Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 127

"Yuxi Bo will be killed?"

The three generations of flying Japanese faces have changed.


Four generations of rigid shadows are also very disintegration.

: "Yu Zhibo family, it was contradictory with the wooden village, it was difficult to resolve. This time, the chaos of the nine tail," because it can control the nine tail, only in history Yischo family. "



Everyone was surprised again.

"Do you mean?"

What did the waves are thinking. "If you don't have you to stop this incident, the wooden leaf high-level will design all the doubts is what is Yishabo family?"


Take a young man nodded. "In order to ensure that the village is no longer harmful, the Minzhi Boi Wood Leaf Police Department is canceled, and the entire race is required to move out of the village, and the village is almost unified to repel the Yuxi Bo, which lasts for several years, continuous Mutual suspicions and contradictions, eventually broke out until one party was completely destroyed. "

I have been very terrible, and I think that the entire Yuxi Bo family is alive, and Ni Ni feels a bit cold.

"The mesaw, how long, you have known your family's fate, so ... so do you want to stop this?"

"Yes, teachers!"

I gave a young man with my hair, and then said: "In order to be completely stopped, and solve the tragedy will happen, I can say a lot."

At this moment, everyone was silent again.

I have never speaking, I'm going to say my own doubts this moment: "Although you are talking about it, I still have skeptical place. You know so much, then, what will happen in the future Woody Village? ? "

Sure enough, this is the same as the three generations of the three generations, and it is also the old man, and they are obvious that they agree that the young masters are traversers. This is just wanted to get a lot of information here.

You must know that you can know the future.

He is young, he has been a boulder sit down and smirk. "If all said, I am afraid that I can't finish for ten days and a half."

The three generations of the sky, the day, cough, said: "The mekay, I know that you are a wooden village, all the starting points are for wooden leaves."

"Well, I will reveal some."

The phero continues to tell stories. "If there is no me, the childhood childhood will be very miserable, then, the Yishabo family is destroyed, and then, such a wooden village will become very weak, and the partial sand hidden village wants to get the rich land of the fire, and The big snake pill colluded, then implemented the wooden crash plan, um, it is a heavy loss, the three generations of flying days are also dead ... "



Two old people, two young people, listen to a child telling stories.

The little man is drinking water, said: "Come later, Xi Xiao Wiki six way to attack the wooden village ... Boom! More than the beast is still the leather, suddenly, the entire wooden village is directly destroyed ..."



Several audiences are stunned.

"Later, the Naruto and Sasuke jointly join hands, oh, the big snake pill also started to wash it, and the four of the dead leaves were reincarnated. However, when it was, it was more powerful than me. That is to fight with Yuxi Board - "



Several one is stunned again, and the young master is too sincere. He not only reveals that he is a traveler, and everything you know, all said all.

"Who knows, the so-called world peace is also a lie, the real behind-the ... "

The young master drinks water again, and also eats snacks.

"Retire, Kakasi retired, Naruto became the seventh place of wood leaves, the fire in my mind is the final drama."

"Okay, finish, how do you feel." When you are young, you have a mouth. "The mouth is sour."



Everyone's mood has been in a long time, there is no calm down.

"Skose? Are you a person, or God?"

Too horrible, the whole thing in the future, he is all clear, he is a clear, no wonder, you can't talk, it is very reasonable. It turns out that this is a BUG. He is a bug, how can someone know almost all endure? The secret of all people in the world.

The response to them is so surprised, indicating that I agree, there is no way, this is really a bit more. I didn't intend to say, but since the big snake pills said, then I said everything.

Anyway, there is no way to explain anyway.

The so-called scorpion is not afraid of biting.

"Of course, it is a person, but I maybe I am God for you."

Followed: "In fact, when I successfully stop this enemy attack, and after I learned to reincarnate, the world, the world I have learned, has begun to change."

The young man then analyzed: "First, the Suchomo family is not being killed, the strength of Wumi Village is still a jealous. I learned to reincarnate, and the big snake pill is estimated that there is no courage to attack the wooden village, followed, four On behalf of the spark shadow and the teacher, the Naruto can live a happy childhood. "

"In short, this event is a big turning point, just like butterfly effect, everything will change."

"I have just mentioned, you will be a story, just as a reference."



Everyone is still shocking, and everyone is still very silent.

Even the three generations, the four generations have nothing to say, and finally, she is still handed over to the lake, then hesitate, or bravely gone, her face still has some pale, but finally her Still reaching out, pinching the cheeks.

"" The teacher is doubtful now, are you really? "

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