Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 168

"It may not work, in your world, Conan is missing for 6 days, but here, Conan is more than 6 years earlier than you."

6 years!

How long!

Connone that is always a long growing in the original drama, it is 6 years old, and now it is a teenager of teenagers.

Chapter 147 Xiaolan, I am a new one.

When Conan and Maor Lank met, both were stunned.

Especially Conan, his heart play is like a volcanic outbreak, how can there be such a thing, it is too surprised. Many years ago, a young master told him that let him wait patiently, it will come.

He patiently waited, even more than once, it went to the spatial crack of the giant to the endurance, but no matter how many things he did, he had no way to return to the original world.

He put his own place, all decocted into the original drama of the gross profit detective, just want to tell yourself, he did not forget.

However, when this is really arrogant today, what is surprising to him.

"Xiaolan !!"

Conan is a person who is not good at expressing his emotions, but at this moment, he will still rush directly to Xiaolan.

"Conan, Are you Conan?"

Xiaolan is also a shocking face, because Conan in front of you has grown up, really as a young man said, Connas came to this world for a whole for 6 years.

However, this moment of Corini smashed the glasses, Xiaolan was surprised again, she even reached out her mouth.

"Xiaolan, in fact, I am a new one."

OMG! ! !

Connone is a new one in Canada? !

At this moment, Xiaolan finally couldn't help but directly rushed to the arms of Conan.

Conan is also a tight of Xiaolan, and the feeling of happiness is intoxicated.

The Maori Xiaogiro, on the side has accepted the fact that he crossed him, because this world is really amazing, the combination of science and techniques.

"God! Good woman"

Mao Li Xiao Lang saw something, his eyes were straight, and immediately ran over, coughing. "Beauty, can I ask you to drink two cups? I don't think about it, my identity is the traveler, which is a mysterious charm."

One is directly in a book.

"What is among the trails? The giant throughout the year can take a few laps around the moon."

It turned out that Maori Xiaogiro just wanted to take a hand, the planner, the mature man didn't like it, Mao Li Xiaofeng was the first time I saw such a good woman, and it was difficult to help.

The result was .

The striker is not worth the money, in addition to the plenty of young, it is the popularity of Conan, the remaining crossover, even Allen and Sancha, can't afford it too much wave.

"Why do you do so heavy? What should I do if I kill him?"

The operator is worried.

The hand is also put on the hand on the hand, although the board is full of eyes, but there is no refusal, and I laughed and said: "I am afraid of what, I kill it directly, and Into."

Now this relief is almost everywhere, everyone is also accustomed to it.

"Hey! He is also ah!"

I also greeted myself.

It is also a laughter when I look at it. "The coming is also very good today."

Taking the pretext, I will call the adult, and I will not dare to be when I am in this time, I will call the name.

I also laughed: "But I still have to thank you, now so many years, the planner finally promised me to marry, I plan a low-key wedding, but the fastest, I will marry tomorrow, you can be come."

Already married?

This is a little surprised, although the relationship between the two people have always been a match, but now I can finally come together, make up for the regrets in the original drama, this is a little surprised.

"Congratulations, I will get tomorrow."

After that, the agency and the coming are to leave.

Conan and Xiaolan, almost have to kiss together, so they are not 18 years old, but also compare.

"Connone, congratulations on you."

The young man smiled: "Waiting for 6 years, people who have always been happy have finally let you give it."

Connone was still very excited. He took Xiaolan's hand and not let go.

"Thank you for your grandfather, if you are not you, I am afraid I can't stick to it."

The young man reached out and took his shoulders: "Don't say that you are very hard, these are what you should get."

Xiaolan came over: "Thank you for your grandfather, I just listened to the new Moi's new saying, I realized that you were so powerful. Because you, he can live in this world."

I smiled and said: "Don't say this, you can be together, I am very happy."

After all, Conan and Xiaolan in the original drama, simply with two parallel lines, as if there will never have intersection, and it is uncomfortable.

But now it is different, they can be truly together, or even marry to the agency.

At the evening, he went home, and Quanmei came out of the room in the room, and the room of a young man was privacy, but this endurance, Quanmei has a keen key.

That is, when the 16-year-old Spring is a birthday, the homogeny will give her the key of the room as a gift. Quan Mei is red, after all, the endurance is not a real world, there are a lot of giving births at the age of 16.

But when the night is just a sleep, I haven't done it.

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