Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 102

Skate and smile cold.

"Have you heard of curious and dead cats? The more dangerous."

However, the kitchen does not eat this. "Master, you don't tease me, you are not good, you really want to harm anyone, no matter what he know, it is dead."

The meal shook his head. "You are a bit too much, how do you find that the rubber band secret?"

"I am a Tmall, but I am not stupid."

The kittens suddenly said: "The owner, in fact, you are not the people in this world. Your power is completely unsolicited by this world, soul interchange, the ability to interchange, including this eraser that can reduce IQ Rib, there is also the owner, often talk, people can't understand. "

Because the inside of the cat and the have too much contact, I also learned that I think it is like a message, the more I want it slowly.

"Also, the owner, you are too mature, where there is a 5-year-old child began to like the beautiful sister."


Silence is silent for a while, and the face is very ugly. "You are a crazy test in dangerous edge!"

"I know, you won't kill me."

The kitte is very secure, and then it is beginning to stride to go deep to the mountains.

. "what are you going to do?"

"I feel some tired, I want to take a shower, if the owner is worried, I will run away, we can wash together."

Immediately blush. "Don't be too much!"

"What happened to take a shower? This one hour, you can't let me be here."

The kitter is very hard, and it is a person, it is not a cat. When doing a cat, it is very troublesome, it is very troublesome, after washing, the Mao's Mao is very difficult, now it is hard to be fortunate, Of course, I have to experience the happiness of the hairless bath. "


. .. ..... . .. .

"You don't forget, you are the mother."

"How is it? Anyway, this is not my body."

Said that she actually took off the clothes directly.

"You are a smell, you don't know the harm at all -"

The kitch cat took a smile: "The cat does not wear clothes, only one hair, then say, don't look at it!"


This kitter occupies the royal hand to wash the red bean is jumping out of water. The river is extremely clear, the water flow is extremely slow, and when you look at it, it seems like a mirror, and you can reflect the trees on the shore.

The sky is blue, and the white clouds are like a white cotton.

"The owner saved me, I suddenly remembered, I won't swim ... ..."


The young master is black when the face is. "How did you make this?"

There is no way, and a young man suddenly jumped, however, when he was hugged by the kiss of the cat, the young master finally realized that he was cheated.

"Is this fun?"


"Not fun, but don't do this, how can I be willing to take a shower with me?"

Silencers are silent for a long time, helpless.

"A cat, so smart, so naughty is really bad."


Time is either, and it is the past one hour.

The system of a young master is also reminded: [Congratulations to complete the system task, reward 1000 points, level improvement, all have been issued.

However, there is no hurry to immediately place the red bean and the kitty cat.

At this moment, he (she) beside the fire, except for the wet clothes, just a fish that was caught from the river, and now it has become a delicious grilled fish.

"I am going to eat, or it will be cold for a while."

Turning the fire.

"Is it time to arrive?"

"As a cat, there is a cat look, don't be so smart."

It is a smile. "Hey, when human beings, I have not been enough. I really do as human beings, still better than animals. At least, when I am a cat, you will have a shower directly to give me to Quanmei. But now is a little beautiful woman But can't wait to jump in and I will wash together ... "

I feel my own bag.

"It's clear that you lie to me, you can't say it. You said, your conscience will not hurt?"

"The owner, you are smart, if you are lie to you, you will know, but you are still deciduous jump ..."

"It's enough!"

Stand directly. "Go back to yourself, this time don't say anyone."

"Waiting for me to eat fish ..."

The kitchen seems to be a human being, with the parents have not found out that she is a little legendary foxes, full of nostalgia.


In the end, the interchange of the system, the success of the defender and the success of the defender and the kitty cat, because the cat's cat is still falling, so it will return to his body, and it is also unable to wake up for a while. come.

The royal hand washed red beans opened his eyes, she was a bit awkward.

After she became a cat's ears, her soul was completely lost by the soul.

"What is going on? Is this a grilled fish?"

She looked down at her clothes, as if she had not dried.

"What is my clothes going?"

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