Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass, Chapter 347

Now the situation is different, the wings behind it require him to distract condense, undoubtedly adding difficulty.

"But it is not good." From your heart, the white wings turned directly from the wings to the styling of the butterfly wings, and then became the shape of the wings, and finally simply made a pair of white arms.

From the heart, the Chakra arm in the right is controlled, pick up a big stone on the ground, and then throw it hard.


Two-30 pounds of heavy stone flew out more than 20 meters.

Pumped from the corner of my heart, recovered the arm in the body, four times, no one, he relieved.

The mother, that kind of feeling, right-handed, try to use the left hand to lose the stone, it is the kind of mother.

After receiving the arrogance, I feel some of the heart again, and the corner of the mouth smiled: "In addition to being freely shaped, the other is probably the consumption is low."

White Chakra, which is catalyzed by chili pill, is not high, easy to dissipate, the total amount of white Chakra, which is all burning, is now three or forty times, but can only stick to seven or eight minutes, he and Pu It has been played for four or five minutes, and only less than one-third of the seal.

When the sneak attack belt, but I have already released twenty seconds, and now only one thing is left, according to the conversion rate, it is twice the present.

But the real gas is very different. Although the loss rate is faster than Chakra, especially after the back, the dissipative speed is doubled, but it is less than a white Chakra dispersion speed, less than one tenth.

That is, if he stores thirty times the true gas, the wings are released, and the minimum will last for more than an hour.

Of course, if the amount is large, the difficulty of manipulation will definitely increase significantly. How is it, and it has been slowly verified to explore.

"Looks, although my arrogance is very similar to the Daikra, but it is still in nature, at least my arrogance can always exist in the meridians, and the Kra can only maintain a short time. This may be related to my body for a long time. "From the heart of the dark road," But not sustained, can not be stored. "

Thinking of this, from your heart: "The butterfly of the Qiubao is also like this, the power is huge, can't last long, can't stay"

He remembered that day, when burning fat, the feeling of meridian explosion, opened the seven-door machine coincide with the cavity behind the road, and blended the aura, he took directly.

"Wait, the butterfly of the autumn will not use another kind of Xianji Chakra, but the fusion is in vivo integration Chakra and natural energy, while the Qiusi is integrated in vitro"

From the heart, I think of the butterfly that is gathered in the forest, and now I want to come, it should not be a true butterfly, but another natural energy of another form.

Perhaps this is the secret that is not known as the Qiubao family!

From the heart, I'm going to calm down, and I took a slap in the face: "I don't want to use it. It is better to find too a sister directly. If I guess it, maybe after I will use butterfly, you can save it."

Just when I wanted to burn meat Q, I suddenly broke out a shocking role in the outside of the rituals.

Chapter 321

Naruto and our arrival are also a natural science and apprentice.

Location is also unwrapped, and wretched and fine.

Naruto is big, but the emotion is full.

Most importantly, these two guys have the same hobbies.

Accurately, the Naruto has something that can attract a lot.

It's not a meal here, don't think too much. It is said that the spirit of the Naruto is not convinced, especially when you are young.

After the Naruto woke up, the two were in a group of friends, and the Naruto was excited to tell himself, he already knows how to take the initiative to use the nine-tailed Chakra.

I have already expected it, I asked some details, then I opened: "In this case, then now you can start trying to try Tong Wen!"

"Really?" Naruto was excited when he was ignited, and his hands quickly told, and all the nine-tailed Chakra who could mobilize into the hand.


The Naruto took a shot on the ground, and the black runes spread directly.

"This time, this time, this time," Naruto is full of progress.

Late that this is almost the same, single look at the delay of the ground rune, know that this psychic guy has a massive Chakra, even if it is also a quite or .


The smoke is scattered, and the psychic cockroach is finally revealed.

When you have a lot of eyes, you will be boroughly: "Actually ..."

His words have not been finished, the Naruto shouted: "Why, clear so big movement, even the nine tail of Chakra is used, it is still so small, actually wear clothes! It's better not to be Psychic out of the handsome hands! Do you lie to me again! "

It turned out that there was a cluster of white hair, and the eyebrows were also white, and a stranded eyes were also wrapped in a gray robes. It was standing, but only twenty or thirty citon is high. Ordinary is much larger, but it is not like the one who also hits himself.

The old scorpion saw the coming, I was preparing to say hello, suddenly heard the voice, I didn't see the action, the Naruto flew directly, and fell to more than ten meters.

Until this, it also said that he also said: "Late, what do you call me?"

Late also said: "That, haha, you may not believe it, this time people who come over, not me"

I have a deep look at it. Seeing that in addition to the arrival, only the Naruto just climbed in the distance, so I am surprised: "Is it a little ghost that I came over? "

Late also said: "You really have a huge eye, just it"

Deepening to the immortal: "This old child can have Chakra that will come out, in addition to the column, no other person, the result is not difficult to guess!"

In fact, in addition to people, there is still a small guy with this ability, and the heart is secretly thinking, but there is no saying on his mouth, but a thumbs up.

At this moment, the Naruto of awakely flew over, the big voice: "Wen too old grandfather, help me to defeat, and have a master?"

Deeply thinking about the sound of the cactus, then turned to ask himself: "What is this little ghost? Sasuke, and why do you want to defeat a hand, if I don't Remember the wrong hand should be your previous companions! "

Some somewhat embarrassing scratch, one shot on the head of the Naruto, then pulling him to: "This is not a text too, it is the father of Wen Tousi, deep as a fairy, is more powerful than the text exist!"

Naruto heard his eyes: "It turns out, so deeply made a grandfather, can you help me?"

Deepened to the immortal: "Oh, I am a old bone, it is really inconvenient to fight and kill, then, if there is no other thing, I will go back first, come out for too long, my wife wants to get fire."

I haven't spoken again, the Naruto rushed: "Knock it to the sack, first help me ..."

Didn't finish it, I went deep to make a fairy to make a light smoke disappeared.

"How is this?" Naruto complained: "Tongling beast is not going to fight the owner?"

Late Tao: "The spiritual contract of Miao Mountain is an equal contract, so the status between the summon and summoners is equal. If you want them to help the battle, you need to get their recognition in advance."

"Ah, so trouble? How do you get their recognition?" Asked Naruto.

I also laughed: "Every has different temper character, such as , is a relatively loyal, very well, and the iron wall of Sasuke is also better to talk."

"Oh, what is the character of the deep way?"

Late Taoism: "Deepness of the immortal is a kind, fraternity, serious, tolerant of the fairy fairy, as long as you don't charge it, he is still very good."

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