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12. Inn Lunch (7/24/2019)

When I woke up and looked outside, it was already past noon.

"I was asleep at some point... Were you more tired than you thought?

and a bit of a bitter laugh remembering what happened earlier when I was a clothes store. In a good man, the glow of his eyes when he was wearing all sorts of clothes to me, though? A lively look? sounded like a lot of fun but I, because it was something I wasn't used to......

I took a nap thinking about that, but I have to make some money to live. So after we have dinner, shall we take it for a simple request? So I headed to the dining room.

"Oh, Lena, maybe you're here for lunch?

"Yeah. Can you please?

"It's okay. So what do you eat?

That's what they said and I was looking at the menu, but I don't know what kind of dish that is after looking at the menu. Even if I do, all I know is that cooking with demonic meat. However, there was something in it called a featured menu.

"Lana, what do you mean by a featured menu?

"That means serving the dishes I thought I'd recommend today. I put that out as a great menu because there are good things to do depending on the day. Looking forward to seeing what happens instead? Besides, that menu is pretty good because it's offered in three flat copper coins, right?

I see, Lana's recommendation...... The rice we had last night was delicious too, so if you ask for it, it means it's gonna come out delicious, right? That's what I thought. I decided to ask for Lana's recommended menu.

"Well, give me Lana's recommended menu"

Saying so, Lana gave me a look like she remembered something.

"With that said, Lena, I'll explain it to you because this is the first time I've ordered it in this store, but when I eat dinner here, can I ask you to pay me first because it's an advance?


That's what I said, I gave Mr. Lana three copies of the copper coin.

"Just a moment."

That said, Mr. Lana disappeared into the back of the kitchen.

Then, after a while, Lana brought the food.

"This is the best menu of the day."

That's what came out, on some steak, was bread and soup.

"I'll have it."

That's what I said. I cut it with a knife to try a quick steak. Then I could cut it off lightly even though I didn't put so much effort into it. Surprised by its softness, he looked at the cross section of the meat and felt like lean meat with not much fat in it. Eat that meat thoroughly and it is very soft. Besides, the sauce on the steak adds to the meat delicacy and is very tasty. The soup is also very tasty with good stock. Such a delicious dish was quickly finished. The food in this store is really good. I may also have to thank Elena for introducing me to this inn with the thought......

After thanking Lana for the meal, I headed to the Adventurer Guild.

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