Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 162

It is very honest. "Yes, when I won't be a child, I hit you ... and then I was blocked by Uki, and we did that time I met."

"With soil -"

I couldn't believe it on the side.

With the land, continue to explain: "Because it is a wooden and fog hidden village to die, I have to let these two villages like to fight, feel the pain of the war."

Yuxi Bo sighed: "Everything that belts is all in Yeyuan Lin, his plan is not successful, and he has stopped, and he has also paid a price. This time, it is, he also calculates ... so I want to let He returned to the village of Mountain. "



Everyone is silent, because the information contained in the words this is a bit more.

"Do you tell me?"

I'm a young man's awareness of the land. "Let them come out to see it."

With the land to achieve the Qiwei, reverse the world's Yuxi Bao, Flying Section, Corner, Didara, Changmen, Penx Six Road, etc., all released, they all wear the tissue clothes, but now in addition to Pei Enwood, it is transfusion.

"Heaven! Is this a legendary ninja Yuxi?"

"These are all taught?"

The three generations of flying days were also shocked.

"The whole, the whole, is you annihilate?"

In the shocking of everyone, he nodded: "Almost, they want to be over, but they underestimate me."

I drop a mother! !

This Unecheck is too strong! !

The wave wind door was shocked for a long time, and then sighed: "So, are you coming over today?"

"No, I am very low."

The young master swayed: "I have always been to find me trouble, I am just right defense. Ok, everyone is scattered."



Everyone even left, it was shocked.

At this moment, in other four major hidden villages, noodles, water shadows, Lei Ying, Shadow, are shocked.

"Treating, including Yuxi Bousence is actually defeated by Uzhi Pub."

"And he caught the giant army, but also to build the road throughout the endurance."

"This whole, I'm already a posture of a young man."

Everyone is so sigh.

When he is a young man, he is a bite in Quanmei's face, talking about things with land.

"With the soil, you see that I also enhance the technology from the big snake pill, now I will let you and the wildlite."


At this time, Cardi came over.

Kakasi saw a young man, although many words wanted to talk to a young master, but currently, he would want to talk to soil.

"With the soil, I am sorry, I am very sorry ..."

"I have passed, I have forgave you." With the land of the road: "You and the Royal Hand Washing the red beans, I know, but I was special, I didn't come over."

"With soil, don't say this ... I ..."

Kaki is a complicated emotion.

Under the tuning of Carti in a young man, it is no longer wearing a mask all day, he is a true face.

"Okay, you have to be old, waiting for the old."

I don't worry about yourself: "I have to give my husband."

Said, and a young man is printed, and a pink coffin appears.

"this is?"

Carti is first shocked.

Although the soil knows, this moment is still unsatisfactory.


The young man is in a young man.

"This is the person I have now the highest technology, embarrassment and real people close to 80% skin, eyes, body, etc."

Dangdang! ! !

"Restore myself."

When the original Line opened his eyes, the land and Kaki were shocked directly. Although I know that the child's means is the sky, this kind of reflowing is turned into a blister that is close to 80% of the real people.

"Belt to the earth Carti ??"

Yeyuan Lin is also shocked. "Don't you die?" Take a young master immediately explained: "With the soil, see no, I didn't lie to you, the wilderness is the first time I opened my mind, and she did not have to have been doing hands with me. "

With the soil, he did not care, and now it is of course not to discuss this, and a pair of eyes with soil almost completely glanced at the wilderness. It is like the old man, that moment, like a sea.

Kakasi in the side is also crowded out.

" ... I ..."

There are still some tensions to bring soil.

I have anxious.

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