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169. Towards a Base 3

Lena, I'm going to go back to the base and check the village lightly, okay?

"I don't mind."

“Okay, just be careful, there might be remnants of the goblins.”


Then we went into the village.

Entering the village, we walked with attention to the remnants of the goblins, checking the location of each gate in sequence. There were a few battles along the way, but it wasn't that there was anything, it was just looking around lightly. However, it was not a big deal except where each gate was located, but the wreckage of the deceased adventurer was everywhere around the gate, and when Mr. Xeros took the guild card from the body of the adventurer, he gathered it in one place and lit a fire. Well, it was similar to the monster's aftertreatment. With that in mind, I was gathering monsters and burning them.

So when we finally got to the gate we were protecting, Mr. Zeros went down a slightly different road.

Afterwards, it was where Renodis and the others were tied up. However, they were not there. However, because there were so many Goblin remains and blood stained on the ground, did Mr. Xeros force them to fight? I thought so.

They had no choice, but they had a good fighting ability, so I think it would be a punishment for this problematic behavior for the time being... But the fact that there is no body here probably means that it has survived... I was thinking of that.

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