Konoha God-level role swap system

Wooden Level Role Interchange System Chapter 171

There is a time and space crack, naturally take the first time to tell the young master.

Four generations of fire shadow windshields, and Kakasi, Meteki, with soil, wild wildlim is also coming over.

In the country of fire and the national border of the wind, it is covered by Huangsha, and there is an endless, and the towering city wall is rapidly covered.

The new cracks should be terrible than the giant cracks over there, but also on color, there is a certain energy, in short, individuals can feel it.

So the huge walls are rapidly built at the speed of the giant and the ninja.

This time, there is not only wooden village ninja, but also the Ninja of Sandy Village and other hidden villages, there is no shadowless, native, Lei Ying, wind shadow, water shadows and nig shadows.

Including Conan and Sakura, as well as Maori Xiaogiro.

Maori Xiaogiro is a famous film to others, especially a beautiful woman, but there are not many people pay attention to him.

Maori is ateen: "What is the new one, what is it? How to feel very horrible."

Conan replied: "Do you see those giants? They are not this world at the beginning, they are from that huge cracks. This time the spatial cracks are mostly this."

"Is there any horrible thing?"

Conan nodded, but then shook his head. "I don't know, I have to see the situation."

"Some young masters, let's take a look."

The shadow is still the old man, he guess: "This time the spatial crack is very unstead, most of them will be terrible."

"Don't happen !!"

Yoshoye just comforted! !


The black spatial crack begins to tear quickly, and the mouth is more huge, followed by a black monster that is more horrible than the super big giant, directly from there.


"what is that?"

The horrible death is started to ravage from the spatial crack, and then it is shrouded.

Too horrible, the monster seems to be horrible than the giant, countless ninja stands on the huge wall, and the eyes are shocked.


The monster made a horrible scream, then it opened his mouth and condensed a giant ball like a tail beast.

"What attack?"

"Hurry to stop -"

The five major shadings jointly, together with super tolerance, successful blocked, between the two sides, collision in half air, the following Huangsha rapidly forms a huge pit in the huge energy explosion.

Everyone doesn't know what the huge monster is called.

External master knows.

"That is the world of the world - big virtual !!"

Also called Ki Li'an, there is a huge round hole in front of their huge, and it has explained everything, indicating that they are engulfed from each other.

They have a huge body dark, but their faces wear a mask.

"This is Baki'an -"


It may be what a young man has opened anything, and the constant death world of Biqi An is coming to this Nutter World.


I don't know who is the order, immediately has a giant who has countless ninja and the born.

The war is touched.

Although today's tolerance is a peaceful country, everyone has not forgotten the battle.

However, this battle is different from the past, and the base is not dealt.

If it is not a powerful attack, it is difficult to kill.

However, when the battle enters white heat, the spatial crack is turned off again. A shocking scene once again appeared again, I saw a team of blades in white clothes, and there was an example.

The first thing is the blue dye, standing around him is the city's silver and Dongxian.

"where is this place?"

The city's silver is a blink, he is surprised: "Is it another world?"

Blue dyeing looks at the following people with different Ninja, which is completely different from his world: "It seems to be true."

"We originally planned to attack the body of the corpse, is it blue to dyeing you open space transfer error?"

Blue dyed over white eyes, said: "Do you think I will make this low-level mistake?"

"However, this world is very strong, not very friendly to us."

"Then there is necessary education to education."

"Show - I get news from their mouth, here is not our destination." Blue dye is to get collapse.

The broken side is directly attacked with big virtual base.

Chapter 150, Blue Dyeing Five Shadow

Although the dead ninja can be reincarnated, it is not that every ninja likes the embarrassment.

So, a young master planned, if it is tightly a big virtual base, it is also good to deal with it, although they are like a giant, and will also be red, the power is huge, but their intelligence is low, the action is slow, in now Unite, even no plenty of young men can take them.

However, there is still a ten blade, as well as blue dye, which is not good to deal with.

Just when I was in a young man, the accident suddenly appeared.


"Our invincible Uneerso hub is out!"

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