Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 354

"What? Is it prophecy?" From the heart, I want to play the ability of Fuyue, which is expected online, seems to be prophetic. For example, in the future picture of the given, there is a future appearance of the Naruto.

: "It can be said, but it is still different from the prophecy. The prophecy will occur, and the future will change with the monitor's decision, and will also master the intelligence of decision makers Multiple oligomers, and unexpected, and have a deviation! "

It is said that it is the computer modeling from the heart of the world.

After: "Reverse is really absorbing the other party's tolerance, enhances back to the counterattack."

"What you mean, the family is equipped with other things to absorb on you and then re-released on your body?"

: "Yes, the father will put the group to the group, and then changed, changed, and became protected."

"Waiting for it" Some of the three levels of the heart, if this is said, the behavior of the anime is not from his intention, this is some subversive, say good brother? Say good to the will of fire? Are you strong?

From the heart, I know that I want to be bad, but I have not explained, but I asked: "Don't God have no hoist can't resist it?"

I laughed, said: "Don't understand the difference between heavens and other illusion, it is not solved. He is only a one-time revision of the subconsciousness of the other person, but with time, after the experience, people have experienced, people The awareness will still change. For example, let a good person suddenly have a murderous idea. At first, he will naturally go to kill, but wait for him to kill more, maybe it will be tired, and will ultimately put down the butcher. It became more cold, and finally destroyed the world. Of course, if a person's spirit is very strong, and if you put the subconscious effect, if you are contrary to his will, there is a big probability will fail. If that person is There is that kind of will, don't be able to strengthen it, this continuous time cannot be found out. "

"It turns out that the itself has the idea of ​​protecting the village, but also loves to help, so the two don't directly strengthen his state, but it is also said to be" from the heart, the secret is that this may be a strong place, think To cancel his effect, only rely on the gods again, or use the long years to fight, this may be the reason why he cools time is so long.

Thinking of cooling time, I think of the content of the anime from the heart, which looks like the hidden eye cooling time is not long?

Anime, the five shadow talks.

As the three ships of the host, the words of the group have made younger.

Then he made a white eye and pointed out that the Sub-Tibetan Water Water Water Eye Controlling three boats, delivered a speech conducive to the group.

Then, Tibetan, I admit that I use illusion.

Chapter 328 Plan

"Wait, I'm telling that it is something else? It seems that there is no."

Some are somewhat uncertain from the heart, and time is too long.

I'm noticing an abnormality that is expressed from the heart and asks: "What happened?"

From the heart: "Is there any other ability to stop the writing of the big brother?"

Tricks: "Open the kaleidoscope writes the eyes, outside the different capabilities, the ability of illusion has greatly increased, even the tail beast can be controlled, this is the ability to all cartridges"

"Hey, it is also" from the heart, this is misleaded by the anime. In fact, there is no need to do anything, the kaleidoscope is still not wanting to manipulate who will manipulate who, the land control is nine tails, control the four generations of water, this is not The power of the Shenwei.

Road: "The illusion of the kaleidoscope can learn very much, even the kaleidoscope illusion in the past generation is also able to practice, but the power will be weak, you also open the kaleidoscope now, theory my month read you It is also possible to learn, the father's future and reversal, it can be learned, but the power should be small. I know the mirror turning from the reversal ability of my father, I can rebound almost all illusion, but I can't rebound. This is the insufficient power. "

Asked from my heart: "I can learn this other than God?"

I laughed and laughed: "You can, control the illusion of the enemy's potential, will not be perceived, but do not do permanently, as long as the Chakra output will be invalid."

"Is it a illusion such as remote handling?"

"You can say this, in fact, this is also the skill of the ancestors, after all, don't have the first time in the history of Uchi Bo, I have been studied by the ancestors, and it is applied. Facts At most of the family now, most of them need to rely on the illusion of writing in the eyes, most of them are summed up from the kaleidi of the ancestors, but because of that thing, the family's passage is broken, you want to learn, have the opportunity I will teach you again. "

From the heart heard, I couldn't help but think of the three generations of the cultivation notes and reels, there were too many quantities. After he was completed with the soul, he also gave it to Sasher, and the content has not been studied.

Later, he made a problem with his right eye, and the soul is not used, so it can't learn again. I was still thinking about looking for a sakura, but I was delayed by a variety of trivial things, plus my flying thunder got, and the whole thoughts were also placed on the production of permanent flying thunder, so I forgot.

"That's trouble," I am grateful from my heart.

: "Yes, with your talent, if not because of my question, you can also accept this education, ok, let's talk about it, I can do it outside, I can experience the outside world For a long time, but the longer time, the greater the mental damage, so I still have a focus, your plan, the fault of my desert is shocked to the group, this is feasible, next? "

From the smile: "Sorry, I almost forgot. Well, this way, this black pot is the group", but the high-rise, such as the three generations, how many people know the insider, we should spend this Try to improve, considering other people may master the intelligence. "

I nodded, this matter involved in the future of villages and Sasuke, he was also very worrying.

The two have combed all the details, including the helper of the original invitation, including the three generations of rigidity in it.

The final version is generally:

Yishabo family wants to launch the rebellion, Fu Yue is difficult, but for the family still agreed to launch a coup, then it was placed to the dark, and the hidden man was treated with other gods. I invited a person who claimed to be a Zhizhu to kill. Before the death of Fuyue, I used kaleidoscope to relieve illusion in the pest. I have committed a big mistake to prepare for a dead, but in order to protect the help, I agree with the Tibetan Tibet. If you take an unexpected, he will draft the incident. The three generations have always wanted to solve contradictions through negotiations, but there are groups of ghosts, first, and have to arrange the tissue to go to the undercover.

This version and the real place are entry, such as the three generations of facts are not unaware. But others are dead, and there is no need to invest too much. For example, the group is hidden, there is definitely a lot of pots, but who makes him a pot king. And who makes him always host this Unechyo, even if the only two remains still in the ghost, don't let him make your back pot?

Soon, a complete set of detail is complete, even if the group is hidden, there is no slight flaw, even if the soil will put it out of the eyes, it is useless.

As long as you don't die, the other people can't get it.

Some people want to ask, from the heart, I have to maintain soil, born as Yuxi Bo, licking the wood is too disgusting.

In fact, it is not.

First of all, from the heart is not true Unechyo, there is no ideological baggage, even if it integrates the memory of the little, not to mention the thoughts of the village, the parents are not dead. Yu Zhiso.

Secondly, when I just came to the endurance, I didn't think about fleeing the leaves, but it was only safe to consider, it is best to make a low-profile development. Not to be, but have to stay here.

Third, living in five or six years, the wooden leaves are already the most familiar place, in the endurance, this is almost his hometown, here he has a career, friends, unless there is a way to return to the past Otherwise he has no reason to leave the wooden leaves.

Finally, his strength now, the status of the wood is very high, if he has ambition, when the fire is possible, why do you have a wave?

Treatment of group hidden, but I want yourself everything.

The two are unified, and the next is the implementation of the plan.

"I will find a chance to help these things with Saso help, but I will not tell you to tell Sasuke, and if you say, Sasuke will accept it." From the heart of the people, "I will find a chance, Under the public, reveal the writing in the group, with my current influence, on-site launch, group hiding out of the village without other choices. When you take Sasuke in the village, take him, by you and Sasuke Hand solve him, I believe that such a hatred of the village can be resolved in most, and finally tell Sasuke, we already have a long way to resurrect old and need the help of the village, I believe it will not refuse, what do you say? "

I nodded: "If you do what you said, but also consider accidents, there is also a five-generation destination attitude."

From the heart: "Don't worry, I have a few in my heart. Yes, after this thing, I can estimate that you can return to the village, and you don't have to go there."

: "This is not anxious, saying, we come over, in fact, don't stop me and no longer, there is another child, in the village."

"It's the ice guy, it is called white. Where is he, I solved him directly."

From the heart, there is no special idea, if the little sister is okay, women's big, no love, and then say that he is in love, if you know that you can kill again, if you want to revenge?

Shake the head: "His natural is kind, give it to me, maybe you can persuade him to join the village"

From the heart: "Rown you"

Road: "In addition to him, there should be a probe in the village, and the tissue is very powerful, the latent surgery is very powerful, the village's guards are controlled by my illusion, and he has also entered the village. "

"This is also one of you, you will pull me into one of the reasons for reading!" From the laughter.

"You don't have to see it!" I remembered that I just said that I have just said it, I don't help but laugh. "Things are almost, let's go out, we talk about less than an hour, outside before, there should be no It's too big to hurt, so I will go out, we have to play, make big movement. "

From the smile: "Don't worry, if I am playing, Oscar owes me a small gold, do you want to play a must play?"

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