Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 134

And Ni Sina is very unhealthy about the word 'supervision'.

She will not only go to supervise, but they are extremely controversial, especially after she has made so many of her and the Naruto, she doesn't even go to me, even if I want to restore him a lifestyle of his plaque. She will not have any opinions.

Now Nadi is the whole body of the body, the mother of the nun, the mother loves to the Naruto, which is all diverse to Naruto.

Therefore, the supervision of the young master, but there is only the waves of the waves, honestly, the attitude of the waves is very complicated.

He also knows that everything you do is for the sake of wood, but the identity of a young man, and his ability and wisdom have to worry.

The big snake pills in the mouth is particularly dangerous, but it is more horrible than his little enchanting.

I have to know that the current time is only 5 years old.

Today, the wave of the water gates will look at it.

"This is a little, the little day is really leisure."

However, when the wave wind door saw this [] The snacks around me were all fish, he immediately thought about what.

"! Your kitter?"

The wave wind door jumps out directly to ask.

That [] wakes up, he will consciously grasp the ear, then be surprised by the wave of water gates, although he now has a strong ability, but stand alone, you can't help but feel the body.

"It's a teacher! Direct kitty ... Kitty cat it go to play."

The wave style is directly angry: "Don't install it, I am really awkward, how can I eat fish? You are a kitte, hurry to tell me, what is your master?"

The eyes of the [] were obviously confused, and then quickly deny: "I am, teacher, you misunderstood ..."

"Is it still installed?"

The waves are directly out of the wind.

"Teacher, don't force me."

[] The same is still hand.

The more shocking the wave wind gate, is this just a pet of Uzhi? How can it be so powerful?

Wave-style water gates don't know how to interrupted the world, but also to endure, and the Yishabo family died.

So this moment [] can also show three hooks and jade, if it is not particularly familiar, will not find the current [], actually fake.

"You don't force me!"

The wave of the waves finally made a trick, flying the thunder.

[] The ultimate is still defeated, was caught by the wave of water, and immediately recovered the original shape, and it was really a big wicket cat.

"You don't want to go, I will not hurt you, you tell me, why do you want to disguise into Yishe, and then the kid is going there?"

This cockroach cat revealed the poor expression, and it said that the cat's mouth said: "The owner acts to move mysterious. He doesn't want to tell me, I will not know all ... But he hit me, if I was discovered I'm telling the discovery, don't panic, he just goes out to travel, will come back half a month. "

Half a month?

"How long have you been pseudo?" Words Waves.

"I now…"

This unaffected wrapper cat suddenly turned to the bead, and it was a slap in which it turned into the homes.

"Oh, husband, you hurt me ..."

Lying trough

The wave style is simply can't help but explode, this smelling cat is not good, it turns into his wife, it is simply a bad.


On the occasion of the gods of the wave, the cat is directly cultivated to a white smoke, leaving here, go to the world of the spirit beast.


The waves of the waves are black. "Sure enough, what kind of owner, there is a shameless pet, it is not an intent."


He is still in the world, he is still in the world of [Shenwei] in the world, not he doesn't want to go out, but here is safe, you can provide the opportunity to learn the kaleidoscope.

He suddenly made a sneeze, and he was curious from his nose: "Who is ?"

The kaleidoscope writes the wheel, he has been studying for so long, there is no way to fully understand [Shen Wei], you must know, he is Yisizhisu!

The genius of Yuxi Bo is a hundred years of genius, even if it is now useful, it is already a kaleidoscope, still difficult.

But the hard work pays off, these two weeks, [] In addition to feed their original body, avoiding their death, the rest of the whole energy is used to explore the kaleidoscope written eye.

In practice, he really mastered a little.

Increase some emotions when opening the three hook jade.

Because the kaleidoscope writes the eye is a strong emotional special eye, the more sadness, the more the kaleidoscope is open, the more it is.

The young master is Tang Dynasty and does not love the money. I have been very happy. I have very few negative emotions, but he can imagine, imagine that you are with soil, lose your eyes, lose your body, lose your lover, that kind of pain, then The young man once again opened the only write-eyed eye.

Immediately, from the three hook jade to the kaleidoscope to write the eyes.

"The blood of this Unecao family is really metamorphosis, there is no emotional fluctuation, it is difficult to open the kaleidoscope writes."


Learning for 2 weeks, now you can finally go out.

So [with soil] can not wait for the use of Shenwei, leaving this world, but others just come out, it is shocked!

"Old God, where is it? It seems that it is not the country of wood !!"

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