Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Leaf Level Role Interchange System Chapter 166

Yoshoye is bored to take out the lounge chair, lying down the sun.

"This task, although it is a receiving, but the system has no prompt time, hey, when is this?"

Fortunately, there is a network.

Because the roots in the original dram have been very developed, there are TV, air conditioners, what is the washing machine, but why is there no car, aircraft and entertainment industry?

Since these are the market gaps, including high-rise buildings, the second generation of the last generation of the first world is beginning to invest here.

Today he is already the largest real estate group, the largest entertainment industry empire, the largest car manufacturer, BMW, Mercedes, Ferrari, Rolls, Maserati what is his industry.

At the same time, many highways, helicopters, high-speed rails, etc., are also built with the local hidden villages and the country, and he has shares.

The wealth of young men is now unable to describe.

Oh is yes, he also monopolizes all oil, natural gas, and metal, rare earth mine, etc.

The biggest ship manufacturer is also his.

Three major communications, telecommunications, China Unicom, move, and his.

Oh, there is no way, and the young master did not lose face to the cross.

In the case of nearly 11 years, in addition to itself, foreign items are these achievements, but about weapons, nuclear bombs, and the parents do not study, and also promulgate, not allowing any national research, otherwise It turns into a refrigeration.

As a hide, he is a traveler, naturally understand the hot weapon is terrible.

Intercontinental missiles, nuclear bombs, even just a machine gun, the killing is also horrible.

The harm to civilians is also big, so, I don't have a pistol, or a traditional sword weapon.

The sterication school is more advanced, with physics and chemistry, divided into elementary school, middle school, high school and universities.

There is no war, the occupation of the Ninja is gradually becoming less, because there are many embossed rogue, so everyone is still very rich, dirty lives are not to do personally.

Students have more time to learn, don't have to participate in the battle without teens.

Of course, it can also support it as a side of Ninja.

After all, there is a giant strike, need to defense.

The quality of the tentative school has cultivated a lot of talents in these years.

Not only is a scientist, the ninja is the same, but now I don't say that I am a neutral, I can't bear it.

Just endure, like college students in the world before, it is a cabbage, everywhere.

Therefore, peace and education are still very important.

The parents hold the Diro Mountain big mobile phone, and of course, a young man is still the largest mobile phone manufacturer.

"The most recent lady is somewhat !!"

The young master is sigh, and those rich people are animals, because this is an anime world, some settings are the same as the law, such as there is no slag male, almost no wife.

Therefore, when the live industry is in the hands of a young man's hands, the good-looking little sister quickly fans over 10,000, and is sought after by many single men.

And the world of Tang did not love the money before the summons.

That world, after having money to play net red beauty, continue to play the next, and those beautiful women don't care, continue to play with the next rich.

When I finally wanted to get married, I found an old man at the same time.

And the world is different, this world is set is a young hot blood, so there will be a conspiracy here, but there is no men and women, and there is no marriage. Love the track small three whisks.

This is the world setting and cannot be changed.

Therefore, the final result is that the initial fires, the sisters, eventually found rich people, and got married.

After marriage, naturally will not be broadcast live, so young master is now almost hard to find the initial feelings.


This world is like this. It is a life that is a life.

Chapter 146 Huo Ying Tianshi

Although young master is emotion, he felt that this world setting is also very good.

The animation world, how much it should be a little innovative, and a life in a life, how good.

Although the beauty is eventually gone by the rich people, the world is not all like this.

At least here is ultimately to the ground for security.

In the real world, when I am in love, I am shocked, and the last divorce is the same, and finally, it is a realistic.

I didn't feel much emotion, he continued to watch, he had seen the familiar face.

It turned out to be a handcuff in sandy village. This girl is only ten this year. After all, it is a princess of Sandy Village, still very beautiful, and the figure is good. It seems that it is estimated to be the first live broadcast, very embarrassing, she sings live broadcast.

Sandy Village's rich single guys are crazy brush gifts, and the total number of gifts will be 10,000.

Hand cooked half, pay taxes, and the company takes half of the company, do not pay taxes.

Because there is no country, the country dares to meet the tax of young master.

However, pornyr adheres to the increasing money to make a huge money every year.

For example, poverty alleviation, such as open hill road, such as various benefits, etc.

, ..

After all, their marriage is a bit political diplomacy in the original drama.

But now ninja peace, cross-border love is not a big problem.

Like Tongli and Wenyuanlin, two crims are reincarnating around the world, and they also sent themselves from Kakasi and the friends of the young.

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