Konoha from the Heart

Wooden leaves from the heart biography Chapter 368

Sasuke: ......

Which is to listen to this kind of love story, say a focus, babard.

From the heart, I laughed, and I told the important part of the past in the anime. The focus is naturally that opens the kaleidoscope writes the eyes, and has the masses of the neighborhood. man.

"What you mean is the person of our Unexpo family, write the eyes, controls the nineth tail hits the village?"

From the heart: "Yes, the guy called Yu Zhibo spots, this name you know"

"A nonsense, that is to build wooden leaves with the initial generation, but the ultimate and Ju Zhibo strong in the initial generation, but is he not killed by the initial generation?"

"Three hooks jade writes the eyes, can show a illusion, named Ivol, use a permanent blindness to exchange the chance of rebirth, the spot is so escaped."

Sasuke heard the eyes of the eyes.

From the heart: "I am really killing, not using Yi Evil,"

"Oh, you continue to say"

"The guy claimed to be spotted, but it was not spotted, but another person who opened the way to the open eye, but he was washed with the brain, and the wooden leaves were complained, so they were produced and seal the seal. I was attacking. Although I was defeated by four generations, nine tails were resembled, but many Ninja, the night village saw the written eye traces in the nine-tailed eyes. Do you understand what this means? "

"The village will guess our Unexpea!" Although Sasuke is sometimes impulsive, the double business occasionally is still online. At this time, he has been hidden.

From the heart: "Yes, the gathering of our family is in the center of the village, but because the nine tail is chaos, the family is forced to move to the edge of the village, and since then, the villagers encountered family ninja Frequently finger pointing, avoiding far. "

Sasuke: "Is it like the Naruto?"

I laughed from the smile: "Yes, just like the Naruto, so if it is you, walk in the street, you will finger your point, how would you?"

Sasukes snort: "I will not pay attention to it as long as I can't bother me."

"Cut, don't install it, do you know what the conditions of our eyes open?"


"It's emotion, strong emotional stimulation, think about you when you open your eyes, then I am afraid, then emotionally excited, open."

Sasuke one turntable: "No, at least two hooks are not"

From the corner of my heart, there is no poke, said: "So, every family who opens the written eye is extremely sensitive, emotional, impulsive, just like just now, you have lost it. The fire building, that is, the master is very familiar, otherwise it is early to let you get you. "

"If you have them? Hey," Sasuke disdain.

Sighing from sigh: "This is another problem, writing the eyes every open eye, there will be a stage of power rapidly in a short time, and suddenly, the strength will make people lose self, think about it, you now Is the strength really invincible? "

"Think about the master, a point of finger, can you really deal with it?"

Sasuke remembered that evening, the powerful power of the board, the corner couldn't help but smoke, and the superior feelings brought by the strength improvement.

"Although the endurance is a world of the blood, it will eventually go to which step, or to see personal cultivation, strong as Su Zhibo spots, it is not pressed under the initial generation. But you look now, the thousand hand is except There is no one who can take the hand, and Yisi Bo will talk about a few people, and the strength is still in this kind of thing. "

"That night, the guy is the nine-tailed chaos," Sasuke silence halfway, suddenly asked.

"Ah?" From the heart, it is a singer that it should be said to Sasu help, so I laughed: "Yes, it is him, although he changed its name to A Fei, but it is really a person. "

"I am very curious, how do you know, you are only one year old that day, these news, how do you know so clearly, or say, all this is your own Du?" Sasuke Obviously, it is doubtful from the heart and the story is perfunctory.

From the heart, I don't have to panic: "I certainly know, I will give the three generations of shadow for half a year of private assistant, these intelligence, although ordinary people don't know, but have experienced the nastroenterology of the nine tail, the village The high-level is also known. Also, don't you think that I have to fight against the guy that night, do you know about his combat? "

Sasuke nodded, it indeed, that night's battle mode, with the state of the war of ordinary people, obviously targeted. Note It is certain that the other's intelligence is known in advance. Otherwise, with the strange ability of that guy, even three tolerance is also tricking.

From the heart, he seems to have accepted his explanation, so he went on: "And that night, I am almost killed by this guy."

Sasuke heard the words, that night? Which night? Kill, when is it? When did this guy have been killed.

Suddenly, his eyes were strong: "Are you saying that the family is destroyed?"

From my heart.

Sasuke a table, slammed up: "The guy is Yuxi Pub!"

From the heart: ...

"Hey, calm, moving the brain, moving the brain, when the nine tail is chaotic," Six years old "

Sasu help the small face is red, turned to face, shame: "Say the focus, don't say that these messages are misunderstood!"

I shook my head from my heart, but I kept laughing.

Sasuke's brain is not stupid, but the character is from the big, impulsive, many times, don't like to use the brain, this should wait until he has enough setbacks, well, will not change, can change his only nun.

He coughed: "What I want to say is that the night of the door is not !"

Chapter 342, mouth: from the heart vs

The night of the altructure is of course a meal.

From the heart, just want to use this, impact the psychological defense of Sasuke.

Sasuke this person, the heart is very contradictory, on the one hand, he has a deep embarrassment, and on the other hand, he is deeply hatred.

He wanted to find a revenge in the past ten years ago, and then thought about destroying the wooden leaf revenge. Until the body of the body, the body of the body was finally finally retrieved.

At this time, the first time I heard the first time I thought about him to revenge. The other words were absolutely not in, unless I could hit the most contradictory point in my heart.

This point is whether it is really killing the Unexpea.

As long as the is really involved in killing the Unexpea, then no matter what reason, Sasuke will not forgiveness, because any reason, Sasuke is not allowed.

So from the heart, it is directly that it is not the murderer of the altruist, so maybe it will let the emotion of the heart to dominate the emotions. At this time, it is possible to listen to it.

Including the contradiction between the Nine-tailed paving of the Yischo family and the village, it is to make it a peaceful attitude to accept the truth.

It is also a little selfishness from the heart.

If he just came to this world six years ago, he would not manage anyone's life, as long as he can live in all things.

But six years later, from the heart of the mind.

Six years ago, this world is just a more blood story, and the Naruto is also a passerby.

Six years later, he has been accustomed to life here, and has a feeling on Sasuke, after all, most of the living expenses of these six years are supported, although he is proud, although he is poisonous, but he cares about himself It is not fake. From the heart, it is not the iron stone heart, naturally it can feel.

It has been used to have a term in the fire shadows.

So, from the heart, I really hope that Sasuke can really come out from hatred, and open my heart. Not like anime, saving the world and breaking a arm, I don't go home all year round, the reason is actually for the sin.

It's too much to exactly.

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