Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 145

The family is too low at the current level, and the points he accumulated is used to enhance its own strength.

Therefore, you can copy a large-scale science and technology, and you will not.

Therefore, his reflowing the army is reincarnating with a villain's life.

Because the 5th National Guoda, the country of fire is undoubtedly the most peaceful.

The young master went to Kasi to go.

The use of flying thunders, a flash is disappearing.

Allen and Sancha, theoretically, they two more water than the current water and white, age.

"It's really surprised, you have come from the world, my name is Yushuo stop water, this is Yuxi Boquan, this is white."

"My name is Allen Jayer, she is Sanzhuang, Akman, I am very glad to meet you." Allen is also happy to communicate.

After all, it is the characters of the two worlds. Now it is here, it is naturally surprised.

"You kill the weapons of giants and our endurance is a bit different."

Allen is decisive. He took the three-dimensional device directly, throwing it on one side: "At the beginning, he learned to learn to kill the giant, and now I have a powerful sickness, these are completely unable to use."

The Sanjiao on the side did not take off, although she knew that Allen thought of the determination of the sickness, but she knew that this is not easy.

"Learning tolerance, first need Chakra."

The water is stunned for him slowly demonstrates the surgeon.

"As long as you have a fire property Chakra, you can use this trick."

"And the bloody limit of the rules, you have no way to learn."

Fire, Irun, when killing giants on Huangsha, so he is not particularly surprised.

"Blood session? What is this?"

Allen is curious about this.

"White, you will give them a try."

White nodded.

Square of the Spring Square: "White is a child who is back, he has a rare ice shield blood, so he can show rare ice shield."

After I saw the white print, his body was surrounded, and the countless ice cone was suspended in half of the air. In the sun, crystal clear, such a beautiful tuition, let Allen and Sancha Look at it.

"This is amazing -"

White hand waved, the ice cone turned into ice powder, dissipated in half.

"My ice shield blood is still not the most, this can only be physically attacked." White also learned to blew the business, he said: "The blood of the Yishabo family, known as the strongest whole of the endurance Blood is bounded, especially blood-term, can make mental attacks. "

"Spiritual attack?"

Allen was again surprised, in his world, and the battle with the giants was almost a meat, never had a spiritual attack.

"what is this?"

In the face of the curious baby's Allen, stop the water and laughed: "Then you look at my eyes, let me show you simple."

I only see the quick print of the water, and the three hook jade should be rotated quickly.

Allen and Sanyi instantly have a moving, I saw it in their eyes, and there was also a three-hook jade. In their consciousness, it was like dreaming, they immediately dropped on the boundless grass, where the sky is blue , Baiyun is a cute cat shape, surrounded by birds ...

Soon, they returned to the real world, surrounded by the inside of Yishabo.

"Heaven! This, this is a spiritual attack? It is amazing, I seem to have a beautiful dream."

Water is also commercial and blowing: "I am still not very powerful. At present, our most powerful eyes are Yuxi Pos, he is a kaleidoscope writes the eyes, his [month reading] one eye can let elite I can't come into the world. "

Chapter 129 Super Giant Battle I Love Luo Yi

Allen once again felt the power of a young man, indeed terrible, not a general person to be more than.

Sanyi is also silently sigh. If she also has this kind of tobach, the problem of He Yan can't solve it.

Shouye young, looked at Kakasi.

Kakasi originally didn't want to teach, after all, there is a giant of giants now, and it is a hard peace of mind.

But I heard that I have to teach people from all over the world, Kasi is interested.

The three generations of flying days and many wooden rows are coming to the Yishabo family. They carefully ask the foreign worlds from Allen, and what the giants are.

Allen has not retained, and the things he know will be said.

The three generations of flying, and the four-generation fire shadow wind gates were silent for a long time.

There is no doubt that this Allen and Sanjun are also traversers, but they are different from that kind of Uneche, they have a good idea for this world. On the contrary, there is the same thing as if God is, and there is a plenty of parents.

And a young master is the first secret to strengthen strength, and the wings are hard, that is, there is no reservation, shaking your identity.

Allen and Three are more like misunderstanding.

In contrast, the same traveler, obviously the little young master is more horrible.

In addition to the general species of the giant, there is also a large giant that destroys the wall.

The three generations of flying day and the four-generation fire shadow water gates were shocked.

60 meters high, this size is too scary, even more powerful than Yuxi, even if you know that everyone is not calm.

Four generations of wind shadows, with Huan Maji, which came to Woody Village overnight.

The four generations of fire shadow windmen and three generations of flying Japanese interviewed.

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