not in time, the green robe has become a black robes, and she is pulled down by her, showing the sexy fitting inside, but it is also covered with black gray.

What she is most good at is actually the kind of personal flesh punch to the meat.

However, the flamingo is full of flames, she can't enter the body.

In order to avoid the village being defeated by the battles, the opener had to borrow a strong body, and the flamingo is taken to the small river outside the village.

There is no way, dealing with flamingo or relying on the water, close to the water source, will save Chakra.

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