Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 9: 4 major attributes, 24 passive skills (1)

Zong Shen held his chin.

Keep thinking.

The two most important things before him now.

The first thing is to collect resources.

The second thing is to explore the surrounding environment.

The location of his territory is an open plain.

The grass is lush, even up to the knees in the lushest places.

In addition, there are sparse trees, shrubs, various stones and colorful minerals.

These are the "resources" that Zong Shen can collect.

But other than that, Zong Shen knew nothing about what products and dangers there were in the surrounding area.

Now the arrival of Colby has undoubtedly solved this problem very well.

He can serve as both a warrior and a scout exploring the road.

The speed of the giant wolf under his crotch reached 5.

It's 1 point faster than Zong Shen's old traveling horse.

At this time, the three silly farmers had retrieved their tools.

After seeing Zong Shen summoning the wolf cavalry, he worked even harder...

Zong Shen thought for a while.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and said to Colby.

"Colby, I will announce your first mission."

"Please explore the surrounding areas of the territory and report to me the nearby products, strange areas, and dangers."

"Be sure to return to the territory before dark."

Colby didn't say much after hearing this.

He just made a gesture of covering his chest with one fist towards Zong Shen.

"Your orders are my direction."

"Go ahead and look forward to your good news."

Zong Shen also paid tribute.

He found that the wolf cavalry had their own habits and beliefs, and they could not be treated as emotionless NPCs.

After Colby finished speaking, he rode the giant wolf and left the lord's courtyard.

Then the speed became faster and faster, and the giant wolf started running wildly on all fours, not much slower than an ordinary horse.

Zong Shen watched Colby leave.

At this time, Ergou and Goudan had also brought back the first batch of collected resources.

Two silly farmers, each carrying a small tree.

One person walked into the yard holding a big stone.

The moment you enter the yard.

Small trees and rocks were transformed into shrunken cubes, and then were sucked into the territory's storage box.

At the same time, two cues appear in the lower right corner of the visual field.

[Wood +2]


This batch of resources took half an hour to come and go.

"too slow…"

Zong Shen shook his head.

Seriously understaffed.

Now, he looked at almost every feature.

I have a general understanding of this wonderful world of lords.

Among the system functions, the only option that I haven’t checked yet is [Personal].

He thought about the attributes and fancy skills that each choice increased when he chose his origin, and decided to take a look.

By the way, add the attribute points that were not added.

After all, even if it can increase a little bit more strength, it would be good.

Judging from the situation of killing the wolf just now, his physical fitness has been strengthened.

At least in the past, it was impossible for him to carry a shield and a one-handed sword, wear leather armor and leather boots, and still walk as fast as he could.

With a thought, the system function appears.

Zong Shen opened the [Personal] option.

Two sub-options appear in front of you.

[Lord Information], [Passive Skills]

He opened the lord information first.

Immediately, his attributes were displayed on the light screen.

[Name: Zong Shen]

【Age: 21】

[Race: Earth/Humanity]

[Level: LV1]

[Experience value: 55/100]

[Health value: 165]

[Number of people under control: 4/38]

【Strength: 11】

[Each point adds 5 points of life, increases damage by 1%, and increases the strength of the lord. The following skills cannot exceed 1/3 of the strength attribute: Iron Bone, Power Attack, Power Throw, and Power Bow]

[Agility: 7]

[Each point increases weapon proficiency by 5 points, slightly increases movement speed, and increases the lord's reaction ability. The following skills cannot exceed 1/3 of the familiar agility: shield defense, running, weapon mastery, riding, mounted shooting, and plundering. 】

[Intelligence: 4]

[Each point of intelligence adds an additional 1 skill point. The following skills cannot exceed 1/3 of the intelligence attribute: coaching, tracking, tactics, guide, reconnaissance, etc.]

[Charm: 8]

[Each point increases the troop limit by 1 person. The following skills cannot exceed 1/3 of the charm: control, prisoner management, and trading]

[Remaining assignable attribute points: 4]

[Remaining assignable weapon proficiency: 10]

[Detailed attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Weapon Proficiency: (Click to expand)]

Zong Shen took a look and saw that the four basic attributes had improved a lot.

The effects of the major attributes were also within his expectations.

He didn't add some right away.

Instead, it returns to the previous level of options.

[Passive Skill] is turned on.

The light curtain refreshed again, filling his field of vision.

Zong Shen felt dazzled and could only check them one by one.

【Strength type】

①【Iron Bone: 1】

[Each point increases health by 10 points (personal skills)]

②【Strong Attack: 4】

[Each point increases combat damage by 8% (personal skill)]

③【Strong Throw: 0】

[Each point increases throwing damage by 10% (personal skill)]

④【Strong Bow: 0】

[The lord of the envoy can use a more powerful bow, each point increases the bow damage by 14%, and the maximum level does not exceed the level of the bow plus four (personal skills)]

When Zong Shen saw this, he knew what was going on.

There are four strength skills in total.

Mainly to increase the lord's combat ability and survivability.

Covering bonuses from melee weapons to various ranged weapons.

He silently memorized these power-type passive skills in his mind.

His eyes moved down, and then he checked.

[Agility type]

①【Weapon Mastery: 2】

[Let weapon proficiency increase faster and increase the upper limit of weapon proficiency. Each level increases the upper limit by 60 points (personal skills


②【Shield Defense: 0】

[Reduce shield damage (8% reduction per point), increase shield blocking speed, and coverage (personal skills)]

③【Running: 0】

[Increase running speed (personal skill)]

④【Riding skill: 2】

【You can ride better mounts, improve riding speed and maneuverability. (personal skills)】

⑤【Mounted Shooting: 0】

[Reduce the accuracy and damage loss of archery and throwing on the back of the mount (personal skills)]

⑥[Plunder: 0]

[Each point increases the amount of loot obtained by 10% (team skills)]

There are six agility-type passive skills in total, five of which are personal skills and one is a team skill.

It can enhance defense, weapon proficiency, movement speed, ride better mounts, and even engage in horse combat.

It is also a very important attribute.

Zong Shen was already a little dizzy when he saw this.

The setting of this world is too complex and rigorous.

Each attribute and each skill has a different role.

Zong Shen stretched his waist. After all, it was an attribute related to his own development. He could only rub his eyes and continue reading.

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