Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 148

The young man said that he was most worried about: "I can reveal you in advance, the other time and space will not only have a giant, but may have ..."

Just when everyone was tight, suddenly a cockroach cat appeared, and it didn't care about many shadows around, and he was directly for young people. "The master, the big thing is not good, in the woody Yue Zhibo, also Time and space cracks - "



The news that the Cat, which is coming, let all the shadows in the scene, including a young master standing immediately.

"How can this happen?"

I don't say young men, I don't say, I will return to the Yushui City of Woody Village in an instant.

Because of the cause of time and space cracks, the entire family is all out, everyone is afraid to watch the sky.

Allen! Three!

Water, Yuxi, Fu Yue, Sasuke, etc. All people are all armed, including the fast coming four generations of fire, three generations of flying day.


Quanmei worried and looked at the little grandfather just rushed back.

I don't say young men, I don't say that my hands are printed, and the kaleidoscope writes the wheel blinks. If the sky above the sky is scary. If it is a normal giant, if it is a few large giants, I can't imagine it.

Chapter 131 Conan is falling into the fire

Everyone is a nervous, the appearance of the giant is already full of fear of this spatial crack.

"What should I do if there is a giant?"

"It's so afraid, don't want to die ..."

"You can signed a contract before you can die, and let your grandfather reincarnate you."


The four generations of fire shadows, and the three generations of the sky, the face is extremely dignified, and the previous time and space cracks are in the border of the fire, and now, it is directly above the village, which is not possible to worry about it. .

Even the Yuxi Pubo, which has always game life, this is also frowning.


Everyone looked at the past in half of the air, then everyone was widened, and the scene in front of him was unbelievable.

The short spatial crack in the half-air came a huge mouth, but it was a child wearing a school uniform.

"Is it a giant change?"

Plute, the child fell on the ground, everyone is back, then looks nervous, do not dare to be close.

Only unfriend of young eyes, the child appeared was surprised.

He turned out to be: Detective Conan?

[System Task: Requires the Connone to learn super tolerance, and the giant battle, complete the task reward 2000 points, upgrade 2 stars.

The task appeared too much, and the young man reflected.

He asked the system. 'Do you have to come to Conan and Allen or Sancha soul? '

After all, he can be a role interchange system.

[The system is upgraded: the role interchange is just a first generation 1.0, and now it is 2.0 yuan big chaos system.


I got a young man. "Is this really good?"

[The role interchange function also exists, but it will not be a task, but the gold finger of the host, and 2.0 system, the role interchange is no longer restricted, all free.

"Is it so fierce?"

Shouye is shocked. "That is to say, I am now interchanged now, can you play free?"

[Yes, now is the era of the endurance, the new era, the new system.



Although the system improves, it is still very happy.

Big fights -

First, the giant, Allen and Sancha, followed by a large giant.

It has now appeared in Conan now.

Dare to imagine, what will this be look like the future.


Conan knead his head, a face, why will he fall from the sky? Also, how can there be so many people here?

The three generations of flying sunset were soothing, because the dark spatial cracks in the sky disappeared.

Four-generation rigid shadows found that there is no Chakra wave on Chatan, asking Allen and Sancha. "Is this person, is it from your world?"

The people of Yishabo family have also seen it.

Allen and Sancha were shook his head. "His painting wind is different, it should not be our world, and we have never seen it ..."

At this time, the waves of the waves were extremely headaches. He bitterly said: "Is it a different world?"



The expressions around people are also extremely complicated.

This is too fast, and the giant people who eat people come out, the tissue is still secretly not knowing what is planning, but now fell, even blew out a different world.

Yoshoyan stood up and stood up: "I am afraid that you guess it is right, this is called Conan, and it is also a young boy from the Koiri, he is from another time and space."

Connas occurred from everyone as a monkey as a monkey, this moment, some people have met him, he is extremely surprised, surprised, and hurry up in the past.

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