Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 352

From the heart, I didn't say that I was able to resurrect, but I said it directly: "That will return to the wood, anyway, the information of these years, you should also collect the difference!"

Sumpeal shook: "So far, I have not seen the leader of the organization. Payne is just a puppet. The real leader has been hidden in the dark. I still need some time to investigate, it is not exposed."

"You are an excuse, you are afraid to come back, you can't face it!"

I didn't speak.

"Your parents' written eyes are there?"

"What do you mean?"

I hesitate to hesitate, say: "If I guess it is right, the old man should also wake up the kaleidoscope."

: "How do you know?"

From the heart, I can't explain, I can't say it. I can't say it. So he directly said: "I said that I guess it is okay, but I am a little curious, you are a friendly child."

The face of the face is revealed: "What do you mean?"

From the heart: "I have seen it, your eyes are not the eternal kaleidoscope, that is, you don't integrate your father's pupil"

"It seems that you have seen the stone monument inside the shrine!"

"The record on the stone monument is fake, do you believe?"

I was shocked, and then shook his head: "How can it be, it is a stone table behind the six cactors. Who can modify it?"

"Castle wooden placenta" has been a sentence from heart son.

"What" This is the spiritual space of the, so there is no problem, and the is just a road to the place for the placenta.

From the heart of the heart: "You didn't say it, but the kaleidoscope that fused the blood is not the correct way to write round eye evolution."

"Have you found that you use the kaleidoscope every time, will it have a small increase in the next time?" Asked from the heart.

: "Yes, but if you want to say that you can evolve through more use of the kaleidoscope, it is impossible. After using the kaleidoscope every time, the eyes will be unpackable, the vision will fall sharply, and it will eventually lead to blindness. "

"Tell you a secret, you should see it, I am also a kaleidoscope, and I am using it every day, but the vision has not fallen!"

Some unexpected words: "Don't you decline?"

"Really, my family has a visual watch, I tested every day, I won't be wrong!" From the smile and flicker.


"So, how did you do it."

"How did I do it, the focus is

"Have you seen A Fei?"

"He didn't tell you? Five years ago, he shot a bitter from the whirlpool. He almost wants my life. He appeared in my graduation exercise a year ago. I want to catch me. I haven't succeeded. "

"His real identity is Yuxi Bao, his eyes are eternal kaleidoscope." Subicide.

"Fake, his eyes are not eternal eyes, but he transplanted the initial cells, so the recovery capacity is extremely strong, just this."

"What you mean, the evolution of kaleidoscope needs powerful recovery?"

"Yes, my kaleidoscope should have cure, so I can use the kaleidoscope without unscrupulous, but don't worry about blindness."

I am a pensive and half, this will only open the mouth: "Why tell me this?"

"Of course, because of Sasuke, if I have not guess, you are planning to wait for the kaleidi, let's give him your eyes!"

Subscribe, silence.

From the heart: "Sasuke will always know the truth one day, when you have an eternal kaleidoscope, what do you think?"

: "I have a way!"

Chapter 326 has been ready

"Are you planning to use a good night?"

Sentimentally, we look from the heart, and the moon is turned sharply. How do you know? "

I was shocked from the heart: "No, what are you so excited? Scared me, except for the use of the water, don't go to the God, there is a way to turn around a person, so isn't it clear?"

Cold and cold road: "How do you know how to stop the eyes of the old brother is here."

From the heart: "Always in you, one is in the group, that is, the right eye behind him, I am not bad!"

"Who are you? This thing only knows me and stopped the big brother, even if I don't know, another eye is in me, why do you know?"

"Do you say this?" From the heart, what is the problem, the animation is aborted by the group, and then he seizes an eye, then goes directly, then give his other eye to the meter, then jumping the river suicide Therefore, this eyes are only known. In the original animation, the family people put the death of the dead, but only because the water is arranged in the family, there is no evidence at all, let alone the eyes are governed.

The above thing is only the anime story of the past, after winning the memory of the night, I have already changed from my heart from my birth.

Water, because of the key to the mother's peach, it is very good to have a good relationship from the heart, which directly leads to two years later than the original plot.

What's more, stop the water and death, from the heart, from the heart in the hospital, even the rumors in the village have heard it, it is more impossible to know the eyes of the water.

I want to understand here, explain from the heart. "Tibetan has always used the eyes of the shadroom, I have seen it, you have just felt it, I follow you, because this kind of perception, I can see the writing of the clubs below the group, There is also the right hand of his bandage, which is transplanted above more than a dozen three hooks. "

From the heart: "The top right eye is the kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye. The rest is three hooks. It is obvious that the eyes are definitely in your body, and the big brother will pay for you with you. Finally, people must be you ,Is not it?"

"Sorry, the emotion is somewhat excited, you just said that there are more than a dozen three hooks to write the eyes on the army of the group?" ... ......? . . ?? ? . ? ??? ?

From the heart, it is from the heart, the kaleidoscope writes the eyes is not the outside person. It is obviously not other people to pretend. In this case, no matter how he knows, don't know that God is not important.

I just just suddenly listened to the emotional fluctuation of the water. After all, his kaleidoscope was opened because of the death of the water, and it was very deep.

"Yes" from the heart, he finally did no longer entangle the gods, could not help but breathe, and then said: "It is very confirmed, all three hooks."

"It should be that the night of the kaleidoscope is what is the pattern of the kaleidity in his right eye." Asked again.

The four-leaf flying knife stuck from the heart is condensed to the palm of the handset.

"It is indeed the other eye" of the water ", I nodded, I thought about it, surprised:" Can you show illusion in my monthly read space? "

I laughed from the smile and said: "In fact, my kaleidoscope's ability is a bit special. This will then say, I asked you before, have you saved the old ethnic eyes, you haven't answered me yet?"

I didn't ask the secret of my heart again, I nodded: "I did collected my father's eyes, and the mother's three hook jade, including another eye of the water big brother, do you ask this is what is it?"

From the heart: "It's for Sasuke."

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