Konoha from the Heart

Wood leaves from the heart pass chapter 359

For the head of the people, the front of the mountain, the side of the mountains, and completely mastered the secret surgery of the mountains in the help of the Tibetan Hidden.

The second person is wrapped in the whole body, only revealing a mouth, watching the ages, the top 145 years old, but the strength is absolutely not to be underestimated, because he is a rare poisonous insect of the oil female family, and the oil is taking root. Because the body is parasitic from the child, it is sent to the nano-stage poisonous insects, making him completely without friends, and only in the root can find existence. Through the group hiding him, he learned that the banned the banned, the potion of the pot poison, this is a large-scale tester who does not hide my enemies on the battlefield.

The third party is also a sixteen or older. If you are here, you must recognize this person, he is the medical ninja, raccoon, full name, happy. The combat power is not strong, but his intelligence is very collected in the root of the birth, and the scientific research ability is highlighted, and it is also the hand of the group from small cultivation.

The last person wears a navel, it looks thirteen or four years old, smiles on the face, it is unheattered, behind the short knife, the buttocks hang a reel, read an anime can recognize him The identity, he called Zuojing, the strength is the top, especially the superasto painting of the root secret, whether it is reconnaissance assistance or positive battles, is all top.

These four people are the most trusted hand of the group, since the three generations disbanded the root, these four people still maintain the loyalty to the group, without betrayal. Therefore, in the secret base of the group, the status is high.

In the anime, the mountain wind and oil women take the root and even when the group is a proxy, it has become his personal guard.

Zuoi was inserted by the group in the seventh class and executed a secret task.

Looking at the most loyal four parties in front of you, the group is slowly opened: "The five generations of fire shadows are about to be, this makes my original plan to fall, the master is the granddaughter of the initial generation, and there are too many people in the village, I don't No compromise."

Four people listen quietly, no one speaks.

The Town Tree also said: "But the apeer puts forward very demanding conditions, the root wants to rebuild is unlikely, even the three secret laboratories that are now reserved will be recovered."

I believe that I asked again: "But the Niu Ten Tian Wang plans have reached the key moment ..."

The group has interrupted his words: "I know, so I will call you here. 732 Base's current main attack project is the cattle Tian Wang Plan, you are the core of this plan, I want you to destroy all experimental information within a day Except for you, don't leave any tongue. Experimental data, you also remember it in your heart, up to two years, I will restart this project, do you understand? "

"Yes, it will follow the" letter "is guaranteed.

The group raised his hand to sign him, and the line of sight will take the line to the oil. "Take the root, the data of the 731 base does not have to be destroyed, and the experimental record of the potion can be destroyed."

"Yes, the group hiding adult."

Tuanzang also looked at Zuoi: "Zuoi, you are the least middle age, I will arrange you into the ninja team, monitor the nine-tailed one fell, if there is an abnormally timely report!"

"Yes, adults" Zuoi led.

"The wind, you try to take over more affairs after you go back to the family, in your talents in your mountain, sleepy in the vows of the pig dean, flexing the feast of the vassal, two years later, I will support you The family of the family of the mountains. "

"Ben will always follow the adults" in the mountains in the mountains.

The group swing is full of four people, then said: "In addition to the 731 and 732 bases, the information of the rest of the base is given to the wind, you come to select it, I believe in your eyes, remember, all involved the human body Some of the experiments are all removed. In addition, the initial cells are also handed over. "


"Well, I will give you a day, tomorrow, the planner will definitely arrange people to take over, I hope that all secret experimental bases will show a long-lasting look, at least the surface, can you get it? ? "

"Advise, you must do it." Four people quickly assured.

The group hiding is a rare smile, this is what he is imitating his life, but only cooperates with his one-eyed and chin's X knife, it seems a bit four unlike.

The Tibetan Tibetan is a good boy, but only the years made him a bad old man.

However, he decided to do a good old man on the surface.

Chapter 333, two files

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the agency took the mute and a tall and thin secret, came to the flying land.

Three people stopped in front of the big house in the Japanese, quietly knocking on the door.

Soon the door was opened from the inside, opening the door is a beautiful little woman.

"The master is big, how are you coming?" The woman saw a player.

"Dimi, I will take a look at the relics of the old man, let's go in and say" said the board.

, the three generations of daughter-in-law, since the death of the three generations of her son, Lu Ja took out the dark department, and relieved her child at home, so there was no premature death. This also makes the woodball pills have a mother's teachings, no longer like the jealous and tricks like anime.

Although the full-time housewife for six or seven years, the literacy of the elite in the past is still, instantly understanding that the agency is an important thing to find yourself.

"Please enter, I am preparing for noon eating, just leave a small to eat together!" Lu Ya is very enthusiastic, and bringing them into the yard.

After the living room turned to the backyard, then wrapped around the three generations of places before.

"What do you want to find, a big sister?" Lu Ja asked.

Outline smiled: "Sure enough, it is the elite of the family, Lu Ya, we are looking for some secret information, you should know where?"

Lu Ya shook his head: "Since the death of the day, I basically didn't touch the village's affairs, but my father's work data should be collected in the woodline archives!"

Operators: "It is some very confidential things, only the old man knows"

Lu Ja said: "Can I specifically say which aspect?"

Operators: "For example, the old man is directly arranged to go to other people's undercover."

Lu Ja was wrinkled, and he turned his head to the dark side with fox mask. After a while: "This should be a gentleman!"

He is a three-person exit, and finally the secret of the secret reaction, the three black hooks in the eyes of the mask passed: "Not bad"

Lu Ya nodded: "I understand, come with me!"

Said that she led three people out of the three generations of rooms, and came to her own bedroom. Then I saw her opening the dressing table, revealing a wall behind, and then she quickly knocked a complex handset, the wall was separated, revealing a half-meter-seek side.

Seeing Lu Ja is so cautious, the darkness of the side can't help but think of it. I didn't expect that someone else will come to Tibetan.

This dark department is of course not Yuxi, but is disguised into a dark part.

Today is his and ahead, come to find the day of the information that is able to prove the identity, the fire of the fire is the first choice, as for the secret file of the wooden leaves, the charter has been investigated, and it must be No found.

Turky opened the dark, took out a file bag and handed it to the agency.

The program took out the piece and carefully looked at it. From the heart, it stretched the neck aimed at the heart, and the heart could not help but sigh the three generations of means.

The original document is not a well-woven intelligence recorded by Yisi Pub, but the three generations of fire, writing a spy file, and the object is Yushuo.

There are many completely distinguished truth in the document, and others cannot fake.

The most critical is that the file is more than one, but two copies, but the content is different.

Two information is not different from the identity of the, but there is a difference between the resume.

One of the relatively objective, written:

"Yuxi Bo hit the coup, the children of the family, the family, the death of the family, the murder of the country, to save the loss of the village with the minimum price, afterwards in reducing the impact, voluntarily undertaking the responsibility of the extinguishing hunction, with the insurgents, act as undercover "

The following targeted is stronger:

"Yuxio appeared unstable seedlings, in order to combat potential dangers, the roots of the Roundation of the Village, the Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan, the kaleidoscope writes the open eye, with other gods to control the darkness of Uttimo Using the identity to overcome Unexpea, afterwards, Unexpello wakes up the kaleidoscope, cracking other gods, and then informing the three generations, and puts forward that foreign organizations have participated in the Tu Yu Zhibo family, so I decided to tell the insurgents Go to the undercover. "

It looks more detailed, but it has been known from the heart to know the difference.

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