Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 115

"What do you want to do?"

"Hey, give you a big gift."

The task of the young master has not been completed, the role interchange is free, he quickly opens the system laboratory, lock yourself as the target 1, lock the kitten cat to the target, then click [Confirm Role Interchange]

Progress bar: [1% ... 10% ... 50% ... 100%]

Congratulations on the success of the role.

Then, a young man is weak.

The kitte is full of terrorism in an instant, and it is another success [ability interchange]. Through the transfer, the kitchen has won the ability of the big snake pill.

The kitty is not stupid, this moment it is shocked.

"This is this the ability of the legendary three tolerance?"

The kitte was shocked, and its cat claws stretched out, even more than a dozen snake heads, scared itself a big jump, then the cat fell to the ground, the neck was like a noodle.

Into a black line. "Don't use the ability to use the strength of the big snake, you are slowly exploring when safe."


However, the kitten is wanting to cry without tears. "The master, I seem to change it back."

"Useless things--"


Then, a young master commented again to the big snake pill here.

He took it in advance [forgot grass] to save the system items, and wait for the big snake pill to feed the big snake pill, with the IQ of the snake, he will skeep out the head of the head. But I forgot the grass, I still have to feed, at least when he suspects, there is no short.

Oh, there is no way, there is a system existence, and you will be so strong.

The young master feels that this time is too handsome. If this task can be starred, it will be a 5 star SS rating.

I started to interchange yourself and big snake pills.

However, some twists and turns have to move the ability of the big snake pill to the kitty cat, that is to say that now the skill is the ability of the kitte.

If it is half a month ago, there is some power of the Yishapaus in the body, but it is now complete, the role is interchanged, and it will return to normal for 1 month.

Therefore, the matching rate of the packets and the big snake pills not only did not decrease, but it rose, reaching a 79% matching rate.

'This kitte is really a pet! '

Hero is happy to click [Confirm Role Interchange]

Progress bar: [1% ... 10% ... 50% ... 100%]

Congratulations on the success of the role.

The system task has to switch three times three times, and there are two times, and the parents have to interchange each other.

Chapter 103 Emergency Time

At present, the system is changed from the new middle, and the young men are actually very worried. In case, the soul of the soul and the soul of the big snake will be interchanged. The consequence is too bad. I want to know that the big snake pill is not only bodied, but also the top of the head There is a mental loop.

If it really turns into a soul, the consequences are unimaginable.

The young master can only summon the kitten cat again, although its neck is like a noodle, it is very strange, but there is no way, if it is, it can help the young master stop.

Although the kittens is not reliable.

[Congratulations to success [character interchange].


I'm a young man, this is the first time he is interchanged with others, this feeling is difficult to describe. Obviously, he knew that he was still a young man, but he all felt, he spoiled from the original sunshine boy, and he turned coldly. He thought of beautiful wife from the original body, now the fullness is only thinking. Research, and longevity.

"The master, not good, there is quiet!"

I heard a young master, is there a ninja in the village of Woody Village?

The situation turned into the instant, this thought was smooth, not the case.

He is no longer delay, he will continue to click [Confirm Role Interchange].

Progress bar: [% ... 0% ... 50% ... 00%]

Congratulations on the success of the role.

The young master is waiting, and finally the system prompts: [Congratulations [Ability Interchange]].

Too good, and the ability of a young master is coming back.

I can't wait to turn the eyes, revealing my own three hook jade, and really my ability is the most skillful.

"the host--"

It's too late, I'm really wanting to change my character and the character of the big snake pill, but I am afraid that I have become awkward. I have come again [soul interchange], that is too horrible.

"Directation of the cat, you immediately leave the big snake pill, find a place with no one, lose him."

The young master continues to be told: "Remember, you must not let the leaves have discovered the big snake pill."

Let the kitte take away the big snake pills before, and let the young master give the big snake pills [forget grass].

Now there is a lot of secrets on the big snake pills. He disappears, and the character is interchanged. If he falls into the hand of the wooden village in this time, the secrets of young masters will be exposed.

I don't afraid of your secrets, but not now.

After letting the kittens have left the big snake pill, plenty of young master is discovered by the personality that he has changed, he takes out the soup medicine prepared in advance from the endurance package, and then drunk directly.


When you think about it, you have to disappear, and you will see the four generations of fire, and Kasi is coming to come quickly.

'Hey, I will give you yourself, this is not an enemy. '


The four-generation rigid and Kakasi saw the grass in the wild in the wild.


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