Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart pass chapter 363

Tumored Xiaochun and waited for a moment, and there was a big channel: "Next, please ask the five-generation eyes to announce the latest person in the village of the village."

With her voice, the Taiwan is lively.

Directly declare the personnel appointment, this is to have a big change in the high level, otherwise it is only an unusual position change, where is it to read it here, and directly post it.

Everyone on the stage, except for the agency, the rest of the remaining people walked down the high platform in the discussion under the stage. At the same time, the quiet side behind a tray station behind the opener, and the tray is placed on the tray, and there is a print next to it.

The card has a cough, and the big channel is under the stage: "Under the guardian of the rigs of the past, the Dinner of the people is vigorously developed, and it has developed a secondary crisis. The inheritance of the fire is inaudial, and today the wooden leaves are like a branched big tree, such as the incident, the leaf of the leaves, the talents of the leaves are constantly emerging, and now they have been able to cover the wind for the village. You can take more responsibility, below, I officially announced, new appointment "

"First of all, I announced that the new one endorsed the hand, from the flying Asma, and the flying Asma is the elite of the village, the main strength of the country, the main name of the country, is a great name to be recognized. Powerful Ninja. Has anyone opposed! "

The people under the stage heard this first appointment, suddenly quiet, and the end of the workmanship is a leisure, only the village will continue to participate in the high-level meeting of the high-level meeting when the village is facing major decisions. The status is only lower than the consultant, but the implementation of the power is far.

Originally this location is made by Nara Lulu, now replaced the three-generation destination son, this is not letting everyone suspect what kind of cat.

However, everyone thinks that there is no one to open against it.

At this time, I flying Asma has gone to the stage, and I have a gift for the prime.

After waiting for a while, see no one against it, picking up the seal on the top appointment on the top appointment, then handing it to the Flying Asma.

Asa took the appointment, in this ceremony, then turn again to the crowd of everyone, and walked down the high platform.

Then, the board announced the selection of five or six positions such as the minister of the wooden guards. The announcement of each position is the same process, announced the name, introduces the deeds, and inquiry without opponents, then seal, and release the appointment book.

At this time, the appointment on the tray has only four, and the four appointments are different from the previous few copies, making more excellent production.

The hand picks up the top one, the big channel: "The work of the fire is less support, especially the support of the consultant, I have just served as a shadow, the experience is insufficient, and I will not open the counseling of the consultants. Understanding that the water household continues to serve as a tangible consultant, is there any opposition? "

Naturally no.

Hard household turns came to the stage, took the appointment book, with a smile on his face, to the Taiwan: "I am old, don't have a few years, I hope everyone can stepping up, I will launch my old guy soon."

After that, he walked toward the rear chair and sat on the second chair on the left.

Everyone suddenly understood that the chair on the stage was prepared for the consultants.

Then, the prime hand read again to the appointment of Xiachun, she took the appointment book to sit on the second chair on the right.

Obviously the chair in the middle of the two senior consultants is left, the remaining two chairs are naturally provided to new consultants.

Everyone guess that the rest of the two consultants will fall on the head.

Have a smart person has guessed the result.

"Luo Jiu people lifted the position of the end of the hand, must be high, the seat of the consultant must have him" Someone is loud to the side. "

On the other side: "I remember that there were three consultants, one of which was temporarily left because of the cause of the body, perhaps now rehabilitation is not necessarily"

"You are talking about the monks, how many years are there, whether the adult is built is still not good?"

"Hey, I have seen the adult before, you don't want to say, otherwise he will hear him, you have a good look."

"Hey, you don't say, the adult seems to be a very horrible person."

"That is, it is said that the reason why he was discharged was related to Urcho family."

"Yes? Yes, it seems that a ninja, who is going to fight together with the three generations, is the Yuxi Bo family."

"Yes, that is one of the two remainings of Yuxio, this year is 13 years old."

"Wow, it is so powerful!"


The front is quietly sitting, the ear is moving, and some idiots are inevitably fall into his territory, but his city is very deep, it seems to be aware of these discussions.

However, I can't help but rise in my heart: "There is a day, the old man will sit in the middle, let you understand, who is the real fire"

Chapter 337 Assassination

The audit under the stage did not last too long, because the actions have picked up the third consultant appointed book.

"Originally, I'm going to defend the leader, Nara Luo Jiu, for the humility, and more than the group, during the long period of responsibility, many times have repeatedly planned to make a significant contribution to the development of the village, now promoted to the third elders, Is anyone opposed? "

The discussion under the stage sounded again.

It is familiar with the village forces: "Luo Jiu people can serve as a consultant, not unexpected, but in his qualifications, if he is the third consultant, then the fourth qualification must not be more than him. high."

"If you say this, the monk is not even more hopeless." There is another person whispering, but the corner is a person who is wrapped around the first row.

Obviously he knows the old things in the year.

There is another person to laugh: "So, the fourth place should have someone else, you say that it will be Kakasi, but before his secrets

"not sure"

"No, it will not be Metekai"



The people who openly opposed Luojing naturally did not, at this time, the chapter has been covered, and the third consultant is appointed to his hand.

Luo was turned to the stage, said: "In the case of the full capital, since the position of such a position, he will take advantage of the prosperity of the wooden leaves, please take care of you."

After finishing the crowd, sitting in the left side of the water household.

The hand picks up the last appointment book, the big channel: "Next, it is the Ninja, which is old and the old age and Xiaochun Changxong era, once is one of the counsels, six years ago, because of physical reasons, temporarily retreat second line Today, his body has been recovered, so he will go out again. He is Zhun Group, although he retired for many years, but still cares about the development of the village, and then appoint him for the consultant, and deal with some tasks release, who oppose? "

Some of the people have already guess this result, not nodded, and show off his eyes unique.

Some people have grown up the eyes of the surprise, most of them leave the old part of the root six years ago.

Natural, some people listen to this name, the catalog is frightened, and these people are also the old people who leave the roots in the same year.

Those who find new life goals are full of fear for returning to the root.

Regardless of the audience under the stage, Zhigun Tibetan has already embedded a high platform. Even if it is an emotional, it can appear in front of everyone, he also smeared.

Because this represents his goals and getting closer to one step.

He looked at the prime to hold the seal, stained in the mud, lifted high, his heart is already planning, what kind of expression is exposed, how to say what words.

This is the first step in the sunshine. It is also an extremely important step. The young people in the village have known yourself, then the first impression is very important.

"Japanese guys, although hypocritical, but his smile is very infectious" The muscles on the group hiding face, obviously in trying that it can make such a expression.

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